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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Before any modifications or tuning. Made 30 more rwhp then I thought it would in stock form.
  2. I run all of my customers cars to redline...... On the dyno.
  3. Phone is charging. You can bring it by. However I am running up to micro center right now to look at some stands, monitors, and parts for another desktop. I would like to have a pair of matching monitors. I may or may not take you up on it depending on what I find.
  4. I am changing some things around with the bike dyno computer and adding a second desktop for tuning. I want to do 2-3 flat screens. I am looking on Craigslist right now and not having much luck. I am also browsing Ebay. I would prefer to buy locally. I thought about buying new from Microcenter. I am thinking about picking up a couple of these. Acer 23" Monitors I am also open to purchasing used. They are for the bike dyno so a few scratches or blemishes would be ok with me. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  5. This brings up a past memory from right around 2002 or 2003. Back then I was using the car dyno to dyno bikes. The shaft on the drums would split so I could dyno using 1 drum. I remember one day dynoing a few harley bikes and one bone stock busa. The HD owners could not believe their eyes when they saw a stock busa lay down 150 hp.
  6. In no way would I ever compare the power of a HD compared to that of the sport bikes. A comparision of an HD to a metric cruiser would be a much closer comparision. Seems like most of your base model harleys make right around 60 hp an 70 to 80 ft lbs. The reason for the post was not to brag about the power this particular bike was making. It was the fact that the customer just took a brand new bike and added pipes, filter, tuner and was on a dyno before it was ever ridden. The engine management system on these are pretty complex offering seperate V/E and timing tables for the front and rear cylinders. Being that this is Speed Density (Same as the sport bikes) it was in a desperate need of a tune with the changes made to the bike. It barely ran with the stock tune in it. I like all kinds of bikes. However, GSXR's are probably the only thing I will ever own. I do not think they are the best and only bike to own. They are what I own and I see no need to change into something different. It does not matter to me if I tune a R6 or a HD. All that I want is for the bike dyno to be just as busy as the car dyno. In the end the money being made spends the same regardless of which type of bike it is. I was half asleep while making this post. If something does not make sense then I will fix it later. LOL.
  7. I will do that for sure. This increase in HD business started with tuning a couple bikes for a guy who has bought a number of bikes from Farrow's. He has always been happy with the tuning results of his bikes. As a result he has been spreading the word. I hope to be busy busy busy with HD's this year. HD's along with sport bikes should keep the bike dyno drum spinning all year long.
  8. I believe it is 110 cubic inches. There was no way we could make a pull on this bike stock. It was so lean with the stock tune that it would not take any throttle under load. I had to start with idle and cruise tuning and work my way up to WOT. The pipes, filter, and tuner went on as soon as dealership took delivery of the bike. To be honest Ryan I do not know all the different HD model names. They all look the same to me. HD's are responsible for a 50% increase in motorcycle tuning business last year. I can see it growing even more this year. I just need to get the word out to Harley owners.
  9. Throw some pipes, filter and tuner on it and bring it to DTM. Bike came in either yesterday or today to the dealer. Less then 24 hours later it is on my dyno for a tune. 100.4 whp - 121.4 wtq. I am not sure the customer has even seen his bike yet. A big thanks to AD Farrows and John H for the continued business and referrals.
  10. I will be curious to see what Honda, Kawi and Yami do.
  11. Sounds like suzuki is desperate to sell some product this year. That is one hell of a deal.
  12. Sounds good. If anyone has any questions they can post them here or e-mail me. Mobiledyno@aol.com.
  13. Unfortunately we will be seeing a lot of threads like this come April.
  14. I can work magic on vettes as well.
  15. You can always mail me your pcm and I send it back to you after doing this.
  16. Depending on how this year goes your wish may come true.
  17. It will feel like a new truck to you.
  18. It could either have a different chip in the ecm or a flash on it. As far as the GTP goes you more then likely had other issues killing the motor. Sounds like it went lean. Honestly I would run it dry. Just rinse it with water and let it air dry once or twice a year. They are fine to run dry.
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