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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I'm getting server side messages about auto_tagger.php failing I think it was.
  2. That's what I was going to say before the site started pooping on me. We still have opposing sides, but they aren't nearly as radical. There's no way we're going to be able to support a dying generation twice the size of our either.
  3. Come on if you don't let people use their daily talking points (from either side) you know you're not going to get many useful responses.
  4. Oh boy I'm excited for the rational discussion backed by citations that this thread will bring. No way will there be baseless statements made without any supporting information and surely none of them will be subject to your typical fallacies. *looks up* Guess it's too late. Oh well then, FLAME ON!
  5. I would love to get out, but my son has a Jazz Band concert this morning and then I have fights to shoot this afternoon/evening. It looks like it's going to be great out.
  6. You're right. Allegedly in 1990 Glenn Beck raped AND MURDERED a young girl.
  7. fusion


    Ah cool stuff. I would love to try something like that.
  8. to the board! --- let the commence!
  9. I've got maybe 200 miles in so far this season, but most of that is commuting and running around.
  10. I don't care how long you've been riding if you haven't taken the MSF it's still worth it.
  11. +2 What time are you guys going? I might be able to break away for at least part of a ride.
  12. It already has the second highest population of Mormons in the country, it doesn't need to be worse. It's a state I once called home and would hate to see it ruined even more.
  13. That's how I start nearly every Highrise match.
  14. That's pretty much it. After you learn the maps with which ever game (team death match, domination, ...) you can pretty much predict the flow of most games.
  15. Leveling in COD:MW2 is cake once you get used to it. I'm never the best guy in match and I can still rack up points pretty easy.
  16. Congrats man! ..but yeah you're probably right. The photographer looks like he's pretty decent though, he just needs to get rid of that Pentax he's shooting with.
  17. No that's "powder coating" he said "POWDER COATING." The caps indicate a state of hyperactivity often brought on by a sugar rush, therefor powder sugar on a donut was the correct answer.
  18. Yeah that episode cracked me up.
  19. I'm on pretty randomly, but will probably play throughout the weekend.
  20. I'm Xavandxan, before someone can ask again it's based on my kids' names.
  21. I've ridden with it on the front and side for a few hours at a variety of speeds, but it still makes me nervous where ever I put it. I'm sure it wold hold but I've been thinking about putting a safety strap of some kind on it.
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