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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. That porn thing was a bad rumor. Funny...but a rumor none the less. Let me explain the #'s like this. The PS3 has sold just as well as the 360 did in the same time frame when the 360 was launched. Sony didn't give up the headstart...MS took it. They abandoned the Xbox before it was dead. Case in point? Look at PS2 sales...the thing is STILL going. The Xbox had a lot of life in it..MS just wanted to get ahead of the next gen cycle. Another way to look at it..Sony has sold roughly the same amount of PS3's as MS did, WITH competition from two systems. MS had NO COMPETITION. Did Sony make mistakes? Hells yeah they did. Actually, they were pretty damn arrogant. Things have changed though and they actually have learned from those mistakes. I still don't like how they treat 3rd party developers and their still somewhat reliance on proprietary tech, but things are changing. Why do you think MS is dropping the 360's price? If it was selling so well, there would be no need. One word. Fear. The PS3 is catching up. Here's data for the first 100 weeks. You can see the PS3 and 360 are neck and neck. Yes...this means Sony sold just as many as MS did in the same period. http://vgchartz.com/hwlaunch.php?cons1=Wii&reg1=All&cons2=PS3&reg2=All&cons3=X360&reg3=All&weeks=100 I've been following this industry for decades now..it's all cyclical. I knew HD-DVD would die eventually. it didn't have the proper support behind it. I also knew PSn would not compare to Live yet. Live has been around since the original Xbox! What 6 or 7 years? Does anyone remember the problems when Live first came out?! no one want sto admit it..Live had issues too, and looked NOTHING like it does today. For Sony to offer a FREE network and get it to the point it is now, is pretty impressive. Like I said, I own both. I'm not a fanboy. But I'm a fan of accurate information.
  2. I'll be riding or trailoring the bike to MI that whole weekend. Sorry guys. I'm normally the one trying to organize rides in this forum..nice to have some help !! Ride safe.
  3. Add built in wireless and blutetooth. Plus a media center (360 has this as well).
  4. Not true. RROD happens even if it is cool. There is not enough air flow inside the system to support the heat generated from the chip set. If it were just an issue of keeping it cool, it would be a non issue. That being said..I have both system. 360 has the bigger library..but PS3 has more upside long term. The PS3 games designed for the PS3 from the ground up are great. The ports suck. the architecture is too different, and developers are not willing to spend the $$ to get it right..at least they weren't. The PS3's #'s are much better now...and are closing the gap. This means $$ for developers. If you want to game now, 360 is the choice. Live is still better than PSN, but the gap is closing. PS3 has better upside long term and has BluRay.
  5. The PS3 doesn't have those issues. It's not fanboy-ism..it's a fact. The 360 has a flaw in its design where it's generating too much heat from the chipset. The newer 360's were modified. You can tell if its the newer chipset because there is a yellow sticket near the UPC code. Again, if you're primary goal is to watch HD, PS3 wins. Sure you can get a separate player..but the PS3 is a top notch player and you can save a set of inputs by combining both functions. Plus, you only have to calibrate the inputs once. Trust me...I was one who didn't want to use my PS3 as a movie player...but once you watch a Blu Ray movie on a decent DLP, LCD or Plasma, you will be hooked. There is a BIG difference.
  6. Right, and once the war ended, everyone settled down with VHS. Sony had the better format (technology wise), but made bone head moves. This time, they got Hollywood behind BluRay...which was the difference. HD-DVD was a format best served for PC's. If the majority of Hollywood is supporting BluRay...and the majority of movies are going to be on BluRay...it was just a matter of time. This fight is over. The next fight will be a totally different media/technology and will not have anything to do with this generation. Someone just announced (Japan) that they can now fit 42GB on a dual layered standard DVD. Great!! Except it won't work with current players. Do you think that's going anywhere? Nope.
  7. Gimme a lil poo poo....gimme some of that wee wee....
  8. Any other technology coming down the pike is not going to play with the current TV's out there. Laser disc vs VCR was a different type of war..different formats media all together. if you are looking for the best DVD player and a gaming system all in one, get the PS3. If you want to play the most game , it's the 360. The PS3 is coming along nicely...especially this year. MGS 4 is crack. So don't count it out for gaming.
  9. The TV is a 32" CRT. It's a ProScan PS32700. It was the high end RCA company line. It's got an excellent picture, and there is nothing wrong with it. I just need to make space in my basement for some excercise gear. Both are in excellent condition. Here's the TV: http://www.audioreview.com/mfr/proscan/standard-televisions/ps32700/PRD_121452_6435crx.aspx http://www.ciao.com/Proscan_PS32700_CRT_TV_CRT__10024336 And the entertainment center: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=3208890 http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/bush-entertainment-center-for-tvs-up-to-36--maple-cross The Walmart pic is actually smaller than the one I have. The Kaboodle link is accurate, but too smal to see details. The difference between the two is the shelf above the TV. It has lights in the side pillars that look bad ass at night. Actual Pics: $350 for both.
  10. I've got family coming in from overseas.,..sorry man. I hope you have a good time though.
  11. 2ct's. love em. Sticky as hell. I'm sure I won't get 10,000 miles on em, but I like to hit the twisties and these tires keep me on two.
  12. Well, you are far removed from the frontlines, so to speak your ass-suckiness. LOL j/k In all fairness, the contract was a POS from the jump, but the amount of red tape to just get a single thing done was incredible. None of the CSC employees were happy at all. Every day I came to work, I was thankful that I went to BT and not CSC. This is the only part of CSC I ever saw..so the rest of the company could be peaches and cream for all I know. When Emerson bought Marconi, and all the former Marconi/Current CSC employees were brought back in house, there was 'a celebration, bitches!' (Dave Chappelle as Rick James)
  13. It's the geek factor. You do it cause you can. Don't fight it.
  14. Oh, I thought you meant Computer Science Corporation, or whatever it stands for. They are a big outsourcing company. http://www.csc.com/ They suck ass. As far as the 'borrowing' equipment goes...well. Shit happens. LOL
  15. You mean CSC? Ugh, I had to deal with CSC for two years. All the server/PC folks got outsourced to CSC. Luckily I went to British Telecom. Worst two years of my career, having to deal with their red tape on a day to day basis.
  16. Looks like it's worth a couple hundred bucks on flea bay..more elsewhere. It's not a VXR.
  17. I'm a network engineer...and I bought one used to use for cert practice/studying. Right now, it's sitting in storage doing nothing, so I thought it might be time to get rid of it.
  18. Nothing in life is free, my friend. There's always a cost. I haven't seen what the going rate is..I'll do some research and let you know later today.
  19. I'm seeing if there is any interest. Let me know.
  20. I'm broke as fuck..but I might be in for a romp to VV. As long as it doesn't rain. let me check the weather. Eh..lots of rain headed this way. I think it's gonna be a bust.
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