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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. This is a new, unused set of red CCFL eyes for the ZX-10R. This is the set from fendereliminators.net http://www.fendereliminators.net/1998109.html The cost $110 on there, I'm offering them up for $70. If I don't sell these soon, I may just decide to put the fuckers on. Don't let it come to that! They are on ebay as well: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trkparms=tab%3DSelling&viewitem=&item=290239718904&_trksid=p3907.m32
  2. If anyone is interested, I've got the stock MC, front caliper, lines and all hardware from an 06 ZX-10R. Make me an offer..I'm not sure how much it's worth.
  3. Um, I musta missed the left turn at Albuquerque. This board has more drama than a lil bit.
  4. Send them flowers. Cheap flowers of course, but send em. It will drive them insane. Then bake them cookies..don't spend a lot of money. They won't eat them.
  5. InyaAzz

    Canton QS&L 6/18

    You know you wanna say the name...
  6. I have a good friend in MI that co-signed on a bike for a supposed friend of his. Said friend started to 'forget' to make payments on the bike. He took the bike out of state and refused to bring it back. Now my friend's credit is fucked...and he lives like 4 houses away from this tool. The ONLY reason we havent gone over there and fucked his shit up, is that he lives nearby and his family is priority #1. We wouldn't want something happening to his kids or his wife..property..etc. Long story short, like someone else said before, if you don't plan on moving away anytime soon..use the kill him with kindness idea. TRUST ME, it will eat him alive. Go overboard with it. Video tape it if you can..you'll die laughing later. If you retaliate, and trust me I feel you on that, you will just escalate this and eventually the cops will get called or someone will get hurt. In the end, you will have regretted taking it that far. Said friend in moving to Cleveland in the next few months. We plan on paying dude a visit after he's long gone and making a few improvements to his lot. He can't prove who it was and friend will have been moved out of the STATE for months. If needed, revenge is a dish best served cold.
  7. InyaAzz

    Canton QS&L 6/18

    We should hook up at VV..I will probably end up going.
  8. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    And at $4+ a gallon, it didn't take long.
  9. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Yeah..it's where it should be. I get about 140 miles to the tank if I'm mixing up the riding.I figured it out at about 7 more miles to the gallon.
  10. I just read 5 of the jurors talked to the press after. They said they all believed without a doubt it was him on the tape. But without the victim testifying, there was no way they could convict. I told ya...without her, they were doomed from the start. You know she got broke off some change..hope she can live with herself.
  11. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    I hear ya..shit happens. It's just that I have kids and I'm a single dad so I have to make plans around them. It's very hard for me to make last minute plans where I'm gone more than a few hours.
  12. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Aight, I'm not gonna last minute this thing. If people were serious they would already be in contact. It's 10 hours until I planned on leaving, and I'm gonna pull the plug. If you are going to post at 2Am and say that you are still down to go , don't bother.
  13. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Yeah.. a lot of tar snakes, but it's still a good ride. Sat looks like it's going to be good after 10am.
  14. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Ok..since my spawn is playing MGS 4 and I can't watch battlestar, I'm on here. here's the plan. -Leave NE Ohio around 10-11AM. -Hit Rt 60 South. take 60 South till we get a little south of Millersburg. Turn around, go back north on 60 till we get to 39 E, then hit Millersburg. Take 83 north to NE Ohio. I plan on stopping every 70-80 miles to top off. My bike drinks petro and the gas stations are few and far between out in the country. I plan on hittin some corners at speed..but no one gets left. i'll always be checking behind me if I get separated from everyone else, and I expect everyone else to do the same. If I get out in front, just keep riding straight. If i get to a corner where we need to turn or I don't see you in a few secs I'll stop.
  15. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    I've got a friend on a 250 who wants to come. She's on a 250..so she's not going to be at the front of the pack. But she is game, and if walther is serious that makes three. Mc-Spirited????
  16. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Damn, you're coming from Akron..Hmm.. Let's see if we get at least one more person to commit. It's actually better with a small group.
  17. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    You don't count....beach bitch!
  18. You know they got paid off. Like I said..it's not a race thing. Its a $$$ thing. The system is designed to let a guilty man go free rather than send an innocent man to jail (or so I've been told). in this case, the court system worked as designed..or exploited. Raise enough doubt...you can piss on anyone.
  19. The chick in the quote wasn't the underage girl...she was a second girl who did three ways with them from time to time. She might have been underage too. Who knows. Dude got off because he has $$. It's not a race thing or jury thing. His team was able to delay this to make the girl older when she appeared in court, and then RKelly was able to get the girl in the video to say it wasn't her. Without her, they were doomed.
  20. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Allright..I guess no one is interested. Fuck the ride.
  21. Ipod is with me at all times. I wear it outside my jacket on my belt so I can mute it when needed. I plan on getting a remote control to velcro to the tripple tree. I have Skull Candy ear buds, which have been the best $14 invested in earphones yet (fourth pair). If I am in the twisties or riding with others, I will keep the music down so I can hear. On the highway it's a different story. Loud enough to mask the engine. The constant drone makes me lose focus sometimes.
  22. InyaAzz

    6/14 Ride

    Well, the weather looks OK in NE Ohio, but down by Millersburg they are calling for rain during the hours I wanna ride. I am thinking of heading west on the highway from lorain, hitting 60 south from there. It takes about an hour from lorain to hit the good stuff. I'm not gonna be huntin' for corners when it's raining out...so we can either play it by ear and watch the radar tonight, or try to go out and get as far as we can before it looks like we have to turn around. I've only been down this route once, and there are a lot of places to screw up, so expect a few 'turn arounds'. What's the word?
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