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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. With finishing the house, moving, work, and 2 young kids taking up most of my time, the Rx-7 got limited track use on the back half of the year.



    Any time I had to drive it I typlically hopped in, beat the piss out of it, and came home. The track events really sucked this year. Plauged with bad luck


    DSM shootout. Got ONE pass in 6 hours due to oil downs and rain. 14psi. 10.9 @145. 2.1 60 ft on the shake down. Turned it up, never made another pass.


    Track rental. Made ZERO full passes all day. First pass, my pinion snubber broke in the burnout box, and I grenaded the diff. I brought a spare diff with me. Installed it, and it was JUNK out of the box. Great!!! Another waste of a day.







    So I caved and tossed a turbo II rear end back in the car which I have been avoiding because I know I will have to get back into 5th gear again. Rear end worked flawelssly on some test hits, and the car had enough steam to roll on a modded S1000 R with a 140lbs rider at only 17psi. Party time.


    So I make it to the last test and tune for the year at Norwalk. Of course there is a million people there. The first bad sign- I stoped for plugs at Vatozone and they were out of 7's. Mind you, I had NOT changed plugs all year so altough the car was running good, I wanted a freash set to go after that 9.


    So test hit-car leaves good and easy. 1.6 60 foot click high boost set at 20psi in 3rd, and car breaks up. Try and pedal the boost down, and it breaks up in all of 4th, and 5th. OYE. Let of, fucking thing ran a 10.1@13x. Seriously FML.




    Take the time to change plugs, and get back in line. 4 hours later then when I get there, and it starts to F'in drizzle. STOP IT. gets rained out!!!


    So in the weeks after I drove the car to work a few times, and took it to a few car shows. Had some friends over and took it to get some Pizza. It was about 40 deg out and it was just a spin fest to 180mph with 25psi. On the way home, the motor developed a tick. I noticed the oil pressure a little low, so I hung it up for the year. Once I get the garage set up, I'll dive in and see what, if anything, happened. I think it may be time for a rear end upgrade though, because the car depseratly needs a 3.27 gear.

  2. Slow with updates as this has been low ont he priority list! So far, I found a bad switch connection keeping it from turning over. Fixed- so we got it to crank.


    Tried to put gas in it, and the tank/hose was bad. Lukliy they had a Gvr-4 tank otuside (the shop its at has 3 Gvr-4s) swapped in new tank, added gas, and tried to start. No NOID. Fugured bad ecu. Swaped in a spare and it FIRED RIGHT UP! Idles great.


    Current issues before any test drive can be attempted.


    Clutch wont diengauge. Thinking a hydrolic issues


    Brake leak. Only one so far


    Rear PS leak-I will cap all that off.


    Brakes even work??


    But hey, progress is progress.

  3. Mine was 3 year/36k for an AWD RAv. Absolutly nothing down $270/mo with the additional damage coverage.


    As an update-did the pre-inespection, damage estame was $800, guy said I 100% wont be charged.


    The lease was great-but like anything rented its a watse of money unless someone else is paying for it! Bought a loaded 2011 town and county for 11k. Thanks to Jordan at JET for confirming it was the deal of the year :)

  4. All this nonsense about "uneducated" voters. What exactly makes someone educated? I guarantee there are more failing schools/drop outs in the blue counties than the red. Yes I'm including high schools because students are of age to vote either senior year or shortly thereafter.


    Or are we talking Fox News uneducated? Because the left gets their BS spun to suit then on CNN and MSNBC.


    I think the "bar" is an associates or better college degree. I however am just looking at the map, and know that the 95% of America's land mass that is rural is not populated by the simple white Folk of America. There is nothing wrong with that- it just is what it is.



    Income is less than that, and yes, I fully deserve that. I do hip and knee replacement surgery. I get paid by insurance for a preoperative visit, the joint replacement surgery, seeing the patient for 2-3 days in the hospital, and the first three months of care after the surgery. That's one big check that goes my way. Keep in mind I have to pay 35% back to pay overhead, and 40% for taxes.


    What do you think that number is? What do you think it was in 1980?


    And my earnings are a complete anomaly. Most in my field make less than half of what I do. Not bragging, that's just how hard I work


    Will you release your tax returns? ;)

  5. I file a tax return and owe high 5 figures even after having 40% of my money already skimmed off. Don't cry to me. I'm assuming you're in your 20's. you didn't file tax returns for at least 50% of your life because you were likely under 15 years old for 50% of your life.


