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Posts posted by InyaAzz

  1. ohh and ninja nick. have you ridden with me yet? pretty sure i havnt worn a helmet yet on an ohio riders ride. so next time u mumble dumbass under your breath, remember i will school you anyday, anytime on the track. i actually know someone that died of a heart attack for no reason what so ever... he had no history in the family and was in perfect health. all american in football 4 years earlier, and just graduated from law school with a wife and beautifull baby. moral of the story is we all die. ive broken 22 bones, had 12 surgeries, 20+ ER room visits, and almost had my wrists amputated. im sure that oned day it will be my turn, whether im doing 180mph or standing on the side of the road waiting for a ride... america equals freedom. thats what we fight for! (yes, i work for the gov. im an MP actually) so the next time you are smoking a cigg, drinkn a beer, or eating at applebees, remember, you choose to do that,because you wanted to, not because a freaking republican voted on it


  2. Has anyone hit there head on a door jamb or the corner of a drop ceiling at .5mph? Well if you havent or just dont remember because of the whole passed out on the floor thing then.... Try it at 20mph or how about 50mph.

    see how long it takes you to get back up after that. After ten minutes of riding I dont even know its there except when a rock or a beetle trys to take my head off. Then I think thank god that wasnt my forehead or my eye that thing just scratched. Most accidents happen at 35 mph according to the number crunchers and thats faster than I want to hit the ground w my head or got forbid a telephone pole. You decide but stay away from me if you are tempting fate. Screwed up as it is I like my family and my life and

    I want to see my son graduate from college. You decide for yourself if the wind in your face is worth it and take the risk by yourself.:beathorse:

    Amen. To me, the wind in my face is not worth not seeing my son graduate.

    It's your choice...but if you choose to be without, you may want to consider the kind of position you will put your family and friends in if something happens.

  3. Damn...you're right Putty. I guess I just never paid attention since all zx10's are always behind me. :thefinger: Still looks like it's just hanging in space the way it's pictured.

    Edit: Current models are actually mounted off the exhaust heat shield. So, you're WRONG PUTTY!! :thefinger:

    Hey..I've got a ZX10 that takes offense to that comment! Bring it on!!! :p

  4. I don't think anyone was sweating the directions. I think we all had a good time and I was just happy it wasn't raining. I say a road trip to Cbus soon is in order real soon. I'm down!

  5. Thanks to everyone that made the ride. I hope we can do it again real soon.

    And no, I didn't find my damn keys this AM. It sucks when I don't know exactly where I dropped em. I even had a police escort this AM!

    If anyone is down for a mid-week no rain romp, let me know.

  6. And I have way to much to choose. Fuck the government regs, let us decide! I'm totally bored with your helmet excuses!

    Oh let's meet at Taco Bell and street race at over a buck fifty with our helmets and shorts on! Give me a fucking break! Ya know, there's a reason I will not ride with my son on the street! So take your fucking street racing, helmet opinions and cram them right up your fucking ass.

    Another Internet Gangster. You are entitled to your opinions...but really....'cram them right up your ass'??? Way to get your point across.


  7. heh, here's one for you all. I laid my bike down yesterday. 5, maybe 10mph i was following one of my friends about 15ft back and to his right, we had just left his house. we normally go straight at this intersection, but at the last min he decided to turn right. Unfortunately i was looking in my mirror to check where the other riders in the group were for that split second. I nailed the brakes as hard as i could, small endo, JUST barely hit his rear tire with my front as he crossed in front of me. anyways i went high side off the bike, landed on my left elbow and the back of my head. Thank God i was wearing my helmet cuz even with it on, i was still seeing stars! not to mention the headache that lasted for about 2 hrs afterwards

    People don't realize how frail the human body is. Anything faster than walking speed can potentially kill you. 5, 10, 30 MPG doesn't sound fast, until you've hit the ground head first.

    Glad to hear you're OK.

  8. I do not have proper riding gear, so I guess I'm not going. My jacket is still back-ordered until next week.

    Then double up with some long sleeves. it doesnt match armor, but at least its something.

  9. Guys/Gals:

    it's not looking too good for Sunday. Rain.

    I know this is short notice...but I think a ride scout for Saturday is probably going to happen. So, in the chance we get rained out, Saturday may be the actual ride. PM me with your phone # if you haven't already, if you can make it tomorrow. I know it's last minute..but these things happen.

