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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Unless you've serviced laptops before, proceed with caution. Once you've done them for a while, it gets easy, but coming in from the cold...on my primary system..I'd take it to someone who knew what they were doing. Get the fan replaced ASAP. The additional heat is not doing your internals any good. The compressed space of a laptop makes heat issues come to the forefront REAL quick.
  2. Well, don't hate. He's got it like that. If it was McCain doing it, the McCain supporters would be saying how great an idea it was. Move along. Nothing to see here. It's been done and beat to a pulp on this forum and all the others. You either like him, or you don't, and that most likely wasn't going to change last night. I'm voting for him, and even I didn't watch it.
  3. Can we get pics of the actual bike? I know it's just like yours..but I'd like to see the actual bike anyways. I'm in the market for another ZX10.
  4. Doesn't sound too bad to me..just sounds like he was surprised they didn't invite him. If what he is saying is true that they invited other ex olympians and not him..maybe he has a point. I don't think he's trying to steal Phelps thunder at all..okay, maybe a lil bit. But I don't think he's talking down about him at all. Oh yeah...by the way...GO BLUE
  5. SOLD ..even with the hater-aid. Mods please close.
  6. Wheelie with the finger did it for me. Idiot...glad he at least apologized after his buzz wore off.
  7. I read a sotry many months ago about a speed limit being imposed on the Autobahn. Is that true?
  8. It's a fuggin cluster fuck. Many Georgians have Russian passports..so Russia goes under the guise of 'protecting it's citizens'. Georgia has to share some blame to. Messed up all around. I hope the fighting stops soon.
  9. Labor day weekend is bad..IMHO. Too many LEO's out. The last week in august is better. Aug 30th as mentioned before.
  10. I might be able to bring some riders down from Detroit for this.
  11. I'll check it out...that's the same weekend the fellas are trying to come.
  12. What was the twisty factor like? I see you say it was scenic..but the guys from Detroit will want to hit the infamous Ohio twisties.
  13. The shock itself is universal..and yes, you can get mounts: https://www.harris-performance.com/website/frameset2.htm
  14. It's sad...the ohio cities beat out Flint and Detroit. And Flint is a shit hole.
  15. Can anyone recommend a route starting from the Cleveland area? I know the better roads are south of here...I am just looking for a rotue that a group of us can enjoy , starting from the north ..heading south..and then back north. I don't want to ride 8 hours south and then have to come back. Any suggestions?
  16. This is going to get ugly quick. I'm down. Has to be a weekend where I don't have any parental responsibilities though.
  17. Ok, I am going to unsubscribe from this thread. it's making my shingina hurt all of a sudden.
  18. Damn maybe we need to do an OR Absinthe night?!?
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