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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Very cool. Just submitting the photo in thread like you did is perfect.
  2. So to play devil's advocate. 567,327 out of the 22,000,000 US Facebooks users of voting age? So if that is a valid measure then you are saying the people really wanted it and that sample merely indicates only 2.5 percent of US Facebook users don't want it.
  3. Geico covered my track day wreck.
  4. And allegedly it was a young girl at that. Sick just sick...allegedly.
  5. I was being sarcastic. You find the info at thomas.loc.gov which is where the official online copies are made available through the Library of Congress.
  6. Did I say the democrats never do it? No I didn't. They do, but not to the extent Republicans do.
  7. Because links to the bill(s) its self hasn't been posted since day one and no one in this thread has posted links to sites describing what's in the bill. The black thing I don't get. Sure there might be a few opposed to him because of the color of his skin, but I think it's very few. The Republicans however have opposed just to oppose the opposite party straight down party lines, but that is typical SOP for them.
  8. I thought there was an other, I don't remember. The Constitution Party though is basically a cover for a group that would love to institute a theocracy.
  9. Holy shiat! I just ran home on lunch and when I walked in I found Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself forcing my wife to have her third abortion today, Joe "Momma" Biden informed me our parents on both sides have just been death paneled and Nancy "WTF" Pelosi was forcing our dogs to gay marry! EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!11!1
  10. I think I agree and not everything would be black and white. There would have to be careful legislation around some emergency services where loss of life or limb is immediate.
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