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Everything posted by fusion

  1. The one reason I might not get a Droid X. The eFuse chip is bullshit, defeats having a fricking open source OS on your phone. I haven't had the need to root my Droid though so I'm not sure I'd need to the Droid X either. At least it works as advertised so far.
  2. Wait I'm arguing over semantics and you weren't when you said they weren't SoC chips for some reason? So what exactly does the A4 bind that makes it so unique and special again? For what it's worth I'm talking about the TI OMAP not Snapdragon.
  3. OK fine, but SOC refers to having it on chip. That's PoP (or SiP) with SoC. You can't include SoC to include something not on chip, that's kind of the point. Therefore the others are as much SoC as the A4, from the processing components down to the memory controller... Now does it it have a clear advantage when it comes to the the memory bus over the Droid? Probably. I don't remember what the Droid was using for it's path.
  4. Wiki since I'm lazy and trying to get of here to start my vaca: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_A4
  5. Except no. Last I read the A4 doesn't have its RAM in the processor either, it's attached. Yes, yes you should have. Here we mostly agree I think. Most of the problem though is that the Android OS unfortunately sits a level higher than the iPhone's to allow for compatibility. IMHO I think this is what causes most of the lag. Apps and the UI cross an additional layer to do about anything. If they locked down to a single hardware platform and version the lag would be completely gone. FWIW my Dad has an Incredible and the lag is almost completely non-existent on it so I'm anxious to try out the X and Shadow.
  6. Yeah I kind of jumped int he middle with Motorola's offerings. Except it's not unique...
  7. Part of my point. Last I read both the Nexus One and the Droid are also using SOC architecture. Not a great article, but it was the first that popped up in Google that mentioned them using it: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-10442684-64.html Sorry was just being a bit of a smart ass. It's the Linux 2.6 kernel. Just how much more mature and capable does it have to be. I'd agree some of the UI's suck and with any platform some of the apps are poorly written, but the kernel its self is certainly mature and capable. On top of that let's not forget it's open...
  8. Of course you say this now. I'm sure you've figured out the core in the iPad, Iphone4, Droid are the same... Obviously Yup many other phones (including the Droid) are already running the same core as your soon to be precious iPhone 4 and Android's Linux kernel is still more capable and open.
  9. The literature points to it being clocked at 1GHz not 720MHz. The iPhone's processor could be twice as fast and it would still be a shitty phone. I'll add I do think it's cool they added the gyroscope to make a 6-axis.
  10. Droid X that is all. It has the OMAP3630 processor and hopefully this will be my next phone come July or August. The original iPhone sucked and it still does. About the only thing it had/has going for it is the incredible touch screen. That I'm certainly jealous of that but not jealous enough to buy one especially with the pseudo-multi tasking BS. Not too mention it means supporting Steve Jobs shitty censorship policies.
  11. I'm even more amused at the fact there's a Hustler store nearby that was unscathed "It sent goosebumps through my whole body because I am a believer," said Levi Walsh, 29. "Of all the things that could have been struck, I just think that that would be protected. ... It's something that's not supposed to happen, Jesus burning," he said. "I had to see it with my own eyes." "I can't believe Jesus was struck," said his brother, who noted the giant Hustler Hollywood sign for the adult store across the street was untouched. "It's the last thing I expected to happen."
  12. Bah I don't get back into town until just after 10 the night before. Maybe next time.
  13. If you want to go ATM and that's your thing that's fine but I don't think we need instructions.
  14. I use mine constantly. I also run CardioTrainer while running Pandora on my rides without issue.
  15. Wonder if that was me. The only people I saw making pases like that were helping at stops. Uncy P, me and occasionally Wrillo.
  16. It's not even a real sport. What do you expect from a girl's school game from England?
  17. Another show this weekend for anyone interested. http://www.oxfmma.com/ Title Fights Featherweight Title: David Sosa(Champion) vs Brian Smith Heavyweight Title: AJ Pearson vs Mike Sharpe Welterweight Title Elimination Series: Josh "The Mailman" Mushenski vs Jeb Bowser Tim McCavitt vs Jeremy Karshner Featured Fights Anthony Morgan vs Paul Schommer Matt Brown vs Brett Biggs Brandon Williams vs Darnell Hicks Rob Dejene vs Jon Merinar John Blackburn vs Daniel McGurie Kip Filburn vs Derek Riggle Joe Hall vs Johnny Camacho Luke Baker vs Will Goslin Tim Combs vs Matt Feathers Jesse Osborne vs Kenny Durbin Antonio Garcia vs Jesse Osborne
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