  10. A woman at work tried to teach me the dangers of wearing a helmet... Apparently a guy she knew got decapitated by one... "So what would his face look like if he didn't wear the helmet?"

    I love the Dale Earnhardt analogy. "The helmet broke his neck and killed him".

    No stupid, hitting the wall at 200MPH killed him.

  11. Guys/Gals:

    We can choose to wear a lid or not...but we don't own the road. Yes, we pay taxes and all that for upkeep...blah blah...but we as riders do not legally 'own' the road. The government does. If the government says "We want you to wear a helmet because it prevents fatalities, which in turn keep insurance rates down, which in turn free EMS up for other critical care calls, which in turn...blah blah blah", then they can do that if enough people want it to happen.

    Riding a bike without a helmet is not some sort of birthright. Nothing is stopping you from riding in the back woods somewhere without a helmet...but when you ride on public roads you are talking about a totally different animal. I'm jumping all over the place here...and I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do. All I guess I'm saying is...it's a f#cking helmet..not a chastity belt or a damn straightjacket. It's meant to protect your dome. It's not like the government is trying to HARM you, they're really protecting you from yourself.

    And before anyone starts...I was hit from behind back in May. 17 year old chick on a cell phone. I was making a right turn and she was behind me....but she didn't stop. She plowed right through my back tire and threw me for a high side. I was ejected from the bike ..backwards.. and I hit the ground. Head first. My helmet, without question, saved my life. Yeah, you can choose not to wear one, but if you would take that kind of a chance with your life (and not only YOUR life...what about your family and friends that have to deal with your scrambled remains?!?!) when you could wear something that would greatly reduce the chance of injury, that says a lot about what kind of person you are.

    I don't know about you guys, but riding a bike is dangerous enough, and I have way too much to lose.

  12. Not a knuckle head here ...unless I'm at work :D ...I'm not a stunter, but I like to ride a little fast at times :devil: ...hope thats OK?....I have ran with a younger group of sport riders my brother hangs with on his 05 Repsol...I keep up with them just fine....just don't like the stunting they end up doing a few blocks away from the Justice Center in down town Cleveland....not my younger brother just a few of the other guy's in that group...I asked my brother to come but he's working this weekend :mad: ...anyway hope I can make it.....just incase saturday ends up better?...where's the meet up for that ride?......................Ken...................

    Speed is fine ;)

    The stunting draws too much attention and ends up causing more accidents than anything else. I'm sure we will get up some speed more than a few times on in the country. I just want everyone to keep it on two wheels.

  13. EVERYONE (except knuckle heads) are welcome. Even the knuckle heads are welcome as long as they behave themselves when they ride with us.

    The goal of this is to get everyone comfortable riding together..with the eventual aim of starting a group for purposes just like this.

    Riding alone isn't any fun!

  14. I'm really surprised nobody uses the rear brake. Like said above, I think it's a good idea to do it subconsciously because it will help when needed in a bad way, even if it only helps you slow down 25% as well as the front brake. Also, nobody does any tail braking? Enter a corner a little too hot and gently apply the rear brake while turning? I've done it a few times... I read that this was the proper way to slow down mid-turn... then again I'm a n00b

    That is a safer way of braking during a turn. The safest way is to never brake during turns.

  15. you know i hate to say this because of the sitution but i was reading one day (but did not say anything) about everyone throwing a fit that ohio is trying to pass helmet laws, and yes most of us are smart and know why we need to wear helmets, but this is the reason why they want to pass this law. and i really mean no disrespect to this guy and its very sad that it happened to him but he should have been wearing proper gear and riding responsibly

    I agree. We just lost some one on DSB in the same manner. Stand up wheelie @100MPH..came down and did an endo when someone pulled in front of him. It sucks, cause he didn't deserve to die, but at the same time he had himself to blame. I like watching stunts..but I refuse to do em because of the risk involved. I have too much to lose.

    People please keep the stunts off the streets!

  16. I ended up with strips on my rear...Mainly because the majority of my riding consists of a 2 hour round trip commute to work most days. When I am riding for pleasure, there aren't any twisties to hit that are along the beaten path.

    I just got a new 2CT on the rear yesterday and I plan on scrubbing up the sides real good before the season is over.

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