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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. If this is the 26th, I am officially OUT. I have to work in Macedonia Friday night and Saturday AM. Fuck.
  2. That's what I figure it's like. A bunch of bars..a bunch of drunk fools.
  3. I wouldn't mind a short ride. I caged it to MI and back on Sat, and I need to catch up with some house work.
  4. No way! tell her to take the 2k!! Why sell it for 3 when you can get less?!?! LOL! J/k! Good looking e-flores!
  5. Damn don't try and low ball her. You'll give her 2k for something that is worth way more than that? Vultures:rolleyes:
  6. Forest in no slouch..he deserves the belt. I definitely will say that if Rampage brought he A game, he would have won. I believe Forest already said he wasn't going to give him a rematch...hmm.
  7. Why are you selling, if you don't mind me asking?
  8. Yeah..like I said, this is out of character for Rampage. He is going through some mental health issues right now. Thankfully, he didn't hurt anyone. If he came into that fight as heavy and slow as he was..somethings going on. I'm not happy with the way Dana set that fight up anyways. It took wat too long for him to defend that belt. And, when he came into the UFC , he didn't get much of a tune up. No tomato cans. Marvin Eastman (if I remember correctly)..and then Liddell. Anyways..different topic.
  9. He got arrested....again. Yesterday. Looks like his friends flagged some cops down because he was a danger to himself. Sounds suicidal now. I wouldn't be surprised if he is bi-polar...it definitely sounds like depression, at a minimum. I didn't watch the fight..but I heard he came in WAY heavy. Something's going on inside his head. I hope he gets help.
  10. Just because you are courteous, doesn't mean you are practicing 'chivalry'.
  11. Mine dropped last year a the end of my drive way. Down slope and gravel...BAM. Was there that brief second..between dismounting, turning away walking..where the silence was interrupted with that un mistakable CRASH sound of your bike hitting concrete? My stomach churned.
  12. Same here man..good convo. No yelling and the immature BS. It's refreshing to see other peoples perspectives. I think that's what makes you grow as a person...being open to other peoples opinions and perspectives. As far as Rampage goes...Vanderlai Silva was his main opponent. A beast (thank the steroids for that). Silva was just mauling everyone..and man..I do mean maul. Rampage fought him twice..and due to lack of preparation, he got knocked out both times. He got real close to winning one of the fights...but the bell rang. Lack of prepation and sufficient training partners did him in. PLUS he had just got married..his focus was not 100% on training. After those two fights, he had to get his house in order. He left Pride and fought in smaller shows to get his confidence back up. There wasn't this type of episode...he just became a different fighter for a while. not as agressive...and his demeaner was off.
  13. Amen. people immediately think fighters are meat heads..or just idiots because of what they do. There is soooo much more to the sport than just 'punching each other'. Every chance I get, I try to enlighten people. It's a violent sport...so it's difficult..but it's MUCH safer than boxing.
  14. In my experience...a lot of women NEED the 'nice, responsible' guy. but what they WANT is the bad boy/asshole. Most times, when you are done fucking around with the asshole, the nice guy isn't there anymore. Same token, some guys try to play the friend role...and it can be genuine friendship...with the hope of more in the future. Most women don't even respect that..they will take all you have to give..and smile and say thanks. But really, who is using who? I think both sides have some 'splaining to do. I guess I could say the same thing for men..I know a lot of dudes that have good women but choose to fuck around or not take care of business. Then the clean up man comes along and they wonder why big dick derrick is sticking it to their wife. Goes both ways I guess. Like Foizie alluded to..if both sides were completely honest from the get go, there wouldn't be any issue. Me, I'm too mature to play those games any more. If i think you are using me..or not 100%, I'm kicking yo ass to tha curb.
  15. As far as mirror goes, I got rear ended in the middle of a right turn. You can't do anything about that . You can't watch your mirrors while you're leaning into a turn. I can see checking the mirrors out while you are in a straight line or at a stop..but turning...diff story. Damn man..I used to work in the UP of Michigan at a big resort. Security. THOUSANDS of BATS!!! i would HATE to have one hit me in the lid..let alone get stuck inside!!!! Hells naw!! LOL Glad you made it through OK. It's bad enough when a rock hits me in the knee or a bug hits me in the throat!
  16. LOL!! DAMN!!! When it hit did you scream in your helmet?!?! LOL WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!? HOLY SHIT!!! Sorry, i can just imagine how I would have been.
  17. Well you need to clone yourself. Do you know how many women out there continually go back to the men who treat them like shit? They have a good man right in front of them, and they find a reason..ANY reason to play him to the left. I see that ALL the time.
  18. I have a mirrored visor for my Shoei. I can see at night better than a regular smoke...but it has to be well lit. A parking lot with no lights in it causes problems.
  19. Tank slapper at about 90 MPH on Rt 2. Asshole in front of me brake checked me. I was going over a REAL rough patch of the highway, and at the time my suspension wasn't adjusted. The stabilizer said "Fuck this. You're on your own" I took my feet of the pegs, pressed forward on the bars with my hands and proceeded to kiss my ass goodbye. How I regained control..I still don't know. I went back to Quaker and said a few prayers. Later in the year (last year) I was rear ended by a teenager on a cell phone. I wasn't going fast at all, but I never saw it coming and did a high side. I landed head first. Still dealing with the pain from that to this day.
