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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. LOL I should be able to zip tie that shit right up!!
  2. LOL gear nazi. I can't imagine riding like that with out it.
  3. I'm pretty sure the insurance company will come get it. I'm going to take stock tomorrow to see what I can pull off of it and let everyone know.
  4. Thanks bro. We're all family here. Thanks again to you ..Kaw Kid..and everyone else who send their well wishes. It really means a lot. The only thing I regret is not having a bike cam. Seriously though...now that I've been there, done that..it's not happening again. Thanks again to Kev too. I just got done cleaning my leg and changing my dressing. Wanna see?
  5. I'll know tomorrow. I DO have an extra ZX10 master cylinder sitting in my garage..FYI.
  6. The bike clipped the sign on the left...that sent me into the mailbox. The mailbox was sittin on a seriously thick piece of solid wood. I assume I hit the wood..not the actual mailbox.
  7. The last time I saw the dashboard, it was sittin next to me on the ground. I'll check the carnage tomorrow and see what's viable.
  8. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/Ranmo1906/Crash%20in%20SE%20Ohio/IMAGE_00011.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/Ranmo1906/Crash%20in%20SE%20Ohio/IMAGE_00012.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/Ranmo1906/Crash%20in%20SE%20Ohio/IMAGE_00015.jpg Kaw's new naked bike. LOL http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/Ranmo1906/Crash%20in%20SE%20Ohio/IMAGE_00016.jpg Short video http://s48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/Ranmo1906/Crash%20in%20SE%20Ohio/?action=view&current=VIDEO_00003.flv http://s48.photobucket.com/albums/f222/Ranmo1906/Crash%20in%20SE%20Ohio/?action=view&current=VIDEO_00001.flv
  9. Hey everyone..thanks for the well wishes. Thanks for the help Kevin. Thanks for checking in Shitty Gar. Here's what happened. And for the record..it wasn't road rash. I had exposed bone and ligaments. Imagine taking a bite out of a drumstick. The part with the bite is the top of the leg. The bottom was what was left of my calf. I had to hold the calf at the bottom to keep the meat from falling off the bone. Wide the fuck open. It looked like a shark bite. The usual psycho in our group wasn't leading at the time..I was in front. We were going at a good pace..and on our way home. I was coming down hill to the left hander...a SERIOUS 90 degree turn. By the time I noticed how sharp it was, it was time to commit. I braked hard and started to lean and throw the standard knee to the side. Three things happened all at once. I noticed on coming traffic (there had been no traffic for a few miles) and I didn't want to get close to the center line because I didn't want to get clipped. I backed off my line a lil bit...and then I noticed a patch of gravel in the road. I grabbed brake (Mortal Sin..big mistake) and stood the bike up to get around the patch. I didn't want to dump the bike in that turn with traffic coming. In trying to get around the gravel, I ended up in the grass. Once my bike hit the grass, I had little control. I hit a street sign..and according to reports from the rider behind me, I still had control. Until I got to the mailbox. I tried to squeeze to the left of the mailbox..because to the right was a BIG ASS TREE. I didn't make it. Bam...took the mailbox and the thick ass wooden post out..flipped three times in the air. The bike slammed into the tree. RIP Ninja. My godbrother took some pics..but they are blurry as hell. I'll post em up soon. They don't do the wound any justice. I'm still here though..and I'll be back on two at some point. RIght now, I can't even drive..and barely walk. Broken tibia..broken bone in my back. Hey Kevin..iPod's are fuckin expensive!!! LOL My whole philosophy was..if I don't laugh..I'll cry. So I make jokes about the situation. I think everyone around me was pretty distraught after seeing my leg..and it was just my way of trying to let everyone know it was gonna be OK. They took me to the nearest hospital, and I took a bird to Akron General. I spent most of the night with my leg wide open..until they determined that the fracture wasn't actually behind the laceration..it was in another part of the leg (which was a good thing). They let me go today around 6pm after some quick physical therapy. I have to change the dressing tonight, so I'll take some good pics of the stitches. Again..thanks EVERYONE for the well wishes. parts sale!!! LOL
  10. Not sure where Atwood is, but it sounds like it's far. Yeah, no one is putting a constraint on me..I'm putting it on myself. I can't spend all my free time riding (I'd love to) when I have other responsibilities. I may end up hitting route 60 again Sunday then. Probably me and two other bikes..60 down to around Zanesville maybe. Have a safe ride guys.
  11. i would buy one for my mom...but not from Woot. Nothing against Woot. I've bought something from them once or twice..but like others have said. You'll be waiting until the next coming of Christ to get it. I got my refurb straight from Apple. Same price.
  12. Corners! I need to scrub up the sides of my 2ct's. 6000 miles of primarily commuting to worh and back has my shit squared off.
  13. LOL..I didn't think you were being cocky. I had never heard of Austintown, and definitely never heard of a bike night there. It's all good.
  14. Forgive my ignorance..I don't know a lot of these suburbs in Ohio.
  15. I have the same ipod in black..and it was a refurb. No problems except the occasional lock up (happened twice). It was easily fixable..but I can see how someone with half a brain would panic and take it back. Hence..refurb.
  16. You are obsessed with homosexual activity. hmm..look at your signature?!? And who's gay?!?!? Riiiight.
  17. I need a machine that picks the correct Lotto numbers.
  18. This thread is gay.
  19. im down like Paris Hilton's knees. I have to keep it around 4-5 hours. Leaving ON TIME around 10am works for me. we can hit lunch somewhere and i can be back home around 3 or 4.
  20. I've had an old chain sound exactly like that. A lil bit of clicking at first..then worse.
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