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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. That makes sense, because air rises..and I have been told that in the past. But I have also been told MC, then nearest caliper, and I have a manual in front of me that states the same.
  2. a common mistake is to mess up the timing of opening/closing the valve. if you get a pump make sure you are applying a vacuum when you close it. also make sure you don't let the fluid level in the resevoir get low enough to let air in the lines. it's possible you could be having a master cylinder or caliper issue..one of the previous posters was right about that...but bleeding is the first and easiest step. make sure u do it in the right order too. MC..then closest caliper..then farthest caliper.
  3. How's that horse doing?
  4. What do hens look like when they have flu symptoms?
  5. Get yourself a pump down at AutoZone or the like. It will save you mucho time.
  6. I actually think this will turn into some intelligent discussion...for once. I'm adopting the glass half full mantra.
  7. Like someone else said..it's a part of our history, but some assholes have made it their own 'rainbow'. I think there are two types of people flying this flag, the kind who KNOW the history behind it, and the kind who just want to look as racist as possible. Lincoln and the Republicans gained office, and opposed the expansion of slavery. The South (Confederacy) didn't like that idea and withdrew from the Union. All hell broke loose and the South attacked the North. Sometime in the middle of the North getting its ass handed to it, Lincoln made freeing the slaves a goal of the war. Holy shit..Let's roll!! More folks start fighting for the north and the tide turns. At first, Lincoln wasn't trying to end slavery....just stop the spread of it.
  8. is the horse dead yet?
  9. Don't forget us little people. You know what really gets my panties is a bunch? All the unnecessary pork barrel spending..and I'm not talking about a slab of baby back ribs. So much could get done...so many laws passed that could help people..but it all gets weighted down with all this side spending that usually benefits no one but the politicians somehow. Then legit bills get stuck to all this pork and get shot down, not because of the original bill, because of all the crap that got attached to it. Now, Joe Blow gets to say "he voted against money for daycare", when in reality his vote was against the other crap.
  10. I'm sure there are a few other states that he could have won in..I won't name em, but they aren't too hard to figure out. Just because you or your race (this is a general statement, not directed towards anyone)hasn't been affectedly directly by racism, don't think it's not out there. It's not in your face like the 60's, but it's still there. Do you think that it was magically wiped away because Black folks were allowed to use the same bathrooms and water fountains? And, on the other side, there are Blacks (and others) who play the race card all too frequently. Just because some folks choose to use it as a crutch (all too frequently for my taste), doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It does. Just because you aren't on the receiving end of it doesn't mean that someone else isn't.
  11. So all the racists are in Louisiana?
  12. He's not running for President, but he's an example of the racism in our government and the people that elect our officials. Racism (both ways) is alive and well.
  13. On the POW thing, I'm not sure what you mean. I never justified him being tortured and held captive. ?? I merely stated that just because his was a POW, it doesn't mean his is ready (or not) to be President or less willing to go to war. I've seen the effects of NAFTA...lived it myself and watched people with 30 years in one place get pink slipped like nothing. I agree with you on the tap dance the candidates play on that issue. That's the part i don't like about politics..the 'shuckin' and jivin' when these candidates are trying to get votes. I think the cries of 'racism' towards white people who are not voting for Obama, stem from the people who normally vote the party regardless (Like Al Gore..even though no one knew WTF he stood for, they still voted for him), but won't vote for Obama JUST because he's black..when they voted for a white person 8 years ago who they had absolutely no clue about...but voted for him just because he was not a republican. Yes, these people exist. And I 100% agree with you..I love my country, but the government is fucked up.
  14. You sir, have a point.
  15. Amen!! Preach!!!! LOL Seriously though, 1000% correct. In this country, religion and politics do NOT mix. Why? Because this country is home to MANY religions. There is no 'official' religion. This is why it's wrong to promote democracy to other countries with the barrel of a rifle. Bush doesn't seem to get this.
  16. That's like saying that because Barrack is black, he will open up a KFC in the oval office. Sounds about right, but ain't gonna happen. LOL Seriously though, I see what you are trying to say, but him being a POW has absolutely nothing to do with invading countries. It's not just about invading countries..it's about diplomacy..it's about policies..it's about minding our own business..it's about taking care of business at HOME! Invest that fuckin money we are spending overseas in our schools!! invest in our kids!! They are the future, for real! Him being a POW and not wanting to go to war, is the same as saying barrack is black and because of that, wouldn't want other people to be 'oppressed' as black were in the past. It doesn't mean anything.
  17. Of course it wouldn't. I'm not saying he is or isn't racist. I said there are some things he says that make sense. I'm not talking about THAT sermon, I'm talking about a whole slew of interviews I've seen and heard of him. The guy is a media whore..no question about it. I doubt you took the time to listen to the WHOLE sermon. if you did, good for you. Anyways.. Lots of people would say our government and/or certain parties have racist policies..yet you (we) support it. Is it ok when/if racism is in the closet?
  18. Why would we want the same old 'experience'? Isn't government and politics corrupted and just plain convoluted enough without bringing more of the same to the table? What has experience gotten us so far? We are hated throughout the world..mainly because we try to force democracy on others with bullets and bombs. We use countries as proxies, and then throw them away when they don't server our purposes anymore. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my country. BUT we are soo wrong on soo many levels that affect not only us, but people across the globe it's not even right. You can't force a country to do what we tell them to do, just because we don;t think it's right. We have invaded more countries than ANYONE in the last 20-30 years. When people in the middle east call us crusaders, are they really far from the truth? ok...rant done. I'm just trying to make the point that 'experience' hasn't gotten us anywhere lately. i think it's time for someone with a fresh view and a different approach.
  19. Exactly! I have much respect for you, because you choose to *not* vote for him based on what is important.
  20. For every story like that, i can find one about McCain and the Clintons..about how they are involved with people of questionable character. I don't agree with everything Rev Wright says, some of it is crazy. But he does make some good points on other things. You can pick and choose what you want to listen to or link to.It's too easy to do that..instead of saying, yeah, dude said some crazy stuff, but I listened to the WHOLE sermon and it wasn't all like that. Did you listen to the whole thing? I did. I'm not condoning him at all. But obviously Obama and everyone else don't control what their pastors say or think. Obama wasn't in church that day and didn't co sign to what he said. And you know what? Some people would say that the policies of the government of our country have been racist for hundreds of years. Are people scared now, because they think black folks will get 'revenge'? Because that's what it's sounding like. Everyone says 'oh I don't like his ideas'...but the same people who say that are the same people who in the past would normally vote democratic EVEN IF THEIR CHOSEN CANDIDATE DIDN'T GET THE NOMINATION. Now, all of a sudden, they want to vote for the other party. If people don't want to vote for him because of a valid reason, that's their right. But don't sugarcoat it. I find it funny that the sources you quote ..are obviously slanted in one direction. Newsmax was created by conservatives, and stoptheaclu.com, well, that speaks for itself. I agree with you..people should do research, but when you post links to slanted sites, you defeat your own purpose.
  21. I have a pdf of the 06-07 ZX10 as well. GOOD STUFF! If you work on your bike, this is a must have.
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