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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Nice try. The only one dancing around the points is you.
  2. I'm not sure what that means unless you think all Americans look a certain way. Are you sure you even know what diversity really means? Wait now he has braids? Errr so EVERYONE ALREADY has to show valid identification anyway or risk jail when pulled over? What is the point of this law then exactly? Why not take the identification process another level with federal guidelines that could result in jailing and deportation for being here illegally if that's what it ends up boiling down to? Who's my boy? Oh that's right. You're another one of those morons who assumes I'm a liberal or democrat because I don't agree with all of their views.
  3. Most countries aren't as diverse as ours. WTF does stopping someone who matches a description of a crime have to do with profiling? You realize they can't stop someone that matches a description based solely on skin color/ethnicity right? So according to your reading EVERYONE has to show one of those when "detained during the course of lawful contact of a lawful stop"? Or do they get to pick and chose who they question?
  4. Inserting two coins gets you Mrs PacMan.
  5. Tell me this, how does one 'appear to be here illegally'? The color of their skin? An accent? The way they dress? It's all or nothing. You either question everyone, equally, and every time in situations where appropriate or don't do it at all.
  6. They have a bunch of apps that support multi-touch now, but when I originally got my Droid that was the only thing I was really disappointed in.
  7. My brother is town. I was thinking about taking him and the kids shooting this weekend.
  8. I have. The problem is the original wording wasn't strict enough. They have since corrected the wording to be more in line with what I think is acceptable, but I would be hesitant to support a group that thought the way it was passed originally was in anyway helpful. It was like they were willing to scrape away a little at the constitution. Even their own law enforcement agencies expressed concern over the original wording. Now as long as they apply the new version of the law equally I have no problems, but I'm not holding my breath. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more fucking stupid.
  9. Accept for the glossing over of what the reference "God" means of course... It was a flat tax one anyone making over $800 and wasn't found unconstitutional. The income tax its self was never found unconstitutional. It was the type and apportionment of taxes that was in relation to income earned from personal property I believe. The 16th also affected apportionment. We weren't talking about socialist states. You said socialism never works. Guess what pure democracies never work and neither do pure capitalist economies.
  10. Who do you think pays for those services when the people who can't afford them show up in the ER?
  11. Right but that's one of their MAJOR reasons for keeping federal government small is the point. Anyone who says 'God' is a reference to anyone's god is being intellectually dishonest and saying "who cares" about atheists is disappointing. You can't have freedom of religion without freedom from religion. Federal income taxes came and went (a couple of times) before the 16th the first being implemented to support the Civil War at 3%. Federal taxes have ALWAYS been around. There's that fancy socialism term people like to throw around. I'm waiting for the next McCarthy... Saying socialism doesn't work is like saying a democracy doesn't work.
  12. I'm not a fan of the Arizona law, but I HATE illegal immigration. I think there is too much opportunity for it to be exercised in a manner that is unconstitutional. However I think every illegal should be deported and if you are breaking into our country and attempt to run from Border Patrol, military or police while doing it you should be stopped by any means necessary even if it means shooting and killing.
  13. I agree to a point. I'm willing to bet they never thought we would be this large or varied either. Most coming here originally were trying to escape largely church controlled states. Of course it seems there are those (particularly on the right) that seem to forget that also. Our founder's view of the world was quite different than ours today. Federal income taxes is a touchy area because there always have been taxes in some form and they have just adapted as new needs occurred. First certain type of businesses where taxed, then tariffs, then if I remember correctly the first federal income taxes where needed to support the Civil War and then back and forth a bit until we have what we have now. As the country grows the way it does business needs to adapt and there needs to be a balance. Health care I'm on the fence about. Any country that can't take care of its people in need is not a country worth living in. I don't like how it's being approached currently and I certainly hate the fact that this, like many other things, is merely used as a political tool by most in both parties making any attempt at something workable worthless.
  14. Even the writers realized the Constitution needed to live and breath to maintain balance for everyone in all of the United States. Some things need to be relegated to the states and others not. You're a smart guy, you don't honestly believe they think they had everything covered from the beginning. I bet there are things not covered you could come up with that should be handled at the Federal level.
  15. Because they realize things aren't as far off as people seem to think it is. Being in the middle you agree with both sides to a point and the middle watches it sway. It gets too out of hand and the middle will speak up. The middle realizes there are things that need fixed, but they aren't as out of hand as those on the ends think they are (or at least like to scream they are). You only think they are "taking it" because you sit out on an end where it looks way out of whack from your perspective. Sit in the middle and you realize it's not as bad as you think. Correction and balance take time and we are a young country. It is unfortunate however the number of people on the ends trying to ruin what a great place this can be.
  16. I agree. Though I think there a lot of people who say they are in the middle that actually push farther to a side then they think.
  17. Nothing is going to happen. Those making all the racket on both sides are a minority. The fact that you say, "I don't care if you're a liberal or a conservative." is telling enough. Believe it or not most are neither. Huge portions, a considerable number who don't vote, sit in the middle where things make sense. A big enough push from the ends of the spectrum though and you're going to find a huge population of those in the middle stomping the crap out of both of you.
  18. Rand Paul hates the disabled and black people.
  19. MVSG I think hass started or is going to start selling there. I had heard they pissed off a couple of shops they had partnerships with in the process. People seem to like it though. Vandalia has the nicest indoor range in the area. We shoot there, Target World and Sim Trainer. We were actually thinking about trying to go to MVSG sometime the next few days.
  20. No they are using the browser for Android on all of them as far as I know.
  21. Between that and the Android 2.2 announcements I'm beyond excited. Cool stuff.
  22. fusion


    I never said it doesn't. I was merely addressing your incorrect metabolism over 30 opinion. The body breaks down with age but not until much later. Bump that number up by 20 years or so and you'll be closer to correct.
  23. fusion


    Well the problem is that it's not an opinion question that you've formed an incorrect opinion on.
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