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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I want to try to. You going?

  2. Good to see you back on man. Let me know when you want to go ride.

  3. Alright here's my photo, but there's nothing artistic or photographically great about it. I was doing some straightening up and found the knee pucks from when I wrecked my bike at the track at the end of 2008. Just took a quick shot...
  4. What do Republicans have with young male genitals anyway? Creepy...
  5. I get confused by where in the process some of this crap is, but the Senate has already approved the bill that was signed and the House was voting to approve their changes if I remember correctly. The president doesn't get to sign it until it has approval from both, so I think that's how we got where we are.
  6. There isn't a lack of respect for the process if the other team isn't participating. It's not like they didn't get the votes they need. He saved time by issuing an executive order instead of sending the whole thing back for a single change, wasting more time and money with the same crap that has been occurring on both sides for the past year. Hopefully with this initial bill passing (whether or not I don't like it) we can give some other items greater visibility. We have things like the economy, the mid-east conflicts and now potential escalation between North and South Korea (if the source of the explosion is confirmed) to deal with.
  7. I selected no purely on the basis of the mandate. Nothing else in the bill matters to me when they go and do something like that.
  8. So you're complaint is that he is willing to compromise with others to accomplish a goal. Everyone knew he was signing the Executive Order restricting the use of Federal funds for elective abortions before the vote. He isn't selling the Bill as much as he's challenging the Republicans on their continued culture of no, telling them to go for it when comes to claims of trying to repeal the bill. I'm not a fan of the bill but give me a fuggin' break.
  9. Guys I've talked to say the PC version is still buggier than it should be.
  10. That makes no sense. This is one of the items that Obama campaigned on and got elected on. I wasn't aware he has been stumping on it after signing it into law. If anything there are plenty of people that voted for him and the current House/Congress that are unhappy not because a Healthcare bill passed but that this one didn't go far enough. That mostly had to do with trying to compromise with the GOP side of the house. Just because a group yells loudly doesn't mean they are the majority.
  11. I pooped a little after a few people didn't get the MW2 reference.
  12. That's a lot screens. How often do you calibrate them?
  13. You can kind of see my temporary setup here in one of my 365 Project shots. The one on the right is temporary until I replace it with 2 more 22 inch. I'd really like a couple of LaCie screen though.
  14. fusion


    Low Self-esteem Rider
  15. Yup keep changing my mind. You think I'm one of them dirty liberals too doncha?
  16. The fact you think there are handouts involved like it's some sort of welfare program is what gives you away. No one said or thinks you aren't intelligent, I just said you don't know what's in the bill. Feel free to keep posting crap like that though and you may change my mind. I like the way you (and a bunch of others here) like to stereotype or pigeon hole someone onto some category without bothering to read what's being said amuses me. BTW I voted no in this poll. I bet that just boggles your mind.
  17. First I'm not a smoker anymore. Second, if I was I wouldn't smoke something as shitty as Newports and lastly I never claimed I've read the entire thing.
  18. Guess how we know you don't know what's in the bill?
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