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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Oops I should have mentioned my disclaimer ..
  2. I used to be on ATT when I worked for Emerson. No complaints. I will say Sprints customer service sucks.
  3. I don't like the idea of an all touch screen phone. I like my hard buttons, because there are time where I need to feel the phone and push a button without looking. I'm sure the iPhone is great, but to me it's not worth the extra money. What's the name of that new touchscreen phone on Sprint's network? I read some reviews, and it looks like it's the best touch screen, outside of the iPhone. The only problem is, Sprint has changed their plans according to what I read ..for this phone. If what I read is true, I can't use my current SERO plan ($50/month 1200 minutes, unlimited data/text) ..and I have to get a plan that's $70+/month.
  4. So off topic, yet so relevant.
  5. I've never done it..but have been tempted to buy a bottle. Green fairy!!
  6. +1 on Costa Rican women Hell, any *rican woman works for me.
  7. Don't forget the sugar. This link will explain it: http://www.wikihow.com/Drink-Absinthe
  8. Yeah..follow the ritual. it's a must do.
  9. I confused action shot with money shot. Wrong thread. My bad.
  10. English on the shampoo bottle? You do realize that there are more spanish speakers in the world than english...right??
  11. Ok, I'm going to jump in here. When I first read this story DAYS ago, I was a little upset. BUT, I took the time to read the WHOLE story from several sources. Did you happen to read the part where this was voted in by 80% of the employees?? UNION employees i might add? And I believe the Muslim population of the plant was around 20-25%. Again..let me repeat this...the UNION APPROVED THIS. The UNION (again, there's that word..union) said it was their responsibility to provide their members with opportunities like this....REGARDLESS of their religion. See, the union (in this case) isn't just for Christians...or whites...or black..or asians..it's for people who are working at this particular store, regardless of race of religion. It so happens that a big percentage of these employees are muslim. So, is the union supposed to ignore them just because they aren't Christian? by the way, before you answer that...do we have an official religion? Get back to me on that. I would have a problem if this was something that was forced on people without any say...but this was voted on by 80% of the UNION (again, there's that word). 8 out of 10 people agreed with this choice!! Majority rules! Most everyone is happy!! What's the deal? Don't get caught up in cow-towing to muslims. This is NOT one of those cases. Read all the facts before getting your panties in a bunch. Kudos to Tyson.
  12. 30 would be my lower limit..but even with 30, if you do any high speed breaking, you are more prone to cupping.
  13. InyaAzz

    New lids..

    +1 on the RF-1000 Shoei. Great helmet. Quiet. Great fit. My Akuma has it beat it in air flow though. I've tried on about 4 different brands, and the Akuma is the only one where I can actually feel the air moving across my dome.
  14. Same thing happened to me. Brand new 2CT. I didn't bother checking the pressure. Put more than 1000 miles on it. Felt great in the corners!! All of a sudden, I get the wobbles at 120+ MPH. I checked my pressure..and it's a little below 30. I bumped it up to 40 to compare...wobbles are gone, but now I have a cupped BRAND NEW tire. Grrrr. Oh wait..make that *had* instead of *have*.
  15. InyaAzz


    Could possibly be due to swelling, is why you can't move it. I'm not going to play doctor on this forum..but if you feel up and down the finger you *may* have a good idea whether it's broken or not. Still, if I had any doubt, I would make your insurance work and get it xray'ed. If you don't have insurance...then yeah..it's a tough call at that point. heal up man.
  16. Works fine for me. Are you at work?
  17. InyaAzz


    So let me get this right.. you crashed while cock blocking? Not to make light of your accident..glad you're OK. but damn..stop the cock blockin' !!! LOL
  18. Smart man. I'll tell you what..If I wasn't wearing a helmet a week ago, I wouldn't be typing this post right now.
  19. They should make 'motorcycle awareness' part of getting your drivers license. They make you pay attention to semis and their turning radius and blind spots..they should do the same for bikes.
  20. Don't quit your day job Kevin. Give it a rest already.
  21. Welcome. Make sure to check the Cleveland forum often for upcoming rides.
  22. There's nothing wrong with 60. I love it. That little joke went over your head. Don't worry about it.
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