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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. Im sure. You know why? Flat rate pay. A mechanic worth a shit doesnt like flat rate pay. Especially when a service manager has never been a mechanic he always under estimates the time. This doofus where i work thinks a valve check on a modern bike is a 45 min job. So thats all the tech makes. I told them id only work there if it was hourly. Theres no damn way im helping pay for the work by doing it for free. And thats flat rate in a nutshell. You also lose your ass when doing warranty work. Its always pays half the time it really takes.
  2. are you guys gonna slow down the harley riders?
  3. to add to what I said, they also charge $85 diagnostic fee. but then wave it if we fix the bike. that's stupid as hell. it's no wonder the shop is a hole they throw money into. like I said, the motorcycle repair business is mostly a charity. and people like to whine it cost too much. it seems like it but they have to pay bills and make a living too. oh and you know why shops seem to take 2 months to fix your bike? they think that makes the charge seem justified. as if it took that long to fix. 90% of the time it sits, it sits on purpose. another thing I'm trying to get them to quit doing. people want their shit back and love when it's done fast. it's a foreign concept to them believe it or not.
  4. not us but small shops seem to do tires on a bike for $40 and $20 off. $100 is more in line. but we don't charge that. we are only charging $50 sportbikes and $60 full dressers. they're dumb as fuck. they admitted the shop hasn't made money in 10+ years. sorry folks, it's a business you have to charge appropriately to keep the doors open. I keep telling them they need to charge at least $100 for a rear. and maybe $70 for a front. since they're usually not that bad. in my old line of work, it was a franchise. we were advised what to charge. the lady that owned the store thought her prices were expensive. when corporate came to town for a visit they told her they were too low. and needed to charge $200 labor for each pc of glass install. she still only does $125 for the first 2. which takes me about an hour to install. even so, it's far less work than a motorcycle tire.
  5. on the bike what do you guys feel is a fair price? because I took a job at a dealership and to be honest, they don't charge enough in my opinion. it's no wonder why so many little shops go under. $40 a tire is not paying bills. for example I worked at a glass company. to install a 12"X12" pc of glass is $125. no discounts. the price goes up if the size is beyond what 1 guy can lift. goes up more if needs a ladder etc. the motorcycle mechanic industry is practically a charity compared to other industries.
  6. Maybe he could do something worthwhile if he could pry himself away from golfing. 102 at 493 days in. Obama was 1, 273 days @ 102 golf rounds. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trumps-visits-golf-outpace-barack-obama/story?id=55486647
  7. Thanks for turning memorial day into a day about yourself trump. And the right said obama was arrogant. https://www.google.com/search?q=tump+makes+memorial+day+about+himself&oq=tump+makes+memorial+day+about+himself&aqs=chrome..69i57.16549j1j7&client=ms-android-att-aio-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  8. wanted to add something to what I said. so instead of the rich not paying their fair share of income tax, the rest of society has to make up for it through other taxes. sales taxes, gas tax, property tax, our income tax, etc etc.
  9. lot's of people lost jobs. they'd pay the mortgage if they had jobs.
  10. no one was talking about raising taxes. EVERYONE was talking about how lowering taxes would save and create jobs. it's all snake oil. it's just a sales gimmick the rich use on the poor to allow them to take it all for themselves while increasing the cost of living to everyone else. that's why they're raising the interest rates again. now we have to pay more for loans. gas prices are skyrocketing. local taxes are going up. sales taxes in many cities have gone up.
  11. also regan's didn't work nor did GWB tax amnesty plan which led to millions of jobs lost and turned the budget surplus into a huge debt. it has been blamed for partial reason for the economic crash in 2008
  12. The GOP. They always have. A wave of layoffs has happened. Google it.
  13. Whom he owes millions to... he is in major debt. If he has the money he pretends to, why cant he pay off his loans? https://www.npr.org/2017/06/20/533552769/trump-may-have-a-lot-of-money-but-documents-show-he-owes-a-lot-too
  14. More proof that no matter how much they slash taxes, it doesnt save or create jobs. And trickle down economics hasent ever worked in the past. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/647199002
  15. Thats nuts. But ive never seen a harley, yamaha and kawasaki cruiser with lug nuts. It would be sweet. But they have axles that go all the way through. Even in the ones with a driveshaft. I would love it if they had lug nuts.
