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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Properly geared up and traveling at safe speeds....that's a call for the parents to make. Every kid (and parent) is different.
  2. Gonna send you a PM with my #.
  3. Yup..more to the story. The author was on the radio today saying that there is more dropping...but it was held up in legal and he couldn't comment on it.
  4. Any chance you can wait a week? I know someone in the market for a bike but she's in Alaska.
  5. Agreed. if ANYTHING comes of this, I hope it's that the NCAA will take a hard look at the current system and change it. The current system is a 'booster's' playground. And the blood lust to win at all costs just fuels this. OSU isn't alone...they just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar..and JT made it worse when he lied to the NCAA. I think had JT come forward and suspended these players....like he should have...we wouldn't be here today. BUT...he wanted to win..and he knew that benching these guys would severely hurt those chances. And, he was probably gun shy because of what Clarett said. Yeah, he was protecting these players...but he was also protecting himself. He's a hypocrite, and no better than the SEC coaches who usually get roasted by Big 10 fans. Honestly...we're talking about some weed (LOL) and some tats. Yeah...Pryor is a dick for driving around in new cars all the time...but OSU and it's compliance dept allowed it to happen. They sold their Big10/OSU gear when they weren't supposed to....Pryor took some shit from the locker room. Ok...all bad stuff, but there have been worse things going on in the NCAA. I don't really have any issue with most of that....other than the fact that I'm sure these 'benefits' were used as recruiting tools to get tops players to OSU. My only beef is with everyone who thinks JT is some sort of martyr.
  6. Watch the original...very few movies get converted to this market and are as good as the original.
  7. I need to watch this movie. It's been sitting on my PS3 forever.
  8. It's easy to say that college kids will turn the money down, but the reality is it rarely happens. I'm not saying there is widespread pay offs and money exchanging hands, but come one...they're human. I'm not talking about the excess that Pryor displayed....no one can condone that. I'm talking about getting something here and there for free, that everyone generally looks the other way when it happens. And exactly who is Tressel covering up for..the kids or himself? The kids have some responsibility in this of course...but to say that it's ok for Tressel to cover this up is just crazy and reeks of entitlement....and only because Tressel was winning games. HE'S BEEN IN THIS SITUATION BEFORE! He even suspended Smith and Clarett when he found out before. So WHY is THIS particular situation different? Please explain to me why it's ok to suspend players at OSU in the past..but not apply the same punishment this time around. He KNOWINGLY PUT INELIGIBLE PLAYERS ON THE FIELD! Who did more damage here?
  9. They usually pick the blackest guy out there....and it depends on where Black Tod is in relation to me.
  10. Hey..WTH....I missed the Inya bashing!! I only do 40 in the straights and 45 in the curves. I think Justin is referring to the obvious racial profiling that occurs when I ride.
  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1919059
  12. What 20 year old isn't going to take free gifts and money? And do you really think JT 'forgot' to inform the NCAA when he got the emails, or that he was looking out for the team? Go read the SI article. JT isn't an evil person, but he IS a hypocrite, and the only reason Buckeye nation is supporting him is because he won games. Again...had this been Cooper, he'd be roasted over the coals. And I was a JT fan up until that BS press conference.
  13. They're both wrong...they both share responsibility, but some of buckeye nation are in denial and are blaming Pryor for everything. That's what I don't get. Like I said...if this had been Cooper or if JT wasn't beating Michigan, everyone would be singing a different tune.
  14. Agreed...but that's a different topic for another discussion. And you can't say it's 'mostly pinned on the coach' if you haven't read what's going on. JT is a FACILITATOR of rule breaking. He allowed this to happen...and this didn't start with the Tat 5. I'm still in disbelieve here that people are mad at the athletes....when JT has been doing this for years.
  15. My oldest graduates on Friday...which means family will be in town this weekend. Sunday works better for me. If we have enough interest I can put something together. Or someone else can. Doesn't matter.
  16. Anyone defending Tressel is delusional. JT is a hypocritical douche bag. He reads the bible and pretends to be holier than though, but the minute you leave the room he's plotting on the next rule he's gonna break. You folks are made at Pryor??? Really? You should be mad at Tressel!! He has a HISTORY of this exact same thing people...he had this cloud over him when OSU first hired him. And yeah...everyone is mad at Pryor...right. I remember everyone being mad at Maurice Clarret too (me included) and calling him a liar and an idiot. Well, looks like Maurice was telling the truth!If even half the things SI has uncovered is true, JT is STILL a douche bag. The only reason folks are defending him is because he wins football games. If this was Cooper, you all would be crucifying him. Come on...you mean to tell me JT had NO IDEA this stuff was going on? Even though the same shit happened at YSU? For 10 years kids were taking stuff out of the locker room and getting autographs...and most likely JT's autograph was on some of that stuff (according to the article, the tat shop employees liked stuff with multiple autographs). And let's say you somehow believe he was ignorant of that..what about all the shit that went down with Clarret and Smith? nCalling the police witha fabricated story FROM JT's office...the allgeations, once again, that JT hooked the players up with the money men....come one. Give me a fucking break.
  17. If by keeping spoiled brats in line you mean breaking NCAA rules, then yeah I guess he did a good job at that.
  18. Sorta off topic... I got a Hooters $25 gift card last year. The one in NEO closed a while back...and I can't remember the last time I actually stepped foot in one. If anyone wants to buy it for $20, PM me.
  19. Is your father interested in purchasing a black slave? I hear all the cool guys have one. He'll sleep in the man cav.....err....basement...like the slave he is.
  20. There are bums lined up for handjobs. Don't apologize to me! talk to them!
  21. I hate to tell you this...but that is probably so far from the truth it's in another galaxy. History lesson: At YSU, Tressel had the SAME allegations going on...but at YSU he INTRODUCED the QB to the guy giving the gifts and the money. JT was supposed to do an investigation...and didn't. He didn't call...didn't talk to anyone...nothing. Fast forward to Clarett and Smith. Both were found to have done the same damn thing. BUT this time, Tressel suspends the players. So, the NCAA doesn't do anything to JT. Most people probably forgot...but after that happened, Clarret said that JT was the one who hooked him up with the "boosters" and he was gonna tell everything. At the last minute, he backed off and said if he ratted, he would have to give up the names of his friends too. He never proceeded with the accusation and the NCAA dropped it. Coincedence?? Hmmm....Maybe. Fast forward to NOW. Almost the same damn thing....JT is 'ignorant' to what's going on, and he tells no one. THIS time..he doesn't suspend ANY of the players. Why??? Why do you think he doesn't suspend them THIS time when he did it before? Easy....he knew if he did, he was gonna take the risk of one of them becoming disgruntled and/or people digging further into the reason WHY they were suspended. He didn't want to have another Clarrett on his hands.
  22. I think that went over your head. You wrote 'sexiest' instead of 'sexist'
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