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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. That car is the vehicular equivalent of Pamela Anderson. People will debate the exterior appearance with good arguments on both sides, but everyone knows she's worn out and dead inside.

    Also, that car probably has Hep C.



    24 year old me would love this.


    So no viper plans now?



    Always exploring all options. ;)

  2. 6 owners. Ugly wrap, and wheels that belong on a 350z 10 years ago


    You can find much better.


    Sounds perfect....



    For a low ball :) The ricer in me LOVES Volks on a Lambo. I mean-fuckin' A.


    It looks "well-enjoyed" by someone who had frosted tips and wore a visor most of the time.




    There are a couple on MANHEIM in the same price ballpark (84k, 94k) and one is in AKRON.e.



  3. I got an even more redneck idea....


    In a city where I don't ever go over 60mph, can I just cut the rear drum brakes off and crimp the hard line? Drive it with use of only the front disc brakes?


    It's a beach car...just covering all the options ;)


    People will tell you no, but I did exactly this to a DD I had when I was 19. Mazda 323. I pinched and welded shut the line where it left the master in the engine bay. If you just pinch it, it will still leak. just slower ;)

  4. Major updates.....lets start at the top.


    First, the on3 turbo unfortunately locked up. Went out for some runs with local big HP cars and the car made NO boost (after being fine on the drive there). I thought an IC pipe blew off. Get back to the spot, all the pipes are on and tight. Huh....check the trubo-100% locked up! Fak. I cant recall ever seeing a turbo lock up like this that was getting good oil. Oil pressure was fine- I drove 20 miles home full NA-even ran someone NA to be a dick :). Still have to do some trouble shooting to see what happened-but she gon'





    But as luck would have it-I found an "unknown" turbo on C list. Guy thought it was Ebay, after asking fro some pics and a video of it spinning, I know it was legit. I wont post what I paid for it so no one sends me anthrax LOL, but here is whats going on the car, a REAL Garrett GT4780R.




    Not after pulling the crossover off-I am SHOCKED the car worked at all!! both Wastegates had MAJOR issues.


    Lets start here- the Feed for gate 1




    When I boost leak checked gate 2, air came out of the top hole (WTF) and the bottom around the valve on the outside of the gate. Again...WTF?




    There is supposed to be set screws in there to attach the diaphragm tot he piston. Not only will it not work without these, but it now has a path for air to escape-going to the upper chamber of the gate and out. This is how it came out of the box.




    All screws where loose, and only was literally just laying there. This allowed air to also escape out of the bottom of the gate. So, this side not only didn’t work, was a massive boost leak, but likely was cracked opened to some extent at all times.


    So gate 2 was sealed up but worked like crap. It was super sticky- would hold open and slowly close even with no pressure on it. I took it all apart and lubed the shaft, works much better now.





    I am always happy to find and fix issues that will improve the car, but a bit down that I feel I may not have given On3's new Billet 88mm a true test. I could not get more than 22-23psi, out of it, and not I know it was 100% not the turbo’s fault. The turbo did great for having a massive, and I mean ridiculous boost leak, and non functioning leaking wastegates.


    Lets see how the car behaves with WORKING gates, and a smaller “big name” turbo.


  5. Fast drag bikes are geared to the moon and lose a ton of top end. Using quarter mile times/speeds as an argument for a highway roll win or loss is stupid. Everyone with a bike knows this.


    My Busa went mid 9's and was geared to see 204mph on the limited in 6th. This R1's gearing is about the same-with a stock arm and a rider within a sac. Its not a drag bike. Like my bike-it still pulls hard a fuck @ 160mph.


    So, does this make my comparison or race valid? ;)



    My offer is still on the table for that race BTW. I'll even toss you gas money to come up north :)

  6. MSRP was $46k, sale price was $36k out the door.


    $22.5k for my car, added $2000 and financed $11500 Payment is $200 a month.


    For your vert, Mustang, 5.0? What dealer?


    I'll send them a check tomorrow for one at that price

  7. Ya but everyone knows R1's are SLOW! :lol:

    Post more vids mang... :thumbup:


    Ha! He'd rolled me in my Busa when I had it, and I went mid 9's @151 on that bike.



    i don't see a stock c6z passing a liter bike until the bike tops out and the z eventially comes around it. we're talking about a 20mph difference, at least, in 1/4mile trap speeds between the two



    Indeed. 40 to top'd out I'd bet this bike would be a full 1/8 mile ahead by the time it was on the limiter.

  8. Latest update. F in' traction! I have had a set of Mickey ET Pro's I picked up used for cheap a while ago, but the forum says they won’t fit, and just holding them in the well...I didn’t see how it was possible. I had them sold, but decided to toss them on a stock RX-7 Vert wheel (real BBS Meshie) just to see. Well WTF........






    I guess you can believe everything your read on the net! This is with the same small spacer I was running. I had to jack up the suspension for it, but I have a cunt hair everywhere. I chalked the fender and control arms and took it for a rip to see if it rubbed.


    Just barley kisses the control arm (on heavy braking only), and the plastic ground effects on the outside.





    So I decided to be safe (and maybe give me room for a 295) I would notch the inner control arm. Now I have at least 1.5 inch on the inside.






    Hol-ee-fuk- what a difference a tire makes. I think I am getting closer to my original goal of driving to the track, running a 9, and driving home!



    Here is some "traction testing" against a mid 9's @ 155 modded liter bike. I am on pump gas boost.


  9. ...I mean a stock Z06 will pass a liter bike at the top of 5th/low 6th? You're doing what, 170ish when you pass? Nice run, but literally anything that can do 180 will EVENTUALLY pass a bike. Bikes are stupid quick down low but fall flat VERY quickly at 155ish (600s) or 170ish (liters). Keep up or pass one in 3rd or 4th and I'll be impressed ;)



    Hater with a bike


    That bike went mid 9s @155 with a street tire, and I was just a hair over pump gas boost.


    I'd be happy to try you out 60-160. I'll even give you the hit for $100. :)

  10. Coming from mostly high revving 4s and turbo 4s and 6s, I'd be willing to lose a little low for that great top end pull. Looked good, man.




    Still need to get the car dialed in, and used to driving this set up. I cant get away with short shifting agaist somthing fast like I used to.

  11. Nice. How does it feel compared to the old setup? Smoother? Better high end? Just curious to see what to expect out of my twin 67s


    At this point, I like the twins better. Hard to compare since its a smaller motor/bigger cam now, but it made more power everywhere on the old set up.


    With the cam this set up feels much stonger up top though...

  12. Maybe almost a decade ago lol. They haven't sold for less than $12-13k for the past 4-5 years at least and that's bottom dollar on a base. That's also if you can even find a base with zero or very minimal port installed options. . Manufacturers seem to produce fewer of them these days. It's surprisingly easy to get the majority to buy the next model up or something more equipped.




    And the Toyota was a 300% better car. Its still running today (I dont own it) with 240k on it. Burns 2 quarts an oil change...but she still runs!!!

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