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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. I always pictured you as an assfaultjunkie. who knew you had a brain.
  2. serpentracer

    Mj usa

    that check will be made of rubber
  3. serpentracer


    bush beat everyone to it.
  4. they do it a lot on cops. they think if they can make it home they're safe. like a kid hiding under a blanket. besides you have to be smart about it. stay back a little bit here and there. but they'll think the situation is over. then they realize you're passing their house as they're getting out of the car and they usually take off running into the house. me and my 2 buddies used to get people to chase us for fun when we were 17. kind of dumb but it was a rush. lol we used to do it on our bicycles too. we lived in a town with a lot of alleys behind the houses and we would just dart through those. but it was a hell of a rush trying to get away. heck we got about 10 of use doing that in the summer time when we was like 14. man that was some fucking fun ass times. lol
  5. aparently none of you watched the whole video. they did get the driver to stop and surrounded the car. I believe you can even hear a siren from the cop at the 2:40 mark.. I've done this in the past. just follow the fucker to his house. that scares the living hell out of people.
  6. that is fucking awesome. we need that to curb more guns from getting into the general public. you guys keep forgetting we are not bordered by all those countries in europe to smuggle in guns.
  7. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95609 I got accepted to kemba credit union for their "green checking". pays you 3.5% interest if you use your card 12 or more times a month. https://www.kemba.com/checking-savings/checking/get-green-checking/
  8. I have your grill. if you ever want to see it again I want 50% of your store's profits. or I'll send in vinney and mickey
  9. yeah that's normal. don't stare at the car. look off to the shoulder of the road instead. and it's actually illegal to run with your brights on all the time. even in the day it's blinding to oncoming cars. I've been blinded a few times from bikes while in my truck. msf instructor said to never do it also for that very reason.
  10. how can you trash talk a fellow racer? at least he's out there doing it. isnt that what you always say?
  11. new york banned soda's over 16oz. I guess the gun owners in new york didn't thwart the gov plan.
  12. mmm how about put a stop to frivolous lawsuits? I guess that will never happen when money is involved. but that is another discussion. parents are just looking for vindication. period. and it should not be allowed to happen. the school is not responsible. for christ sakes these people were in high school. yeah it's rough in high school I remember my moments too. guess what, boy, girl, cute, ugly we all got teased. how did we deal with it without all the asinine "bullying programs" in place? I'm sorry but you can make all the excuses you like but the fact is the pussification of students is a real thing in modern classrooms. more and more of this is going to keep happening because all you're doing is teaching kids to keep it bottled up. not just learn how to deal with it. if that means a good ol fashioned fist fight let them have at it. 90% of the fights I got into I became friends with the person. imagine that....
  13. you're being very irrational. what do you hunt in the middle of a city anyway? for thousands of years people hunted with everything but a gun. you don't need a gun to survive. sorry but that argument has no merrit. if anything it just proves we should improve our disaster response efforts. without a gun there's no way he could have killed all these people. most he could have done is stab a few people. besides, I didn't read about some CCW person stopping anyone from doing something like this EVER. name the last time any of you actually needed a gun to defend yourself. your chances of being struck by lightning are much higher. sorry but if they ever put a vote up for banning gun sales/manufacturing in the usa I'm voting for it. it's the only way to stop these morons from getting their hands on one. because someone is putting guns in the hands of criminals in the first place. then you got legit stores selling guns to whoever walks through the door. these things are not a toy any random moron should be allowed to buy. fuck sake we make people go through drivers ed to drive a car. why not make it a dreadful pain in the ass to get a gun at least. YOU gun loving bible thumping 2nd amendment nuts ENABLE criminals to have guns and shoot people with them.
  14. well I'm glad I had mine on me a few years ago. a got pulled over because my plate came back to a stolen bike. they were going to tow it if i didn't have the registration proving the vin and tag were in fact registered to me.
  15. I'm completely serious. you don't cure a disease by treating the symptoms. sorry but no one needs a gun in the 21st century. our country isn't on the boarder of Afghanistan or someplace that warrants you needing a gun for defense. if you're that worried about someone breaking in your house buy an alarm or a dog or learn how to fight. there's many places all over to learn how to defend yourself. and you'll get some exercise. military or law enforcment sure. but not john q public. I know this forum is a huge 2nd amendment rights advocate but you guys have 0 use for a gun other than it's a hobby. that's not "needing" a gun. you just "want" a gun. I had guns myself and do find it fun to blast shit and target shoot. but honestly, that's all a gun's use is to normal sane people. the problem is anyone can get one because you and I can. that's the problem. if this was a case about drugs whatever drug he was on none of you would have issues with it being banned.
  16. when I got my dog last year we started walking at the local park. it has a walking trail about 1.5 miles. she will not stop begging me to take her there. well anyway, after a few months of it I actually feel like crap if I stop doing it for a few days here and there. walk your dog. it might just save your life.
  17. I'm talking about all the sissy shit like no one loses at a game, all that kind of crap I hear about schools have started doing. you know what makes a kid learn about dealing with losing and being picked on? losing and being picked on. until schools started all this you rarely had kids going around killing other kids. they fought with their fists after school or during. sheltering a child does more harm than good. you know how many girls I know that were sheltered and turn into a frigging wild drug taking whore after they went to college? way more than the girls with parents that let them have a little space here and there. this sissy ass mentality all these new age teachers and parents have are causing kids to snap. they don't know how to deal with being part of society. they're used to you guys stopping people from picking at them. so when you're not there to protect them they don't know what to do. this is just my observation and opinion.
  18. wait you have $200 for track days but not a radiator? just skip one day. this isn't the end of sept or something jesus debbie downer.
  19. sorry but the only way you can stop things like this is to just remove guns from society. like it or not, this isn't the 1700's anymore. you don't need a gun for anything.
  20. wonder if your insurance is going to increase your premium or drop your coverage.
  21. what about the metal in the oil and the wheel not spinning?
  22. since it's alum sides it can be repaired. I'd try calling a radiator repair shop close to you and see what they can do with it.
  23. I'm really surprised you don't see this stuff or something like it on suits where they touch the tank yet.
  24. dave moss says 5-7lb increase. I'm no expert but I'd say you simply ran them way too low to start with. try starting at 24 maybe. I think he says in his video's if the tire doesn't come up 5-7lbs you get hot tear because the carcass of the tire is flexing so much it's getting too hot. something like that. I did the same exact thing you did. I ran what everyone said they use and boy it about fried my tire in just a few laps. when my tires are looking good (to me anyway) they go from around 30 cold to 35-36 somewhere in there. I checked them as soon as I climbed off the bike. I didn't take my gloves or helmet off. my tire looked exactly the same as yours does. for reference I have a picture of it at the end of the day. I adjusted the psi before lunch and ran the rest of the day and you can still see the groove it cut into the tire.
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