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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The 250 was Kaw's best selling bike. The new 250 is leaps and bounds better than the previous model. If you were a bigger guy I'd say no way. But considering your size and how good this new model is, I'd say go for it. Although, you could easily take that $$ and get the 500 running. But if you are short on cash and are looking to finance something just to get on the road, the 250 will do (as long as the power is not a concern).
  2. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Ok, this is tentative, but I'm looking at a 6/14 ride. If the folks from Akron/Canton want to get in on the fun, we'll plan on meeting somewhere that works for them. Initially, I'm thinking Rt 60 S..then 83 back north. Curvy! Let me know what your availability is....
  3. Anyone got some time to kill after work today?!? Let me know.
  4. I'm going to start posting new threads for individual dates. Someone took me down Rt 60 and back up 83 and let me tell you..the tips of my boots are all f'ed up from the corners. I'm thinking we can hit that this saturday if weather permits. Due to the type of ride, I'm only talking about 4-5 hours of ride time.
  5. No where...yet. I'm still home. Honestly, I hate riding when it's super hot. Gear is too hot and I feel like a squid with my bare arms hanging out. I think I'm gonna wait until around 7 or so if I get out.
  6. Anyone getting out today..hit me up on my celly cell. I've got some ebay'ing and some laundry to do...and I'm usually not riding when it's TOO hot, but it's a beautiful day outside.
  7. I didn't lose HP. I gained 10 overall with a PC III and the M10. What I was saying earlier is that I could have probably....probably..maybe..gained a few more with the Akra or another system.
  8. I've got the Muzzy M10 on my 06. 06=07. I've found that going to a single can in a system that removes some (all) of the back pressure, you are going to drop some torque and maybe not get the HP you'd expect. On the street, it doesn't make a difference to me. I got the M10 because I wanted to clean the undertail up and I liked the look and sound. I don't know if Akra has a single can, but I would start with them. All of their systems are AAA.
  9. I have this exact same helmet in another color. Great lid.
  10. I think electing two idiots in a row counts as being..well..idiotic.
  11. That's what I was thinking. Also stay away from any sort of modulating lights while you are riding. Cops don't like that.
  12. Not sure about Ohio...but anything red in the front was a big no-no in MI. Not sure how anal they get here. Angel Eyes ..halo eyes..etc. Probably not legal to ride with them on if they are not 'white'..but I can't say I know anyone getting stopped for em. LED's on the frame of the bike are prob not that big of a deal, if any. Call the police up and ask em.
  13. People will still find a reason to say they will vote for him over Obama. This dude can't even get his facts straight. Seriously..is this who people want to be our next President? We will be the laughing stock of the whole world.
  14. At first I laughed, and then I got pissed.
  15. See? We all played nice like.
  16. DAMN! I'm sorry..but my sons are not getting tats until they are 18+.
  17. If you were in Lorain you could borrow mine. Like someone else said..you don't NEED a pump. But it makes the whole thing so brainless and error free it's not even funny. Of course you can do it without one..but having one is worth SOO much it's really not even funny.
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