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Everything posted by fusion

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8FnACj25xM
  2. Yes, because Verizon doesn't have a lot of wireless users.
  3. Like with the Droid? Of course the screen is a bit small.
  4. From what I can tell there's no camera built in and I haven't seen mention yet of multitasking. Meh.
  5. WiFi only - 16GB $499, 32GB $599, 64GB $699 WiFi only + 3G - 16GB $629, 32GB $729, 64GB $829
  6. Some here just said the same thing, but isn't that on higher end models?
  7. By surprise? Not sure I indicated it caught us by surprise. I'm sure the fan boys will love this, but why it even needed an announcement for being nothing but a big, goofy IPod Touch that is "what everyone has said it would be for the past two years or so" is beyond a number of us. Honestly I was hoping it would be a bit larger by a couple of inches with a faster processor. iPad sounds like a merger between Kotex and Apple, kind of fitting. Wonder if they have settled the trademark dispute with Fujitsu over the name.
  8. It looks like a giant, goofy looking IPod Touch. My coworkers and I were all basically like "Is that it?"
  9. The first time he looks at it it's like he decides it's not leaking enough to worry about. He then looks a couple more times and is like '*sigh* I guess I gotta go.'
  10. that was the part that weirded me out a little.
  11. You think any monkey with a stick can manage an enterprise portal? Maybe the little thing you guys use, but there are real skills needed for larger implementations.
  12. Exactly the boarders have to be better protected AND illegals need to be punished and deported. If you are trying to cross the border and don't obey commands from border patrol you deserve to get shot, not chased down and apprehended
  13. Nothing more than a portal site?
  14. Depends on the frequency of the updates and who manages content.
  15. Red is the color of passion my friend. Those are push pins of love.
  16. http://www.injusticeeverywhere.com/?page_id=1588
  17. fusion

    Oh shit....

    I just looked here: http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/files/Publications/Publications-for-Law-Enforcement/Concealed-Carry-Publications/2009-Concealed-Carry-Laws-Booklet.aspx
  18. fusion

    Oh shit....

    I lurk there often. There's some decent discussion occasionally. Haven't found the need to create an account though yet.
  19. Yeah it is. I've been looking at getting a shotgun too.
  20. fusion


    Been to the one in Boise, Idaho and it's pretty insane. Wish we had one closer to us.
  21. Put me in the, 'I bet this lady was laying on the horn...' camp.
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