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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. DTM Brian


    Fair enough. Thank you for the reply.
  2. Wedding is at 5. Depending on what time I get done I may try to stop by. A doctors excuse sounds great. Insane is what I am. :lolguy::lolguy:
  3. Doc....... I had wedding to go to today..... Any chance of you helping me come up with a good excuse to skip out on the wedding and come up to hang out??????? Please Advise!!!!!!!!
  4. This is Gingers next ride. http://pmanewsline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Hello-Kitty-Smart-Car.jpg
  5. I do. :masturboy: http://www.smartcarmodels.net/smart-car-4.jpg
  6. DTM Brian


    Ringo, Seems like you made a similar post this on OR back in May. Can I ask why? Why handle yourself different in person then you do on the internet? I agree the "Internetz is not Cereal Buisnezz". But what do you gain from stirring the pot on both OR and CR and then appear to be a "cool dude" in person? Do you like the attention?? You must be doing something different the rest of us because I have now seen for myself on two forums where you are the center of attention. If this works for you great. I can tell you I did not make friends nor get business from CR or OR by being a dick to others. I am not going to sit here say Phil has done it all right and you are doing it all wrong. However you seem to be a magnet for pissing people off. Different strokes for different folks. If the way you handle yourself on these forums makes you successful in your business and personal life then more power to you. Not sure why I am even posting this. Not like you give two shits about what people think of your online personalty. I guess I do give a damn what people think of me so I try to talk and treat people the same both online and in person.
  7. Time to be put back into hibernation for the winter. Now that it has made it out a couple of times I do not need to here the words "When is the Unicorn coming out?" :fuckyeah: Yes I am bored.. Please continue with the Ringo posts so I am not making useless threads. :dumb:
  8. Will join for a beer as well.
  9. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvLUpCXX_Qo&feature=related
  11. No cable TV here. Only time I turn on the TV is watch a movie. Turbo Road Runner and Torrents FTW!
  12. This is true. While standing in the parking lot last night my mind went back 10 years ago to 40. Who else remembers a certain LT1 camaro racing a Rx7?:fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  13. Heard it did a back flip at the 1100 ft mark at 180 mph. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/310413_302108603151763_100000578771622_1189094_59162274_n.jpg
  14. I hope he never lands on his neck. Not sure if an eight year old understands the consequences of landing wrong. Still bad ass.
  15. Repost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x05KIcx_G84
  16. I am surprised half of CR and OR have not sent him a friend request on facebook. On a side note: I am pretty sure he has a room mate that is a member on here as well. Pretty sure Mr. Ringo has access to the forum still.
  17. Here it is the 1st of November and we have this kind of crap to read about on the forum. We still have several months of cold weather ahead of us.
  18. http://www.malakye.com/asp/front/CMSPage.asp?TYP_ID=2&ID=2831
  19. Not me sir. An "asshole cop" is one that writes a ticket for 60 in a 55. If I would have gotten a ticket I would have deserved it. I know when I deserve and do not deserve one. I make it easy on an officer when I know I am in the wrong.
  20. Doing some tuning work for some sand rail racers on out in texas right now. Will get on this later tonight. Tunes and Scans via the internet keep me busy this time of year in warmer climates.
  21. Video is on my computer. Just not sure I want to post it on youtube. See above answer. That mustang is up and running as well. The mustang today is a different one. I know I am going to get a bunch of shit for not posting it up. Maybe I will take a copy of it over the shop for people to see.
  22. "Did you get your tires cleaned off back there??" These were the words I heard after doing a burnout in one of my mustangs as I was getting ready to make a new video with my GO PRO. "Whats the camera for?" Did I really need to answer this question? We ended up chatting for awhile about the car and he drove off telling me to be careful. You could tell he wanted to laugh at me but was holding back. I am sure if it had just been a sheriff I would have gotten a ticket or two. Good times.
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