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Everything posted by 31rx7

  1. Only six openings left for the Driver's School.
  2. Event this Sunday at OSU Ackerman. Driver's School in the morning. If you are lucky, you will get AJ as an Instructor. If you aren't, you'll get bmwohio. If you want to learn how to make a POS go fast, you'll get me. Points Event in the afternoon.
  3. First of all, it is "God's Chariot". Plus, it's "Cagey Veteran". Note the punctuation and capitals. And get it right next time. Secondly, I prefer the moniker "Uncle Rich" as part of my job as "Cagey Veteran" is to teach you youngsters a lesson now and then. Next, the first half of the course was all RWD / AWD high HP stuff. You were probably in your braking zone while I was still pedaling through the slalom. The turns in the second half favored the smaller cars to an extent, but Civics and Miata's suffer due to no torque coming out of the slow turns. OTOH, it was an ideal course for the torquey mid-weight, RWD and AWD cars like Subaru STI's and BMW's They had advantage in the fast sections and the slow sections. (Actually, I thought it was one of the more enjoyable and challenging courses we've had at Ackerman.) My best was 42.6 and I was pretty happy with it. I think I could have caught Kale (BMWOHIO) with his 42.1 but it would have been a damn near perfect run. REMINDER: Next event is on May 20 at the same site, and is a Driver's School and Points Event. Driver's School in the morning, and Points Event in the afternoon.
  4. I will be there in God's Chariot. Look me up if you are a CR member. Rich 1991 Civic, White, SMST #92
  5. I have one. A Sherwood R-100. $25. Hilliard.
  6. I should be there on May 6th and May 20th in God's Chariot.
  7. AC unit is not particularly noisy. Similar to a window mounted AC.
  8. A few items. 10% off of CL prices for CR members. SOLD Craftsman 3 HP 20 gallon air compressor. Model 919.176730. I got this in a trade. Works fine. Don't know its history. $100 on CL; $90 for CR. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/Compressor1.jpg SOLD Motorcycle jack / stand. New, never used. $85 new at Iron Pony. $50 on CL, $45 for CR. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/MCJack1.jpg Amana 12,000 BTU portable AC unit. Model AP125HD. Works great. $200 on CL, $180 for CR. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/AirConditioner2.jpg Might take trades up / down for tools, guitars, '70's vintage audio equipment. Rich
  9. 31rx7


    Lincoln Town Car. Black.
  10. 31rx7


    Sorry - have not received PM's to schedule time or received voicemails. Mobile number is sixty 14 5 sixty 1 3 four 12. I can also be reached at rgrunenwald at columbus dot rr dot com Available all day today - no real plans. Rich
  11. Most of the time when I head to the junkyard it is to buy smaller parts that have broken on one of the many 15+ year old, 200K+ mile vehicles in our home fleet. For 90% of the trips, I have a very cheap, made in China set that includes 3/8" and 1/4" drive metric and SAE sockets, a two crescent wrenches, needle nose pliers, regular pliers, wire cutters, knife, and a combination screwdriver and metric and standard combination and hex head wrenches. Probably has a few other things. It came with its own fitted carrying case. It was a $25 set ("Apollo" brand), and even though it was an el-cheapo set, it has worked well. Of course with cheap tools, you have to be somewhat gentle with them. You can't just put brute force on the sockets and such as they will break. I also keep a can of WD40 with this set. Comes in handy... Surprisingly, this has worked out really well. I rarely am without a tool I need. The best thing is that since it is in its own case, it is easy to carry as I move around the yard. If I know I am going to be going after some heavier parts, I will also pack a few other things. But, with the set I have I just keep it in the truck all the time. If I were to do it again and didn't want to spend a ton of money, I would look for a set of better quality, maybe what they sell at some of the auto parts stores.
  12. I use the Northend Wrench where Sean works for all my street and race cars. Not cheap, but by far the best and most consistent work I have ever had. Plus, they just got a new pimpy machine that is really sweet.
  13. 31rx7


    Admittedly I need to research this more, but my understanding is that it is considered a charitable donation and if done in a certain manner, you can claim market value for the deduction amount. This reduces your taxes at whatever incremental tax rate you are at. Hoever, there are considerations for doing this, and that's what I need to research.
  14. 31rx7


    Looking at donating to Goodwill or VOA. Make me an offer.
  15. If you are in business to business sales or have a need to maintain a network of professionals, LinkedIn is invaluable. http://www.linkedin.com/in/richgrunenwald IT Consulting and Staffing. Mention CR if you send an invitation to connect.
  16. Wow. I would hate to see what he might do with a hammer.
  17. You are always welcome to run my car assuming my wife or son are not co-driving. Let me know when you get the itch (no, not THAT itch). Of course, should there ended up being a photo of you driving my rice-mobile, you would never hear the end of it! http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/1989%20Civic%20Si%20-%20Autocrosser/CivicInDixie.jpg
  18. Craig wasn't that bad of an instructor. Frankly, I was not much of a student. Slow learner, I am. The best driver I've seen from this forum is AJ. We will be happy to coach those who have no pretenses about being the next Senna. Driver's school scheduled for May 26 - be sure to attend. I am in the white EF Civic, #92. Look me up. Rich
  19. 31rx7


    Over a year and a half.
  20. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100167 I am eager to move this - come out and look at it, and make me an offer.
  21. 31rx7


    PM's responded to. Regarding other trades, stuff I am into includes: - Vintage high end stereo equipment (tube or transistor; Marantz, Pioneer, MacIntosh, Crown, Phase Linear, etc.) - Higher end acoustic guitars - 1988 - 1991 Civic / CRX - ??? -
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