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Everything posted by fusion

  1. That view is decent. I've also run mine on the front just below the windshield and on the side fairings.
  2. I thought about starting a thread like this on my way home this afternoon. For me it's the smells, kids waving excitedly from their cars and the dogs barking.
  3. will it make you feel any better to know that I'm considering a 600rr for the track?
  4. That I want to get another bike for the sole purpose of wrecking at the track? Not sure that's bragging material right there.
  5. Sad part is that on the way in I was wondering if I could find another 08 for cheap I could turn into a track bike.
  6. I honestly didn't see that coming.
  7. fusion


    Here's a really crappy pic of the gear I haul around with me most of the time.
  8. fusion

    C & c

    That's pretty good comp for the distance. These things are difficult when shooting wildlife but the only thing I would try avoid are distractions like the stick coming out the top of the birds head. I would be tempted to clone that out.
  9. I have my wife sit with me when I start doing any PP to her photos.
  10. Went and got the bike at lunch! woohoo!
  11. For 20 minutes none the less. Give me a break.
  12. I made it but didn't get the bike out. Will today though. I was joking, there are a bunch of us in the area that ride and we have had a few rides that were decent sized. Last year was a weird one. The larger the groups get the harder it is to keep them together.
  13. fusion

    Wright Wriders

    Maybe we should get a decent group of us ORDN'rs to go to one of these things.
  14. +1 I meant to go this morning but was running late. I bet it's going to be packed this afternoon.
  15. Yeah I love when the shorts first start coming out and then shortly after i see more than a few that make me long for winter again.
  16. That would be awesome. The show is usually pretty great. $25-30 I believe. Looks like you figured it out. What's his name? I'm familiar with a large number of fighters from Cinci/Dayton.
  17. We have another Ohio Xtreme Fighting show coming up on March 20th. You can shoot me a PM for ticket info or go to oxfmma.com.
  18. Sorry I had internet problems all weekend. The next fights are March 20th. You going?
  19. The Dayton crew has never gotten together for rides. They're all anti-social d-bags.
  20. Actually 1.4% is close to current inflation and the past 11 years they have been working to make up for the pay gap between the military and their civilian counterparts. They are not there yet but it's way better than 10-15-20 years ago. Besides that the proposed is almost always considerably lower than what actually goes through. Having said that the pay increase is sure to be higher than inflation this time around.
  21. I hated when people got over excited about these proposals when my wife and I were in and now it's worse with all the stupid over-reaction spam crap.
  22. That is exactly the first thing I thought of.
  23. fusion

    Wright Wriders

    Don't know anyone that has gone or goes to these.
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