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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Was that one guy on the side just doing the Carlton dance from Fresh Prince?
  2. Why do medics get their own team?
  3. Yeah. Cross-country skiing can be a bitch though. Without a doubt.
  4. They really should have had a second thought about the giant dildos.
  5. Wow the First Nations people are going to be tired...
  6. I was just thinking they need to have a no cam rule for the people walking in. Looks ridiculous. On another note the Australian and Brazilian flag bearers/snowboarders are hot.
  7. Watched it on NBC also. Crazy.
  8. Wrecked my last one and bought another. Old pic from right after I got it:
  9. +1 Firefox started to suck a while ago.
  10. Looks like I've found a new suit for my next track day.
  11. Beat me to it. This was the same example I was going to use. That forum is very active and it performs fine.
  12. Any looking for work (or know anyone) in the area that has "skills in J2EE and/or .net and/or Web Services Security development"? We have a project that needs to fill a slot(s) here in Dayton. I don't have all the details yet my self, but if you or someone you know is interested please shoot me a PM.
  13. Yeah but Reps were saying if you say anything at all against the president you were unpatriotic and treasonous. What I read (quickly) in that article (about terrorism) was a theme of doing or saying things that attempted to incite unfounded fear or that was purely for politically reasons (again things surrounding terrorism) hurt us in our "war" against terror and benefited terrorists (their mindset?) to a point.
  14. I must have missed it since I did read it quickly. I'm not sure how you got that out of that article.
  15. It does pretty decent for what it is. The GoPro has mounts, is water proof, is more durable... The HD adds well HD, takes even higher res stills, 4 hour rechargeable... Sure it's a good, cheap alternative, but an "excellent" one?
  16. I don't know if I'd call it an excellent GoPro alternative. It's a cheap option for someone who doesn't want/need to invest in something better.
  17. Nearly every school down this way is closed. Just over 2" in Centerville (South Dayton) and 675 was slow but not horrible this morning. Very few roads are clear.
  18. Holy shiat! Is she wearing a KIA/MIA/POW bracelet but with her son's name on it?
  19. What's worse is she had to write down 4, FOUR!, items that she somehow couldn't remember. What makes it even funnier is her changing budget cuts to tax cuts.
  20. Beat me too it... imaginary rep for you.
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