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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion

    I love Arizona!

    Your papers please! Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
  2. fusion


    That's been shown not to be true at all. Your metabolism isn't slowing because of age, it's slowing because you are just doing less. People tend to become less active as they get older and the lack of activity is slowing your metabolism not age its self.
  3. Whoa. Glad to hear they are all OK man.
  4. fusion


    First, sometimes when you feel hungry you are really thirsty. Your body may be craving water and not able to communicate it well sometimes. If you're in between meals/snacks or your snack meal isn't killing the hunger feelings, drink water. Second, put down the donuts.
  5. It reads like a high school paper that hasn't even been run through spell check.
  6. http://www.snopes.com/rumors/photos/martyr.asp
  7. Centerville is a ritzy town? Yeah it's all bright lights and movie stars. Those cops are pretty cool for the most part when they aren't being snobby and trying to drink their lattes while eating their breakfast croissants.
  8. Yeah I know but now I'll forget to fill up.
  9. I was thinking about the folks riding down from up north.
  10. So we meet there and then stop at the gas station anyway so people can fuel up after riding down?
  11. I rode to our new office location for the first time last week and thought I was going to die. I hate Ohio drivers.
  12. I've seen video a while back with Police ST1300's and Goldwings. I'll have to try and find it tonight. Wasn't there an article or news story about Harley donating Police bikes just last year on here?
  13. Looks like this is going to be big. Can't wait to see everyone again and meet some new peeps.
  14. You know I'd probably be there anyway , but the last time I saw Joe was when we were at Putnam the year before last.
  15. I put my last RR down with Woodcraft sliders and they work really well.
  16. Awesome! I was just looking for his number the other day. I'm definitely making it if Joe is going.
  17. With no one submitting a single shot for April (I'm guilty as well) we'll just open it up a bit. Our May challenge is: Whatever you want. That's right whatever you want. On June 1st voting will being from your fellow Photography community members. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to post them up or shoot me a PM. Now for the challenge rules. This is a first shot at the rules so we'll remain a bit flexible. I'm sure we'll work this out as we go. - You must be the photographer. - The photo must be shot during the month of the challenge - Each photographer gets 1 submission a week during the challenge. - Photo must be embedded/attached directly into your post. - Keep file sizes/photo dimensions reasonable. You can link to a larger with the smaller embedded if you wish - No comments that can be considered bashing. - No explicit shots. Racy is OK, but no porn. - All skill levels welcome. - Get out and shoot!
  18. Exactly. The charge is a stretch to try and scare the rider from making a stink about the dickhead pulling his weapon.
  19. Quit surfing for midget and small animal porn and it wouldn't be a problem to begin with.
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