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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. I have a wedding to go to on the 11th. I would be game for the 12th
  2. I hope to play on the 4 wheelers this winter.
  3. Relax. Just having some fun after your comment about "1 1/4 mile at a time"
  4. I hope to be doing some of that this winter with customer bikes
  5. Me thinks Casper should check his settings and report back to us.
  6. I have finally started to slow down with the dyno and have time to ride the bike and now it is too damn cold. When I first started riding I would ride regardless of the temperature. After getting a few sore throats I had enough of riding in the cold. WHERE IS GLOBAL WARMING??
  7. I just figured this this out. Check out the ET in the right lane at 1000' - 9.789 Since Top Fuel and Funny Car only run 1000' feet that would make him a 9 sec bike.
  8. My guess is the mid 11 sec pass. The other pass was aborted based on the mph. Look at the 1/8th mile times. Based on those it could be either one.
  9. I am starting to wonder if you are a truck driver and not a bus driver. Such a potty mouth. lol
  10. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e176/fatcatracing_2000/Random%20Stuff/NOS2Motivator.jpg
  11. Damn you. You beat me too this. Care to comment Mr. Ringo? How did we go from offering a race to Mr. Phil to calling him a cotton picker?
  12. Good Call Wagner. Phil, Honestly it is not worth your time. I will go check Ohio Riders and see what he is saying about CR.
  13. If I want to make him slower then the unicorn I will just pull timing out of the car. LOL. Remember I push the buttons on the laptop for his car.:fuckyeah: The more I look at his car the more I want to put an automatic and suspension on my car and go drag racing instead of blistering the tires at 100mph.
  14. Precision 88 - 308 cubic inches. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/297626_295048053856761_100000547060433_1152568_2002816027_n.jpg
  15. Hookers and Strippers needed to balance out all the cock and balls at said gathering.
  16. I am sad that there is nothing else to read in this thread. Post more please.
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