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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Can't believe all this in a thread about a guy who makes his money through entertainment.
  2. OBL is after us because of U.S. presence and policy in that part of the world. 9/11 had zero to do with Islam. Dumb farks in the U.S. media and politics gave them (OBL and Al Qaeda) the present of rabid Islamaphobia to use against us.
  3. and how many Christians want to take (have taken) over the U.S.?
  4. No you can't. the bigot definition is opinions AND prejudices, not 'opinions OR prejudices'. A prejudice is not just any judgement or opinion it's a very specific type. It's an ignorant, uneducated type of opinion or judgement. One that isn't founded on any kind of actual experience or knowledge of the subject being judged. Now you want to alter definitions to your liking. I am disappoint.
  5. Aww you guys and all your little fairy tales are cute.
  6. I wouldn't say vote for Independents, I would say vote the issues(stances, whatever,...). Voting Independent is as good as party line voting in a lot of cases.
  7. That's a whole lot of derp right there.
  8. Some photos from the local show I shot Friday night. You can find the rest here: http://www.jeremiblurton.com/Ohio-Xtreme-Fighting/Ohio-Xtreme-Fighting-18/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  9. Yeah you don't pay any real attention then. 'Tea partiers' are easily swayed Republicans looking to feel special and that are easily swayed combined with a dash of other crazy. As for Glenn Beck it's not that he doesn't care what side you're on, it's that he doesn't care about politics at all, "I could give a flying crap about the political process." He doesn't care about the positions and all he cares about the "tea partiers" is all the money they are making him.
  10. Except these people aren't coming out against a more and more intrusive government they are coming out against a Democrat President under the guise of being some unhappy grassroots campaign. There's a reason why these are a heavily Fox News supported, Glenn Beck rallying, Sarah Palin applauding people. They are the easily influenced of the Republican party made to feel like they are getting something new when it more of the same. A large majority of these people are certainly a party people and that's why it's so easy to get them riled up against the left. I agree it doesn't pay to vote party and out two party system sucks. I prefer issues. Teabaggers aren't independents though, they are primarily Republicans of a different color. If they were truly independents we would have seen this party rallying like this by late 2003. They are basically pissing on the history and meaning of this flag.
  11. huh? The Gadsden Flag and the snake symbolism are about multiple groups united against one common enemy. It stands for being united as one, so you better be wary of screwing with us sort of deal. Its history is tied directly to the government, country and military (Franklin, Hopkins, Gadsden,..) It's a country united as one. No idea what you mean by this.
  12. Used as ignorantly maybe. The Gadsden Flag (and the snake on it) was about unity, these Teabagger idiots use it while being divisive.
  13. fusion


    I think I have it at home, I'll watch that part again, but I think he was yelling "Hack the Planet" meaning to get it to those guys to broadcast. EDIT: Yeah he's yelling Hack the Planet, your thinking of what he's yelling before it: " DADE They're TRASHING our rights, man! They're TRASHING the flow of data! They're TRASHING! TRASHING! TRASHING! HACK THE PLANET! HACK THE PLANET! GILL Shut up and get in the car! CEREAL (understanding the hidden message) HACK THE PLANET! HACK THE PLANET!"
  14. Just curious, how fast were you going?
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