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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. I wouldnt mind if the crap jokes were funny, but they are not.


    They arnt even original, at least be that.



    Really? I am sorry, I didnt know I told a joke?



























  2. Ill translate. JPs out streetracing every single night on 12psi and pump gas against 17 second cars to make himself seem like the street racing legend while Tilleys car is still down. "Low boost" on a 2.0L GT42 is mid/high 20s so that thing has got to be so rediculously slow Im amazed you found a stock civic to pull on. He knows one real run against a fast car that will require big boost means the odds of it driving home are less than him winning a 2nd grade spelling bee. His powerband is so disgustingly small without 35+psi or a huge shot of nitrous from a dig Sam will destroy him and even though hes dumber than a rock, I think even he is smart enough to realize this. If he "trys" to win his car will break more parts than hes supposedly paid for LOL.


    Like I told Gunner, toss on the 250-shot and weld the head to the block because hes going to need it just to try to keep up :)


    Oh, and since we are the ones putting the new "parts" on Sams car, and it will be done in less than a week (assuming they show up on time) you can keep running your mouth all you want about us taking forever. One set-up is a wee-bit more complicated than the other and we're not about to rush decisions and our work so that a true badass street car can go race a quick shitbox. The colt will break 5 times before the race regardless and if its down while were up then there are plenty of other fast shitboxes down here to run. Besides, I think John would rather race $5k bikes than $5k cars :)



    Wow, you are the biggest Ass on CR-Far worse than even Renner!


    All you havce to do is log onto akronracing.com and see VIDEOS of the cars int he video that got leaked, running the said times. And you think I'm at 12psi? Well, time how long it taked to get to 6400rpm in 5th, 178mph-from a 15mph roll. If thats 12psi on a GT-42, then your FUCKED. You do realize that dont you? I should have lied and said it was race gas, turned up.


    And you are STILL hung up on the fact that my total investment is less than what your charging John in labor? :lol: :lol: :lol: Bahahah!!


    Your sad. You need a fucking hobby, hot pussy, fucking somthing!!


    And BTW-Low boost is wherever I set the boost controler nimrod. :lol:


    I can just see it now -- "Oh shit, the colt ran xx @ xxx mph now we need to pull the egine out and sell it really quick to go with a big block and a GT47R to win that $100 bet"



    This made me :lol: :lol: After considering how "really quick" is defined over there @ IPS. :lol: :lol: waahahha!!!!!

  3. id have to agree with this question. we just read a 10 page thread in which jp repeatedly asked john to get his car done because hes afraid hes gonna blow up his car racing all these folks on the street. i believe the number was 20+. one pass at the strip shouldnt be a problem, right?


    Bah-Only a few were taped, and only one has gotten out so far. Besides, High boost has not and will not be caught on film befor then.


    if youre worried that after seeing jp run the good doctor will bow out of his race, ill be the first to say that the doc doesnt operate that way. .[/i]



    Not back out. We just want to keep "full potential" under wraps until then if at all possible.


    i called JP out well over a year ago on ColumbusDSM and i still i dont have my race.:(


    And you still live 2.5 hours away. Convenience here is an issue-Remember the CBus giys have YET to venture this way, so you are just as guilty. shit, the Akron crew came down there a few times now!

  4. this must be the first callout thread that coltboostin hasn't posted in since he joined CR...ironic


    Thanks for the head sup, I JUST saw this.


    Since I have read that your car is ready,the rest of Sam's proposal....




    First off, thanks for the non-confrentational offer. I may have to decline due to what is at stake vs. your boy John. Let me know when your car is abck up and we will see what happens. Maybe I can make some low boost passes with you. If you come up either way, let us know so we can meet and greet.


    May I also say that this wait is getting long and ghey. I cant post dyno #'s, I cant post high boost videos-Fuck. Lets go already.



    Jamie-As far as Tilley vs. Me from a dig instead of a roll-eh, I think we should stick to the original plan. I dont have much of a chance eitherway. :(


    Hope this is not pouring more gas on the fire but.......



    Jamie, in all seriousness, if you are so worried about Jp's car doing whatever in a race with me, the I think you should tell Jp to just park the car and not run it until Tilley and Jp race.


    He has, several times now actally. :lol:


    Sorry Jamie.

  5. 17psi on a GT42 is just about in the turbos efficency range... I never even knew the GT42 was such a pump gas monster like that! :woowoo:



    No, on the 2.0l, its still in the 60% range :lol:



    But hey, its not impressive. Honestly, no faster than last year.

  6. John-New set up



    I don't think that hes not in impressed the the cars that you ran in the videos. It's that you were running faster times last year with your old setup and you are showing videos of your new setup that you old setup would beat.


    He's unimpressed that your new setup is beating cars your oldsetup would beat as well.


    but thats just me and how I took it, but what do I know...



    Yes, I know. You guys missed the obvious, and I am happy about it. So- I wont get into it anymore.

  7. Its not impressive when you out trapped them last yr with your old setup and now that you are making more power you can still beat them from a roll.





    I wont explain any more,


    Yes, your right, its lame. The car is slow. I wont go any futher with it.

  8. I dont care - I dont see any other 10 second DSMs on the board! Nice runs.


    And no, I am not taking sides, I just think its sweet! Grassroots racing is the best.



    You should see what we are putting together for the Grassroots shoot out this year!









    Sam-I was on 17psi and pump, untuned. Thats all.- Teh turbo stang went 132mph the day before.


    But your right, its unimpressive.

  9. Since we forgot to make there a hidden link, I guess I must add details...



    Green and Silver Stang went 11.6@121 on spay-He is spraying on all runs

    Red Stang is built/Turbo'd-10.6@132 the day previous

    Silver evo pulled an 11.6@119



    I am on 17psi and pump gas-pig rich due to being on the "high" boost map.


    What up with the 15mph roll+ a car? :( Fuck-




    No2 stang









    FYI-3 way race ended @ 6300 in 5th gear. Gear ratio Calculated to be 175ish…- got there in a hurry.

  10. This was of course just before we had installed the security system, cameras, and bullet proof glass laminate. .





    Were you not the one that JUST stated that you have had these Cameras for forever an a day? If this happened recently-your shop did not open yesterday. this leaves a large gap of time in your story that you would have me on tape.


    As far as accusing me of breaking into your shop. -Get Fucked- Plain and simple. Your parts may have been shinney, but they would not have made my car move any fatser. Further more, why would I drive all the way down to C-bus to break into a showroom to get some piddle shit I could steal up here, if I had the urge to steal shit?


    You continue to wow me sir.

  11. However, as far as champagne goes, the cheap ones are far more palatable than the cheap vodka, etc. So therefore, I'd say that having had them is more of a status symbol than anything.





    Absolute vs. that 8$ bottle from K-mart is not a fair comparrison to Martini and Rossi vs. Crystal

  12. Since I am full of crap, why bother? Why give you the time of day?

    Further more, if you were sure of your claim, and sure I am indeed full of crap, you would not care what the claimed time and date was, now would you?


    Hurry up and finish John's car so we can get to work.

  13. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/FDE8CE04-C0A7-4001-81DA-515DE6CD5374.htm


    Little get together. Good races, good people. Billy's car did not drop to 14psi every race, but he indeed cant hold boost to redline. Dvae's Evo is the fastest GT30r evo I have ever seen. Trent has a 20g and EVERY supporting mod under the sun.


    For refernce the Silver EVO (Trent) getting walked by everyone (sorry Trent Very Happy ) ran 11.6@120mph.





    BTW-Dave owns the Worlds highest WHP 996. It will be comming home next week. Dont worry, he will be with when we make the trip.

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