  20. I think I agree with just about everything you said. I suck at multi quoting..so I'll just sum up my response. Rampage has never once acted like he was above the law or things were owed to him. Again, like someone else stated, 99% of the MMA fighters are the most humble guys on the planet. Seems weird, but it's true. Yes, he coulda hurt people..but so could a stand up judge who got trashed one night and proceeded to get a DUI. Rampage made a mistake..and just because he makes more money than us doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a second chance. As far as Kobe goes..Pussy is my sport...not MMA. Just kidding. (Not really). Anyways..If this had been Kobe's first brush with the law, I would expect that he get the same treatment and second chance as everyone else. If Kobe, or anyone else, had a history of doing shit to bring the law into his life..then obviously my take changes. The reason I made these comments is because you were crucifying Rampage, and you don't really know anything about him. You automatically assumed he was an asshole (my words, not yours) and deserved to be taken down (again, my words). We both know there are assholes who make a lot of money who think they are god's gift to this earth. A LOT of that is how they get treated by society..in some ways, it would be HARD not to feel that way unless you had a good support system around you to keep you grounded. Yeah..society's priorities are fucked up. We all know it. It's not changing anytime soon though. And again, I'll say that MMA is not like that. I have 4 kids. They are with me almost 24/7. I work about 60 hours a week. I have to cook..clean..work..do laundry..take them to camp..school...etc..etc. I know what it's like to bust your balls trying to provide for a family and be an 'Average Joe'. I also know what it's like to train hard at something I like..and not get paid doing it. Does it bother me that these guys are making money? NOPE. Like I said, this has been going on for decades in other countries. What does bother me..a little..is that it wasn't this popular when I was younger and able to train full time without the responsibilities of a family. Fighting in red neck bars in Indiana (no offense to the red necks out there) in cages covered in chicken wire and not getting paid to do it sucks in comparison NOW, but back then I gladly did it. Still, I think these guys are underpaid considering what Zuffa is bringing in. Anyways..this is probably :beathorse:by now. I get what you're saying, and I agree with you..but don't automatically assume when someone who makes a lot of $$ gets in trouble, that they are an asshole who deserved it or think they're better than everyone else. Knowing Rampage, I honestly believe depression played a part in this. He went through a spat a few years ago when he got his beat by Silva twice in Pride.
  21. Nothing against stunting..but a large group of bikes on the freeway with guys doing stand up wheelies is just asking for unwanted attention. People with cell phones who hate bikers LOVE to call the po po.
  22. No doubt. Fonzie..I think we're in agreement on a lot..and I do agree with you that our priorities as a race ( not as a country, because this stuff exists else where in the world) are out of whack. But you have to realize..this 'business' of sports is driven by one thing. MONEY. If there was not money to be made by paying someone a million dollars to swing a bat, it wouldn't happen. Nuff said. Some of your comments just come off as sour grapes because you're not making that money. Don't get me wrong, I would kill to make that money (even though, with all that money comes a different set of problems). But I;m not going to hate on someone who dedicates themselves to being good at a sport. If someone wants to pay them for that skill, who the fuck are you or me to talk down on them? Yeah, I know it's fucked up..but it's a part of capitalism. Like I said..if someone wasn't making money on the back end, it wouldn't be happening. You don't train MMA, obviously..so you don't have any idea what these guys go through. This is their job..like you have your job. They live and breathe this stuff every day. I don't know what you do for a living, but I doubt it is as physically and mentally taxing as training at 150% every day for 10 hours a day. This doesn't make your job (or mine) or anyone else's less important.So, it sounds like you're saying that they don't deserve to make that money because they don't have a 'typical' job?!? That's haterism right there! If you're interested in seeing a typical training regimen I'd be happy to show you (that's not a smart ass comment..I really meant that. If you don't know how they/we train I'd be happy to show you). And not to mention the countless sparring sessions where you are getting your ass pummeled on a consistant basis. And you're right, they can leave whenever they want. BUT THEY CHOSE THAT JOB!!! Just like you choose yours. Really, you sound like a bitter grumpy hater when you say things like that. They don;t meet your standard of what a working man should be, so to hell with them. I guarantee you wouldn't last 30 seconds in their world...and NOR WOULD THEY WANT TO BE IN YOURS. That's called freedom of choice. Welcome to America. Your comment about stepping in the ring to get six figures?!? That's not valid. No one steps in the ring off the street just' to get six figures. Do you know how long he has been in the game? obviously you don't. Quinten didn't just pop up on the scene. MMA did not just start with the UFC. The US is just NOW catching on. Vale Tudo ..Pancrase...etc have been going on in Japan and Brazil for decades. Again, I'm not flaming you, but you really need to read up on the history before saying things like one of us would step in the ring for a six figure pay day. Not gonna happen. It takes YEARS and a lot of blood and sweat to get to that level.
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