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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Not disagreeing with the above comment at all. Just wanted to make sure the reader understood that a lot of the components mentioned there were custom. I wasnt trying to say they needed those setups at all. Actually there is a substantial amount of money that goes into military "sniper" rifles. Remember, its not just about the components but also the effort, and time required to screw those components together. (Gunsmithing time/equipment.) Do some google searches on M40's for sale and I think you will be surprised at the cost. ^ Really, Takes the fun and challenge out of it? This makes no sense to me. Ive never met anyone that was a shooting enthusiast that said, "That was so much fun, I love missing my target." Maybe Im confused by what youre saying. Again, Im not saying you need the most expensive equipment. You can get into it for a reasonable amount. I just posted that link because the question always seems to get asked "what are the best using" That is all. The Savage, Rem700 and the Howa are perfectly capable setups and should not be discounted in any way.
  2. Its been a rough 2 weeks.. Just trying to cut through some of the BS before it even starts..You'll find a lot of great information over on the hide. Be warned, if you ask questions over there before using the search function, you will get your ass chewed. (and you should!) Everyone wants someone else to give them the answer these days before trying to figure it out on their own.
  3. Herin lies your problem. Go to a shooting forum to look for shooting advice from "experienced shooters" This site will get you moto information with a few people that know firearms and even fewer that actually know what they are talking about especially when talking about a precision bolt rifle. Head over to Snipershide.com to get more factual answers to your question. This question is even a stickied topic there so you have a vast wealth of knowledge in 1 place. FYI, Here is a thread listing out ALL the equipment being used by some of the top shooters winning the competitions in the use. Everything from Builders, barrels, stocks, actions, bipods, caliber, bags etc. Understand that 95% of these will be custom rigs but it goes to show you that its not just about the rig, its about the driver. http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3728307#Post3728307
  4. Sad situation as your neighbors dog will most likely be put down.
  5. Go with a Rem700 or Savage 10 series with heavy barrel if its going to be for precision. This question has been asked 100 times on here and every gun forum out there so do yourself a favor and do a bit of searching on your own and come to some of your own conclusions. Howa's are not a bad action either.
  6. MJ, I never realized you were a GoBag type of girl.. giggity. haha. .fyi, was talking about you the other day with some people at work and had to tell them the story about the time you punched me and about broke your hand hahaha
  7. Probably just as common. Fertilizers (ammonia, etc), oil, gas, cleaners, solvents, etc. All of that gets washed off the streets, fields during a rain and into the rivers it goes.
  8. Youre thinking bacteria and living organism based contaminants. Boiling does nothing for chemical based contaminants..
  9. Depends on the carbon filter. Quality carbon filters will remove damn near everything and carbon filters are the goto for purifying the nastiest of water sources.
  10. I know it sounds funny since its technically "roadkill" but like I said, she hit it right in front of us and I knew if i didnt take it, it would be a complete waste of a good animal. I actually split the meat with the sheriff that tagged it for me. And I just couldnt turn down those backstraps.
  11. Does it come with a sticker saying "Please steal the unsecured guns in my truck"
  12. This guy is in my freezer from a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I didnt get to shoot this one. I watched a girl hit him with her car right in front of me (by the CMH airport) and I'll be damned if I let him get thrown in the dumpster and go to waste. This nice big ole city deer will taste amazing... Check out the neck on this brute.. And a bit on the less sensitive side. Yes those are Backstraps (i.e Filet ) and yes they are almost the entire length of my tailgate. Even after I dressed him out, I could barely get it in the truck myself. About blew out my back trying to get him in. Probably weighed 230-250+ dressed
  13. I will be trying to make this over my xmas PTO for sure.
  14. A friend/co worker of mine talked about doing this almost a year ago. i.e Sentiment Mining. Very powerful and very scary actually. Could be used for both good and evil and the applications go way beyond Twitter..
  15. yup - I guess I just dont need a small, med, and large set of LRF's Besides, Im sure within the next 2 years Ill step up to something Ive had my eyes on for awhile. And if I do, Ill have a set of LRF binos for sale.
  16. Ill take them to scrap before I deal with having some random from craigslist come to my house..
  17. Buehler, Buehler. If no one wants these, ill take em to the scrapyard tomorrow. Sad to see a working set go to scrap.
  18. Bump - New one is here so after I do my review tomorrow the other one is gone.
  19. flounder


    your 2 comments in bold above are complete contridictions of each other.
  20. Nice Pit... Looks like a good time. I made a nice batch of venison chilli last night. ( I do my own deer processing so I know exactly what Im getting) Damn good!!
  21. flounder

    Fostered dog

    Most of those adaoption places are completely screwed up in their own way. I despise many of them. They turned down my dad because they asked if he would cage the dog whenever he left the house and at night and he said no. Yeah they basically wanted the dog caged 90% of the time. WTF..
  22. Yep, if you go to Shelby, you have to hit up Glenns Surplus!!
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