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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The Scorpion 1000 is sweet with the built in shield. None of min ehave that (I have an Akuma and a Shoei)...BUT Akuma has a visor coming out that plugs into the power source of the lid..one button tint. Push the button, it goes clear. Push the button again, instant tint. Pimp. There's a demo somewhere on YouTube.
  2. EXACTLY. If you had ever taken the time to go to a show or talk to most MMA fighters, they are the most humble peeps you could ever meet (for the most part). THEY DESERVE TO GET PAID! And they aren't. I had to fight in shows years ago in Kentucky and Indiana....for fuckin gas money and a hotel room...while the promoter counted his stack of $$$.
  3. To each his own...but she's fugly to me. Yuck.
  4. And Rampage does NOT have a habit of doing something like this. He clowns a lot in interviews...so what? He is selling himself! He LOVES to joke and clown around. That doesn't make him crazy. And no one, at least I'm not, is saying that he deserves sympathy. I think some of us are saying he deserves a second chance..like anyone else.
  5. I think you're way off base Fonize..maybe not on priviledged athletes, but definitely on Rampage. Rampage is so down to earth, it's not even funny. Almost all of the professional MMA fighters are. WHY? Cause up until recently, they didn't make shit. they still don't make shit compared to what they go through! I agree, someone making millions of dollars to swing a bat is crazy..but teams pay that because that million dollar investement brings in much more money on the back end. That being said, when you step up to the plate, you're not putting your health on the line. MMA fighters are putting their BODIES ON THE LINE every fight. They deserve to get paid decently. THERE IS NO RETIREMENT PLAN. THERE IS NO UNION. THERE ARE NO HEALTH BENEFITS. THEY DO NO MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A FIGHT. So you know what ? All that hundres of thousands they make (only for the top athletes...the low and mid level guys don't make anywhere near that) has to go to paying their doctors bills..paying their trainers...etc. Only the top level guys get sponsorship that means anything. I'm not saying Rampage's job is more important than yours or mine..but to suggest that he is overpaid shows a lack of knowledge on your part. it's not a flame..I'm just pointing out facts here. Rampage couldn't do your job, and I'm pretty sure you can;t do his job. Yeah it sucks that teachers and cops and the like don't make the kind of money they do..but this is HIS JOB. He is putting his BODY and well being on the line every day when he trains, and definitely in the ring. He deserves to be compensated...and trust me, Dana White ain't paying all that well compared to what he's pulling in.
  6. I'm digging the Iron Man one. I wish the eyes were reflective. Nick, I think it's one size fits all type of thing.
  7. That's the one that caught my eye too. Hell, there are a few of them that caught my eye. On the cutting tip, I don't think you want to cut this material..especially if your stretching it out....taking it off to wash..putting it back on..etc. I don't know. Still, I am thinking about getting one of these...just for shits and giggles.
  8. They look cool...but just think about how you are going to feel with your air vents covered up?
  9. MMA Fights. You didn't notice the tent and the cage in the parking lot?
  10. Cool. Glad that worked out for you.
  11. I think he was depressed from losing. He just knew he was going to win...and sometimes we set ourselves up for failure. It was probably drug related..if the indications come to pan out. I hope he gets it together. Nobody's perfect..and Rampage is a great guy. As far as the 'shoot him' comment...whatever.
  12. Dude lost his MIND yesterday!!!!!!! He hit more than a few cars..almost hit a few people..on the SIDEWALK! And ran from the po po. And get this, he did this in a truck with his big ol picture on the side. Dude was so messed up, they couldn't book him, they had to take him to the hospital. Drugs are bad, mm'kay?!? WOW. Last person I expected this from.
  13. Cool. I'll meet you there. I feel you about the laptop..I'll have to do the same thing before I head to Kennedy's.
  14. I live in Lorain..but I'm not from this shit hole. If it wasn't for my kids I would have been long gone.
  15. Ok..who's going? I'm going to be at Kennedy's in Elyria to get my front tire balanced (again) around 5:30. They have some free dogs and burgers ..so I'm thinking we can meet up there while I'm getting worked on, get our grub on, and then roll out for general mayhem and bike night. ???
  16. I'm tempted... cept my weight on my fron tire came off. Shit is mad unbalanced. Not sure if I like riding on the highway with the shakies. I might have to postpone this till next week. colt, we need to co-ordinate! I'm sure I can bring a few bikes from the west side to meet up with your crew.
  17. Can't we just meet up somewhere, pretend we are our favorite athletes, and bang the shit out of each other? By 'bang', that was in a no homo kinda way.
  18. This thread has potential.
  19. Aww how sweet. They look like they wanna cross streams.
  20. I wouldn't ride anyone I didn't know. You have no idea what else he may be packing that came along for the ride too. Cash, or no test ride. It's that simple.
  21. I didn't bother with a hotel this year..and I wish I had. Looks like the DSB trip is falling through..it's prob too late to find a room now.
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