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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. If you are well under miles, you may be better off selling it rather than turning it in.


    Call Toyota and find out what the "third party" buyout figure is. Email me that number along with VIN and miles, and I'll let ya know.


    Great minds think alike! I asked them just that an hour ago and I dont know how its possible, but the residual is well under market.


    PM coming

  2. CR-


    I will be turning in my wife's Rav-4 next month. Is the first, and will be the last car I lease, so I am a bit green to turn in. I read some horror stories about random bills coming in months after the car was turned in. I did buy the ancillary car "wear and tear" converge, but the car has a rub and a ding on 2 separate panels.


    I also read somewhere that you can go for a pre-turn in inspection to get an idea of what, if anything, I will be charged. Is this legit or just a means for them to nickle and dime the car by a thrid part before they get it back? In the end, I want to keep the most money in my pocket. :) If I need to get the bumper painted and dent pulled, I'd rather have my boy do it instead of letting Toyota bill me later!


    If it matters, its well under mileage as well.


    Let me know what your experience and recommendations are. :)

  3. If theres one thing I can agree on with Trump on it's taking care of ISIS.




    No offense, If you truly think any one man, or hell an entire fucking army, can take care of a radical religious based militant gorilla group, you simply have no fucking clue what your talking about.


    "Those" people have been fighting each other under some name or some form in the name of religion for tens of thousands of years. Literally as long as there has been written history. Think about that for a second....


    You think one ignorant, floppy haired daddy funded playboy is going to walk in and do what no one has done since the beginning of fucking time? Common...people cant be this stupid?

  4. That paint cleanup is redic. Could probably flip it for double what you paid with just a detail.


    O'l girl shints up much better than expected. The mirros and wing I dotn think are savable (detail wise) and would have to be painted to be as nice as the body

  5. So it's sold? You didn't buy it?


    No I got it-after we talked he still towed it to his other house, and a month later called and said take it.



    LOL to the above!



    Update is meh. Was where the car is now (a buddie's shop) so I had some time to work on it. Shockingly the battery took a charge! Would not crank. Tested starter, starter OK. Ended up being a bad clutch switch.


    SO now it cranks smooth. Oil looks GREAT. No start. No fuel. Gauge reads empty. Wen to add fuel, fuel comes out! Tear in hose. Called it a day!


    The good news, paint seems nice! This was 10 minutes or work. Paint has a very heavy flake that looks great in person. Anyone know what this paint code is?







    The "Old and New" Sleeper 4 doors






    No start but hey, progress is progress.

  6. My kids would not have been that close to the street.......


    Trust me, I hear you nor would have mine. But, lets say you are walking to your car after an old' timers show, and grandpa tries to do a burnout in his vette leaving the parking lot, comes back over the curb and plows yoru kid over. Are we supposed to sit here and say "you had it coming?"

  7. I kinda felt the same way at first, but since stupidity will always bare its ugly fangs, the proactive step would've been not standing in a known burnout spot with your children.


    How can you be assured that is a know burnout spot? Watching the video again, there is only ONE set of faint marks on the ground. Considering this is one of the biggest CnC's int he county, I would not agree with that statement.


    IF it was a known hooligan spot, thats one thing, but I am looking at this, seeing an idiot be an idiot. If that where the case, I'd freak the fuck out.

  8. Awesome find!! Always wanted one of those. If memory serves me correctly only 3,009 of them made it state side, I haven't seen one on the road in several years now, can't be many of them left that are running.


    Sounds right. I think 2000 in 91 and 1000 in 92


    Congrats on the score. These are really neat cars, a kid at my local auto parts store in Queens used to have one nobody could touch. Looked completely bone stock from the outside too.


    Is this one stick or auto? I think there were some that came automatic.


    Yeah-stock block 500+whp would be neat. But, I don't need another project!!


    If you saw and Auto, it must have been swapped. I think they were all 5 speed


    Lucky man! Congrats on the car, that thing is cool as fuck.


    I'm assuming it won't stay stock for long


    I will not be the guy to mod this thing. If I keep it- it will stay shiny and very near stock to be honest.


    No the V6 version never made it to America. These were only in the US for 2 (I think) years, both super limited production runs. basically a DSM AWD turbo platform with many :impovements" . Better trans grearing, more aggresive tune, All Wheel Steering....ect.


    nurkvinny- the tag on the dash says it all, they one made 2000 that year, and its even numebred fro authenticity (1977 of 2000).




    Thanks all. My buddy confirmed the car was already gone when he drove by after I told him about it. So it was outside, on that street I had never been on, for a total of 8 hours that DAY after being in a barn for 13 years!! Nuts.

  10. That last 1 foot of curb definitely kept stupid driver wiping out those ~2 kids.. scary


    I would have FREAKED the fuck out on that old man if that was me with my son. It would have gotten ugly.

  11. Never thought we'd actually be talking about a barn find DSMs in Ohio with how fast they rust out, but on the first trip to my new house I was going down a road I have never been down before, and saw a Galant in a field. I said to my buddy "man, that looked like a Vr-4, lets turn around and check it out".


    Long story short, that was the first day it saw light in 13 years!!! No joke. Ended up tracking down the owner, and he said he parked it when he moved his business years and never had to time to come back for it. The property was old, and everyone was getting the boot so that the only reason it was outside, that day. He was just going to tow it to another property of his and let it sit! what are the chances...


    Initially he did not want to sell due to sentimental value. Last week he called me and said come and get it. he would rather I have ti than try to sell it to someone that didn’t know what they were looking at and didn’t appreciate it. Wow! Not sure what will come of this but we will see....













    I will keep the updated coming while I have them. Initial inspection is rust in odd spots from sitting (luckily on an old concrete floor) but body is pretty clean. Interior I think will clean up to 9.5/10. She is BONE stock. All accessories work with a jump box, so that bodes well for the wiring. It will not crank though, but I hear things happening LOL. Motor turns smooth by hand.


    Stay tuned...

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