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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Depending on what time I leave here and get on the turnpike..I should be there around 7:30 or so. Look for a black ZX10 with psychedelic rims
  2. If anyone's going..post up. If you want to get a lil ride in before meeting there..post up too. I'm coming from Macedonia around 5...6..but I'll have a laptop on my back and dress slacks on, so I won't be tryin to stop at QSL until I go home and change. Kennedy's is having free food till 7..so if folks are hungry we could head there first. What say we?
  3. Same here..stayed home. I may make an appearance at Sheffield tonight. I'll start another thread.
  4. LOL ..I had a Tec-9 once. Once. Yuck.
  5. The oldest is going over his cousins' house..so I doubt I'll roll out that far. If it was Sheffield that would be different. I guess I'll have to pass.
  6. Kids and work have kept me busy. I was in MI all last weekend too. Having the kids 24/7 has kept the joy rides to a bare minimum. Gotta change that soon. Summer is half way over! I'm still on the fence about going. I need to hit the grocery store and fix the kids something to eat...cut grass..etc. If I do go, it will be a last minute decision...and probably on the later side. Should be a big turn out today.
  7. Welcome! Finally the CLE area is getting more riders. Time to start posting some regular rides!
  8. I'm still on the fence. I don't need to spend any more $$ at QSL!! LOL
  9. You should've called me..Honda Avon is in my neck of the woods.
  10. No, just trying to make some room in my basement. I'm tempted to put this stuff out to the curb just to get rid of it. I love that entertainment center too..I just want to reclaim the space.
  11. LOL! I knew it was coming and still shit my pants.
  12. Good idea. Don't try to fight it. Just try to get it taken down a notch or two. If you fight it, they will nail your balls to the bench.
  13. Anyone been on 555? I hear it's a blast.
  14. InyaAzz

    a ride

    I've heard 555 is nice. Don't know where it is...never been there.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/07/01/landers.ohio.urine.collector.wbns
  16. Price dropped to $300. Willing to separate. I need to get rid of these soon.
  17. InyaAzz

    a ride

    Overnight is out for me. I have kids at home. Catch you guys some other time.
  18. Good stuff here...I was thinking about buying a set too.
  19. InyaAzz

    a ride

    That's a kid weekend for me. If we do it real early, I might be able to swing it. How far from CLE are you talking?
  20. WOW What's their turn around time?
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