  16. We are not a harley dealer so i dont have access to the manuals to know about the belt tension or any special tools. So i dont adjust it. Unless it is really loose ill do it about as tight as kawasaki and yamaha has theirs. Our policy is 2 guys to load it. They may have dropped one in the past. Youre crazy if a sportbike is hard. Its 1/4 of the work. And the tires are usually soft enough to almost remove by hand.
  17. never been proven. and you forget the fact no american banks will loan him money. he's known for defaulting on loans.
  18. Also guys with dirtbikes and no stands. We cant lean them on someones bike. You dont have a kickstand we make you buy those $20 rk triangle stands. Not sure some guys have functioning brains sometimes.
  19. Most of them want to stick to the dunlop that comes on them. They suck to do a rear tire. First getting that 1000lb pig on a lift is a 2 man job. Strapping it down too. Then off with the painted saddlebags. Then the exhaust has to be loosened and some have to come off, then the brackets to the sadlebags on the left side and sometimes the right. Then the brake caliper. Now you have to jack the bike up to take pressure off it. mark the belt adjusters on the axle with a marker(what i do)so i can get it back in the same spot. Now you gotta bust out a 36mm socket and a 1.5" wrench to loosen the axle. Then you can remove the axle. (Some have to be hammered out if a dipshit didnt put grease on it the last time). Now you can roll the wheel forward to take belt off. Now you have to jack the bike up about 12" to clear the fender with the tire. Now go wrestle a rock hard tire that is hard even for a tire machine to remove. Total mount and balance is another 20 mins. If its a cast wheel. If its spoked niwvyou have to do an innertube too which adds another 8 mins of cussing trying to get your hands in there to get the valve stem through the rim. Then out it all back together. It takes me an hour and 15 mins to do just the rear. And these guys show up wanting it done as they wait. But they have to be somewhere in 50 mins. Literally had a guy with 5 others waiting to go riding and he started whining its taking so long. I want to bitch slap these guys and tell them its not a fucking car jackass. Its not 5 lug nuts. Then you get the asshole with led light strips all the way front to rear under the frame where the jack needs to go. Well guess what poser, now you have to buy new ones. Or pay us to remove them and re install. Which needs an adhesive we charge for. Plus the 20 mins of work removing and cleaning and re gluing. Buy some more stupid shit. . Dont be like these jackwads with your bikes. Techs hate assholes with led strips all over. 90% of the time its hacked and mounted to shit that has to come off for routine service. And of course they dont unplug and glued on.
  20. So how many chinese cars do you see in america? Theyre korean and japanese. Since when are we at odds with them? You do understand asians are not all the same people and dont all come from china? Trump is not a good businessman. He has had dozens of bankruptcies
  21. Thanks trump for posibly forcing us to purchase only american cars. Which mostly suck. Hmmm must hate free enterprise. Waiting to see what he does to the motorcycle industry. Hey you guys love paying more for stuff though right? https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/23/613912574/trump-weighs-tariffs-on-imported-cars
  22. I seem to clearly recall a few dates. Dec 7 and 9 11
  23. Oh yeah a damn yamaha v star has the exhaust passing in front of the oil filter cover. I have to take the damn exhaust off to remove the oil filter. But we still charge nothing extra like dumbasses
  24. Also fuck your full bagger harleys, yamaha's, and kawasaki's. The shop i work at has been charging $80 on the bike if bought tire from us. I called powder keg harley and they want $550 including a tire and on the bike I been tryin to tell the service manager he is under charging. We're a frigging harley charity.
  25. Damn i would but she might not like my pit.
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