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grease monkey

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Everything posted by grease monkey

  1. did you blow it up again?? you retard I'll call around and see what I can dig up for ya....
  2. I'll take it if you can wait till I get paid again, It will occur on on friday feb 2nd.... lemme know man
  3. anyone know if they are still around, I had some work done there, and need some more at this point, but was unable to contact them. so I'm wondering if they are still around....
  4. dude, just get her really really drunk, then have someone hold her down, use some vice grips and yank the fuckers out. Is it really that big of a deal?? :) In all seriousness, every dentist I've ever met always thinks all wisdom teeth need to come out. I feel that unless they are bothering her, just leave em alone. I still have all mine, and the last time I saw my dentist he said if I needed to have my jaw cut, and a piece of it removed to make my under bite go away. I laughed in his face. It doesnt hurt me, and I deffinately am not affected as far as eating. Unless its really a problem, I say just leave it alone. P.S. I'll hold her down for ya if ya want.... :)
  5. As far as I know it was only the automatic trans that had issues. As long as you stick with a manual tranny, that should be fine. The Cummins Engine is a beast. It will fucking run circles around chevy, and ford. It's damn near bullet proof. Ask berto, he's an engineer for them. Also the cummins will run FOREVER. End of story. Diesel for the win. I wanted one before I got my nissan, but the nissan was new, and about the same money as the used cummins truck. I love my nissan, but will own a cummins truck in the future.
  6. working on cars for a living sucks. It's fun on the side, or helping a buddy out or whatever, but doing it every day is really really a fucking a drag. But hey, people told me this before I started as well, but I had to find out for my self. Now I know, and I got out of it. I sell parts now and much much much happier, not to mention the amount of money I make is more than I ever made as a tech, as well not having any tool payments to make, plus I have a benefits package that really is a benefit.... Wow, Life is auctually starting to look up for me....
  7. qquotec fort the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lo9l!!!!!!!
  8. thisv thread is for aoll of us that th9igko 2007 is gonna suck just as much as the rest of lifde. yes i'm hammered, dont lewt6 that make a difference, alachol just makes vli9fes dissappoinrs easier to handle.
  9. Fuclo 2007 I think It's gonna be jucst as shitty as 2006, yes I'm drunk, fuck it all, nonthing tyoiu do matters, nothing you do makes a difference, its all byllp shit. Welcome to 20007. Have a ggood year you fuicing you ass holes.
  10. Motorcycles for the win!!!! As fast or faster than any car for a fraction of the price tag. 2 wheels will always WIN!!!!!! espically if the money invested in each vehicle is equal. Power to weight ratio, bikes win. Thats all I'm gonna say.....
  11. Quoted for the TRUTH!!! I've driven several S2000's, and each and every time I was less than impressed. High reving is cool, but there is absolutely no torque. Hell, my slow ass 4x4 truck is faster though the 330' than that "sports car", I know cause I've beaten several of them. In the quarter or the eighth they are quicker. Due to the fact that honda has gotten about every pony they could outta the engine the modabaility is lacking. And forced induction is iffy due to the relatatively high compression ratio. Thats just my .02. Hope it was helpful.
  12. it looks really hunched over, it may be fun to ride for like 5 min, but after like 10 or 15 it would probally start to hurt. they need to make a bike that has a TON of power in a form that is perciveable for day to day street driving, and beating the shit out of the occasinonal egotistic firebird........
  13. the man hanged himself on the school playground if I remember correctly.....
  14. sweetie, I was also really good at it, I just fucking hated working on cars that werent worth the fucking repair being put in to it. It's just retarded. I'm glad that rob likes what he does and is making money at it. I on the other hand never made enough money to justify the headache, and the expense of the tools. Though I was exceptionally good at it, I'm also a realist, when the shop is charging 85+ an hour and I'm seeing like 25 or less, thats pretty fucked up, on top of the "slow time" when theres nothing coming in, and it's not my fucking fault. Fuck it, Dude, YOU SERIOUSLY DO NOT WANT TO WORK ON FUCKING CARS AS A LIVING. PM me for details if you're really intresed in throwing away life like so many other mechaincs. I'll tell ya how it REALLY IS and if you still want to do it, then so be it.
  15. you know that beer is good for you, beer is good for you, yes it's true, beer is good for you!!!!
  16. mustangs suck and all belon in in the junkyard where you got your engine from. That is all. Period. ford FTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. harboy freight is about the best price that you will find [
  18. as a mechanic, YOU DON"T WANT TO WORK ON CARS FOR A LIVING. You will never make the money they promised you in college, and no matter how much you like to work on your own car, doing it to other peoples cars all the time REALLY SUCKS. Plus tools are fucking retardly expensive. Craftsman tools are good for the weekend warrior but the pro needs professional quality tools, and snap-on, mac, and matco all know this and charge a fucking premium because of it. working on cars is about the shittiest job i can think of, I really don't can't think of any other job that FUCKS you as much as being a mechanic. This is my honest opinion, and I REALLY advise against becoming a professional mechainc. Plus, the majority of people will look at you like you are a scam artist when you tell them what you do for a living....
  19. grease monkey


    I fucking hate geese, KILL THEM ALL. they are nothing more than rats with wings that fuck up all the good fish ponds with their nasty amounts of shit and their stupidity crossing the road.
  20. I have always used sprint, and probally always will, Never had any dropped calls or any bullshit at all. I am using a sanyo mm7400 phone, and those are known to have some problems, but mine works well. good luck getting your shit taken care of
  21. Theres stupid people everywhere and of every "race" that think they are better than everyone else because of thier skin color or nationality. No matter what anyone says or does the race issue will always exist, it always has and always will. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. I don't understand why people continue to fight, or bitch about it. Just accept it as a part of ALL societys and move on. It's been around since the beginning of time and will be around until the end of time. End of story. I try to give everyone a fair chance, when I meet you in person then I classify you to where I feel you belong in consistence with my belifs and views. I have met black people I do not like, and I have met white people I do not like. I have also met black people that I like, as well as I have met white people that I like. Theres good and bad to everything, unfortuneately some some of the bad will fuck it all up for the good. Thats my .02
  22. Are you sure you know what a tree even looks like??
  23. Honestly, like you're not constantly tuning a fuckning a carb, at least with FI you don't have to fuck anything under the hood, just a laptop and and a cable, and you're tuning
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