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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Number 2 for you? Or 2/1000, 2/2000?


    2 for me. I dont even know the dash plaque and its too cold to go look LOL


    Inb4 blah blah blah couldn't pass it up flipped in 3,2,1


    Cash is always king! But I doubt this will be advertised for sale anytime soon-since the RX-7 is starting to look like a more longish term (for me ) project.


    People try to get Evo 8 money out of these.


    I wonder with the Evo 1 becoming legal this year, if these will tank in value?


    I dont see people getting that kind of money? But on that front, Im not looking. I dont ever see these fetching a premium over DSM pricing, at least around here. I would not expect to get anything more than "Nice DSM" money for it when I sell it. Anything more will be a great bonus though :)


    2/2000 likely since it's kensington gray


    No, #2 since barn find.


    **puts on coat**


    Its a 92. #807/1000

  2. Had a buddy that needed cash. JP to the rescue!




    Pained last year-came with a truck load of parts. Bult motor...ect. I will keep this one for a while I think-to hard to find a car this clean anymore, and never at the price point.


    Hope to have it running in a few weeks. This will hopefully quench my thirst while I build the Rx-7

  3. So if the car is "branded" a lemon in say NY and it doesn't show on the title - an Ohio office looking at the NY title for the purposes of reissuing might not realize it's a lemon and issue a clean title. .


    I've seen dumb shit like this happen in front of my eyes at the Ohio DMV. That day it became evident to me that the dumb broads behind the counter can literally whatever they want on the title if you can sell them on it.;)


    In similar ways I have had odd out of state transactions-and had one DMV say -we cant give you a title without xyz...- just to drive to another DMV and be handed a title.

  4. It's unfortunate that they did this with this dog. But there are so many things that happen in the world that people do not know what happened behind the scenes. If you did a reality video on how beef or pork or lamb is harvested, people would go crazy. However as long as it's packaged nicely in the meat department, everything must be OK in the world. People can't handle the truth. There are so many things that if they knew how and why it happened, it would drive them out of their minds.


    Im with this guy.


    Sure, it makes you feel a certain way WATCHING this, but if you cared this much about a trained dog that got freaked in a MAN MADE pool, then you would have to live in a glass box for the rest of your life if you knew how the real word is, from what our troops go though to defend our country, to the way we mass produce meats, to the way your Chinese Shirts and cloths are made.

  5. Builds a second identical car, minus boost.


    I will be NA for first start up, maybe a total of 30 seconds. LOL


    He saw the video of the coyote swapped on and needs to one up that with the first twin turbo coyote swapped fc


    The Coyote stuff is ultra impressive but still out of the budget. Seems $7500 and up is going rate on these. If I put $7500 into this I'd have the equivalent of a Zip Tie pro Mod

  6. Just needed a stock cruiser right?


    This one is currently not rotated-although I have owned a few Rotary powered versions. Absolutely anemic power-and problem prone.


    New owner already owned one ?


    This was a propaganda pic the day before Juan went back to Mexico


    I guess you had spare parts, so why not do it again?


    True to a point-but the trans is the tuff part. I definitely want to take what I have learned and apply it to make a mo' betta version


    You should swap in an ISX15, just because....




    I'll sell you a nice JZ drivetrain.



  7. 225 wheel, I made 7 passes on it 4 passes at pacemakers I do not remember it was 37 degrees out. I took it to milan michigan and I ran 9.6 at 149mph. Never dragged a bike in my life. bike is geared for a 300lb rider i weight 135. Bike redlined in 6th gear way before E/T


    Wait- you went though the traps in 6th????

  8. Yea I haven't been pushing to hard to sell it because I use it time to time, if I still have it when the weather breaks for more than 2 days I plan to "clean it up"


    It's a great truck but I want to get into a 535 and a ecoboost f150 this year and have a couple small house projects to finish up as well so I'm moving the extra vehicle weight and items taking up room to free up the funds to do that


    All while finishing the race car cough cough Haha


    I feel like 535's are goring on trees around here these days! ;)

  9. Man, this is tempting. $3500 for 350+WHP seems like a steal


    *450. :) All you need to run it at 450hp is cam2 similar fuel, and to turn the boost up. It is tuned for both levels.

    GLWS! These cars are hard to find, and hard to find this clean North of the Mason Dixon. They are very reliable at this power level.



    I 100% agree. The car is laughably ugly and stupid fast.



    I kind of take offence to that! LOL. I love the early 90's Import hatch look! BTW post this on 4G61t.org, DSMlink, and the Colt FB group. It wont last long.

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