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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Your season pass at KI will get you into Cedar Point too. I know of a few people who prefer to go to KI because they feel it's less crowded and the rides are just about as good. It's probably been 25 years since I've been down there.
  2. Yup..still open, through end of October I think. Next month is a good time to go...get on, get off, get right back on for a lot of rides.
  3. Might have to do two groups...one during the week and one on a Sunday, for those who can't make it during the week.
  4. Sounds like we need to do an OR Cedar Point trip next summer/fall.
  5. That's a good time to go. You can usually get off and on some of the big rides pretty easily. One of my boys is headed there this Saturday. If I didn't have grown up stuff to do I'd join him.
  6. We normally meet at the corner of 82/83 at the Circle K and then ride down. We'll firm it up as it gets closer...but plan on meeting there.
  7. My boys took me for my birthday, and they love to ride everything....I just can't sit in a line for 2 hours anymore, unless I was properly entertained. And even then...doubtful. I scored a $25 ticket via Fatwallet which made the trip cheaper for me. I looked into the Fast Lane and nearly sh!t my pants at the cost. But...I'd consider if it I could get a good discount on the entrance cost. I went on a Sunday, and it wasn't too crowded. If I go back next year, I'm going to try and make it during the week.
  8. It had been about 7 to 8 years since I had last made the trip there. I gave up trying to ride Top Fuel Dragster...every time I went, it broke down all day. After 3 times I just gave up. And of course, this last time I was 75% through the line...and it breaks down. I told my kids I wasn't moving...and thankfully it started back up after an hour. Wasn't worth the wait if you ask me. There are still one or two newer rides I haven't been on yet. I'm just too old at this point to sit in a line for 2 to 2.5 hours.
  9. I was there about a month or so ago...they're already tearing DT down. Good riddance!
  10. Millersburg might be a better option for the west side riders.
  11. I'll have to wait until it gets closer to the date. As long as the temps are at 60 or above by the time I hit the road early in the AM, I should be good. It's too far out to tell right now.
  12. And I almost had it under control....just a few more feet...... Stupid sign.
  13. Let's just say I'll never fixate on gravel in a corner again.
  14. It's amazing what a ride in a helicopter will make you buy online afterwards.
  15. For the new-ish folks...the NEO guys and gals on the west side tend to meet in Grafton on the corner of 83 and 82. We normally take 83S until we hit some other road worth our rubber. We run through Lodi and that's where 71 crosses 83 so anyone who is closer to 71 can slab it to Lodi and meet the group en route. Once we get out of Lodi, 83 starts to get fun. If this is gonna be on a Saturday, I predict an increase in traffic on the roads. I like riding on Saturday because I can have Sunday to recoup, but I prefer Sunday morning and afternoon traffic. The biggest difference seems to be in the ride back home. I think I only have one good ride left on the front, so I'll be saving her for this.
  16. Actually I'm headed down to CBus to look at a car, then back home to cut some grass and finally veg.
  17. I'm most likely not getting out today...tomorrow is a 'maybe'.
  18. InyaAzz

    Dash Cam?

    Please give us a short review when you try it out. I've been wanting to mount one for a while now.
  19. Agreed...Modell made some bad decisions. However, the first bad decision he made was to save sports in Cleveland by taking over the stadium. Even he admits, after looking back at it...it was stupid, but he did it for Cleveland.
  20. I would probably be upset if I was a Brown's fan and he moved the team, but: There is plenty of blame to go around. Modell is the easy scape goat. Try Mike White, the NFL, city officials..etc if you need some direction. Like it or not, the Cleveland Browns exist as a business first and foremost. They don't exist to primarily give people something to cheer for. I know we all love our teams and we think WE own them, but we don't. Was anyone cheering for the Browns going to pay Modell's bills? Apparently not. The man is dead...RIP. He wasn't a child murderer or kitten basher...he moved a team because he was left (seemingly) with no choice, financially. You don't have to love him, but the hate is a little overboard. When Matt Millen dies, please don't dig this post up and throw it in my face because I'll be the first to piss on his grave.
  21. Down goes Frazier!!! Down goes Frazier!!! Sorry..that's some funny shit right there.
  22. ^ Same thing happened to me. Coming home late from work and the drone of the engine put me to sleep. I never thought it could happen. The immediate jolt that I got once I woke up and realized WTF just happened scared me in ways I'll never forget. Didn't have a problem staying awake until I got home after that.
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