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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. unfortunately not, i had absolutely no desire do manually wash my car after that trip lol


    Anddddd there goes the paint.



    Looks great. Like my BMW, one of the few DD's I'd prefer in an Auto. The 6 speed works wll in this car, feesl like a Dual Clutch trans after a tune, and can reiably take 700whp which is the limit of the "cheap" mods for these cars.

  2. Any non DOD 5.3 Chevy truck will be the most affordable and relaible truck you can buy, period.


    The Toyota and Nissan trucks are Fanboy turcks that are severly overpriced for what you get IMO. If you are lookingat those. May as well consider a Ridgeline as well.

  3. This isn't hard


    Call the dealer and pay $12-ish a quart for the oil that was designed for the engine. Im not trolling. Nissan stocks a specific oil for that and the newer Maxima's.


    Nissan does not manufacture oil. So, someone else has to be making it.



    Do you think they really sell some snake oil that is miles ahead of whats on the shelf anywhere else? If they do, let me know because I have never heard of this.

  4. This thread has me thinking. For those of you who are buying a new house and selling your old one, what's the easiest/best way to go about it? Do you start shopping before your current house is sold? Seems like there are risks either way.



    The same way someone buying their first house and renting should start the process- CALL YOUR LENDER FIRST!! Find out what you actually can qualify for-and if you HAVE to sell to buy. If you do, contingent sales are not abnormal in this is market, but does show as a "weaker" offer if your involved in multiple bids on a home.



    I, or one of the people of CR that work in the industry would be happy to help answer anyone questions on the subject. Rates are still great, and remember that we folk live on referrals :)

  5. So, I was approached by a local Galant efficonato about purchasing the car. The Money was more than right, and it was about the best place the car coudl be to live a long and happy life, so we made the deal. He plans to pick up where I left off, and do a full resto on the car. He already has a mint Vr4, Mint GSx, and has moved several over the years.


    This is where the story ends- for now!



  6. Whats the 100MPH Club BTW...Has to be a really old achievement.....Since a prius will break 100 in the 1/4 these days.



    Common'. Give 100+mph traps more credit than that! Those turds trap in the 70's






    100MPH club was just that. If you had a real street car on street tires and trapped over 100mph, you got a sticker and spot on the leader board for the year. I think the highest traps got trophies nightly, and at the end of the year.

  7. Interior/engine pics as requested












  8. The TNT days at 42 with the 100MPH club were some good times.

    I think he fell on his head dumping all that money into the track, but it should be good news for me :)




    And right! I sold my last car with that sticker, and I tried like hell to peel it from the window to keep it. :mad:

  9. . I've never bought a new vehicle for myself (our first new car was my wife's Grand Caravan R/T last year), everything I've ever bought has been ~100k miles used so I'm not sure how to feel, heh.


    Just avoid seeing how much equity was lost in a few years and you will be fine :)



    Nice truck. Didnt know they had a 2.7 ecoboost now.

  10. I couldn't even get Chase to give me a preapproval on the last house I had and I was an employee of theirs. Went down to the credit union I bank at and was in and out with a preapproval in 20 minutes. Chase is pond scum, all of them.




    But, remember you CR sponsored (Mark) and non sponsored (Me) bankers in the future. ;)

  11. Bumble is way better.


    I have a date tonight with a 34 year old girl I met on a plane to Punta Cana with my ex-wife last year...lol. Should be fun.


    Have another date with an optometrist tomorrow for lunch (Bumble).


    Crazy chick was off Tinder.




    Please, please tell me you have picked up one of these broads in the Colt?! :megusta:

  12. UGH...makes me sick when I hear people finance their homes through Quicken WF or Chase. So fucking expensive.



    Literally, the worst. And typically poor service too.


    I had a woman be referred to me by a real estate agent to get pre approved. She however was insistent on working with her "local bank". I asked the name of her LO, she didn’t know. She dropped her paperwork off with a teller.


    Call her 2 days later to follow up, still no pre-approval.


    2 days later, she said she will call the bank.


    She came to me today, saying she called, and they had not even looked at her docs yet. :lolguy:


    She left with her pre-approval in hand.

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