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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. NICE FIND! I had another site where people posted up their routes, but it sucked. This is good info for someone who doesn't know the state.
  2. InyaAzz

    a ride

    Dude you and me both. This is getting old. The NE Ohio folks seem to be ride challenged! The 4th weekend is out for me..I'll be in MI. I've been trying to just get weekend stuff going outside of the holidays...holidays are bad because most folks are spending time with family or out of town.
  3. InyaAzz

    a ride

    LOL...there there...here's some tissue.
  4. You have my deepest respect. I'm only 37, but I suffer from a raging case of rheumatoid arthritis. My wrists hurt just by air blowing over them. My hips are fucked beyond all repair. That ride would be torture for me on a sport bike. I'd be grinning from ear to ear, but in serious pain.
  5. Bomb ass pics!!!!!! Beautiful!!!!! You are a lucky SOB! I don't know if I could ride that long on a sport bike. I saw a Yamaha in some of those pics, no?
  6. Looks like a Galfer stainless line. Same one I have.
  7. Some info here: http://www.take2rescue.com/pit_insurance.asp I see they lump the Presa and others in that category. I wouldn't mind owning a presa, but they require the highest level of training. And they are not stranger friendly at all...that's a good and bad thing. Anyways..put a dress on a bow on your Pit and take him to the warden. Maybe they'll think he/she is such a cutie pie that there's no way someone would be in danger. ;-)
  8. Dremel...good idea. I think a circ saw with the right set up would work too. Good luck. remember, it didn't happen without pics!!
  9. LOL the pics would be great. If you kill the fish, your dog is next. Do you know how easy it is to poison some meat and throw it to your dog? You won't be able to stop that. I think the pics alone would get his attention.
  10. A suspension change on my bike made it handle like a totally new beast. I'm about 240+ with gear on. BIG difference.
  11. Hmm. Good point. In the cage I would toss his salad regularly.
  12. Circ saw or hacksaw. A sawzall will mangle yo shit.
  13. LOL true..but you're missing the point. the guy already threatened him. And this was before any sort of escalation. All I'm saying, is it takes one 'silly little joke' to set someone off and then the police are called. If you're a teenager, no big deal. When you have nice shit and a wife or family, big deal. I'm not saying don't torture the guy..I'm saying be SMART about it and don't make it obvious. A pile of shit smeared under his door handle provides comic relief...but is obvious as hell. You never know..this guy might be setting the OP up. Cameras are a dime a dozen. If you're gonna go to war, don't make it look like war.
  14. no, he didn't say that..and I didn't insinuate that. I am merely pointing out the fact that a lot of these ideas...however funny and creative I might add..are bad ideas, especially if you live near the person, OR if you've come on a public forum and asked for ideas on how to break the law. We all know it's jokes..or at least we hope it's jokes. But there is NO way of predicting the intelligence level of every poster on here. Better to be safe than sorry. If something goes wrong, the "it was just a joke" defense ain't gonna work. Carry on.
  15. The Art of War is as much about waging war, as it is about when not to wage war. I still have a copy of his holiness' 'Engaging Wisdom & Compassion" sitting right in front of me.
  16. Agreed. get Tiger in a cage or ring and I'd tea bag him every time. On the golf course, he's a god.
  17. Those ideas are all great...and funny..and vindictive as hell...but anyone can go by a camera and record you doing this shit. Then it's not funny anymore. The whole purpose of torturing someone is to, well, torture them, but not get caught in the process. What good does all the abuse do when he gets charged with something and then has to spend $$ on legal fees? If you want to piss him off and don't care about the aftermath, then go ahead and throw a brick through his windshield. There. Done. If you are going to leave piss and shit and vaseline all over the place for him to find, don't you think he will figure out real quick who did it? Then what? Now he retaliates...then you do..rinse repeat. If you are going to do something like that, you had better make sure you are long gone before you do it. if you plan on living there for a while, you need to resort to psychological warfare or do things that he will have absolutely NO idea you had anything to do with. This isn't 8 yr old next door neighbor games we are talking about. These are adults who have shit to lose and are able to buy guns and other weapons. All this retaliation talk is funny...and nice...but doesn't make a whole lotta sense if you live right next door to the person. Use your head. For those who haven't read The Art of War, go pick up a copy. Hell you can probably find it online somewhere free.
  18. I'm not going to compare Woods to other athletes or Lance with his one testicle. Let's just look at what he has accomplished in terms of Golf. At his age. Like I said, I don't golf, mainly because my temper would cause me to spend a lot of $$ fixing shit. But I do recognize that it is fucking difficult to get that little ball in that little hole on a consistant basis, AND to do so at a much younger age than your peers. Yeah everyone is on Tiger's dick, but there's a reason. He is amazing at what he does, and how he does it. If Jack N. was still dominating, you would hear his name all the time. But you don't. You don't have to like the sport...or even call it a sport. But you gotta give it up for the man.
  19. InyaAzz

    Canton QS&L 6/18

    Meh, I'm out anyways. I'm broker than I don't know what..and I have to drive into Beachwood tomorrow.
  20. InyaAzz

    Canton QS&L 6/18

    Blah Blah Blah. Ohio is such a great example of what utopia should be. Blah Blah Blah. The homerism is killing me.
  21. Why take the time to post that shit? Some people on here actually care about Wood or Golf. I personally don't play/watch golf, but Tiger has amazing skill. Grow up.
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