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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Good to hear it wasn't worse. I got a little worried when you got up to walk. Let us know if you need help with anything.
  2. I did 11 jumps AFF years and years ago before I just got too busy to finish. I don't see doing a tandem.
  3. I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
  4. Odd I didn't think anyone had a problem with it. I didn't see anyone that you would have been that close too to scare anyone. Glad you were running back and forth helping keep the group together.
  5. Glad he's pretty much OK. Could have been worse. That friggin' baby cracks me up.
  6. Was definitely great meeting everyone.
  7. With groups this large we are almost always running a bit behind.
  8. Walked out into the garage to check the bike and make sure it was good to go, saw it was still upright on it's stand so I'll see you all in the morning.
  9. What's being left sided about pointing out a Bill was submitted and passed by Republicans? I don't fall on the Left btw, I fall in the middle. If broken down I'm probably even slightly right leaning. I just prefer facts over BS.
  10. You realize the President signs acts passed by Congress right? You also looked at the voting included on that page and saw it was veto proof as well right? Did you also notice the act was sponsored by 3 Republicans and had huge Republican support in getting it passed?
  11. I use mostly Shell or Speedway and haven't ever had problems. I won't use a BP at all since we and a couple of people we know a while back had them refuse to except military ID as a valid form of ID at 2 stations.
  12. I like my guns, but ummm no. Jamaica has had huge economic and social problems that really took affect around the 60-70's and continue to today. Even when they are seeing any remote sign of positive economic growth it's only a few that really benefit from it. That is more likely the contributer to the their violent crime than gun control laws. Socially they are really messed up down there. The mob mentality thrives in some areas and around some issues particularly in some of the larger cities.
  13. It was repealed by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act in 1999. An act of Congress...might want to read the link...
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyq90LEZe4k
  15. Yeah I've found I enjoy it way more than I thought I would. We are using riding as part of our work out to get ready for this next year: http://toughmudder.com/
  16. Yeah they converted a bunch of old rail ways and what not into bike paths. We actually planned on using that as a 100 mile ride sometime before the end of the year.
  17. fusion

    Miss USA 2010

    She's hot what else is there to discuss?
  18. I get where you're coming from but you keep saying profiling then giving an example that isn't. I've never said I have a problem with having to show id when lawful contact is made.
  19. No dumb fuck, let me help you. Anyone looking Hispanic might be an illegal = profiling Pulled over, no driver's license and doesn't speak English != profiling Are you really too fucking stupid to understand the difference?
  20. It doesn't seem I'm the one with a reading comprehension problem. Let me know when the black guy with braids gets an even more accurate description.
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