    Here is the thing-Obamacare was an attempt to fix a the overzealous giant that is our medical system. It failed, because it was not a top-down strategy. It tried to find a way to pay the absolutely insane fees charged by drug fees and health providers when the only way to reduce cost is to, well REDUCE THE COST. Insurance, cost of drugs, cost of care, its all way the fuck out of hand


    If you had a 6 figure check to stroke come tax time, and you paid 40% during the year, can I assume your taxable income is in the 2-3 Million range?


    Here is the thing, do you genuinely feel that your services are worth that? Does it make sense to pay that when the same treatment or better in most first world countries for substantially less? I mean fucked the 2nd best Hospital system in the world is in Fucking Thailland.


    Do you think the same the "hard working Americana" that just elected Trump should owe you his YEARS salary to get an aliment fixed? Yes, your school is expensive (that part of the problem too) But US doctors make substantially more than any other country.





    Obamacare failed because it did not address the problem, just tired to find a way to pay for it.



    Lets see what Trump does with it.

  6. :)






    Hillary was about the worst pick for the Dem's. They fucked that up.



    But, if you cant look at this map and see that RURAL AMERICA got trump in office, your either blind or stupid.


    If you cant open a book, or just take a drive and see that RURAL AMERICA is full of fairly uneducated white folk, your either blind or stupid.


    2+2 still equals 4. They were both horrid fucking picks though, we were fucked either way.

  7. You need to let me know when it'll be worth me making the trip. I need to get into some shenanigans. It's been a while.


    Honestly there have been guys out multiple times a week for the last few months. Pretty nutty.


    I will let you know when a big 'to do' is happening tho :)

  8. Like EVERY single car at SEMA, EVERY power/performace claim is overtstated. This thing did not, and likley never will see 220mph. It did not make 2k anything on a dyno. We have done turbo kits for SEMA cars with 35r's that would go to Sema and claim 1200+HP. Hell, if you are there the last day to see/help people pack up, you will see 90% of the cars there dont run at all, or run like utter dog shit.


    Cool project non the less.

  9. I was actually shocked at almost not a nod to FL anywhere....outside of the one Naples comment. I am looking to relocate right now and I am leaning having on the Tampa/Clearwater area mainly because we want to be close enough to a coast to go to the beach and the gulf side of FLorida is the bast side in my opinion. My reason for moving there is multi layered though.....Booming Industry for the type of work I am interested/involved in and no winter.....I do know the downfall will be City traffic in the city and the humidity.....and I hate extreme heat, but I think I want to at least try to give it a shot.



    Florida has a sigma for beign filled with bath salt eating wierdos for a reason. Like visiting Florida, could not see myself living anywhere I had visited Long term (besdes the Keys) unless I was retired, and I have spent a week in basically every part of the state.


    Pros and Cons to everything

  10. Looking forward to seeing the results.


    I"m going to epoxy the permititer where my work bench and cabinets are and then go with the Race Deck 18" free flow tiles in the majority of the remaining area. I'm going to do the install in the spring and hope that between now and then I can find a good deal on the tiles either direct with them or a reseller.




    You will have to priovide updates then LOL. On my end, I have been focused on finishing the basement, and adding a side/back pad for toy storage. Now that all of my spare junk is on one place, I can see that I really need a shed! I cant get all the stuff up and off the floor to coat the garge, and did not have the time to do it before the move unfortunatly.


    It has not been officially palced on the back burner. :mad:

  11. Just did this with Lexus to get another. No issues at all including the window tint that was still present.


    Granted the car I turned in looked better than the new one I was picking up for my wife. No out of pocket costs were applied post the final inspection at the dealer.


    How long ago did you turn it in? Did you do the pre turn-in inspection?

  12. During the inspection they informed me they allow up to like 2 k in damages automatically free of charge. I had a baseball side scuff on my rear bumber and the person doing the inspection laughed when I asked if I needed to get it fixed before turning in. I guess they get some pretty beat up stuff :lol: They took pictures to document all the "damage" for there records.


    So long as nothing happened between your inspection and turn in your golden .



    From what I read, you have NO notion you are being charged until you get the bill. Almost a bit of a bait and switch.


    2k damage allowance seems excessive. I do remember when we picked it up that you are allowed "one scratch and once dent not larger than a credit card" but there is some "leniency". I don't like all the gray area in that statement.

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