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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Just checking in to see how you kids are getting along in here.
  2. I guess I should go jump on the CORE site. It's probably been 2 years since I've been on there.
  3. No, but I am open to marrying a Brazlilian!! Beautiful women...just beautiful.
  4. We had our first date during the CSBA ride. I'm expecting much more this time around.
  5. Yes..it's the original... and I totally agree with you. I've watched more than enough movies with subtitles to know that it doesn't distract at all from the film (lazy americans!) Some of the best movies I've ever seen are subtitled. What I CANT STAND is dubbed in voices.....yuck. Talk about a mood killer. Anyways, I know I should read the books...but I just don't have a lot of time for that. Maybe when I go on vacation in August....
  6. Just don't try and email it through OR...doesn't seem to be working.
  7. What's the ride route? Awesome.
  8. My only problem with CORE rides is the ride to and from the meeting spot. It makes an early morning and a late day coming from this side of NEO.
  9. Okay..back on topic. Does anyone have a preference of a route to take? Normally if I lead a group I like to scout a route before hand, and I haven't done any of that this season yet. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get that in before Sunday, as my oldest is graduating on Friday and I'll have family in town on Saturday.....I think.
  10. It's envy. I secretly want a TMAX 500. I hide my lust by lashing out.
  11. We're meeting at the Circle K at the corner of 82 and 83. Gas tanks full and kickstands up at 10am. At 10:01 I'll be riding south down 83 so if you're late you can catch us there. Wear your gear. If you show up without a helmet, I'll ask Buddha to guide you but you won't be riding with me. I don't have anything against people who don't wear em.....this is just one of those times where it's not an option. A proper jacket and boots would be common sense too. I'm not going to preach about gear. When it was 90 the other day I rode to my friends house without a jacket on so, but I wasn't riding as hard as I'll be riding on Sunday. The route is still being worked on, but it will be in the Coshocton area and some of the roads will be unknown to me. If missing a turn here or there and having to turn around really irritates you, then you might want to reconsider. I don't anticipate a lot of that, but I'm putting it out there as a disclaimer. Ride pace is whatever you are comfortable with in the corners. I'll be doing 75ish in the straights and passing on the double yellow when safe. Follow me when it's safe for you to do so, not because you feel obligated to stay directly behind me. I'll wait for everyone at the next corner/turn/light. Please bring your bike to the meeting spot in working condition. I shouldn't have to say that...but....every once in a while someone will show up with fluids leaking or a chain ready to break or...take a pick. I won't be stopping for lunch or dinner. We'll be stopping for gas before we hit 100 miles on our last fill up. During the gas stop you can dine on the fine assortment of nuts, jerky, road kill, or whatever you can find at the gas station. We'll shoot the shit for a few minutes..take a potty break...and get right back at it. It's better that way. Trust me.
  12. I wish the friggin email notification was working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll start a new thread.
  13. +1 You know..I wasn't even thinking about the cars when I mentioned the locker room gear. I was thinking about the tats..I'm assuming the TP doesn't actually own the cars and they are still in the dealerships' name. I guess I didn't stop to think that yeah...driving around in the car would be considered a gift/benefit. Let's see if the NCAA learns anything from this. I have total faith in OSU that they will clean this up internally. And you better believe every Div I school had a meeting this morning to address any internal issues THEY may be having. What a weekend. And to top it all off, my uncle got suspended by FIFA.
  14. Of course he's not saying NO to the job. he works for ESPN and that's all anyone needs to know right now. Even if he wasn't coming, why close that door in the media? He's been around the block a few times...and he's playing the perfect PR game. He would be a fool to come to OSU while the ban hammer is here. If I were him, I'd wait until an interim coach has ridden that storm out and then take the job....assuming that the interim coach doesn't start winning. The negatives outweigh ANY positives that were here back in March. Come see me in August when the NCAA is done. If OSU can get away with out any serious penalties....then it's on! But if you ask me, this investigation just took a WHOLE NEW direction and i wouldn't be surprised if it lasted until next year.
  15. LOL!! Which stage of grief is this? First? Second? I lost track. Don't forget...having the best coaches in the world don't mean shit if you can't get the athletes. They can only do so much. OSU's recruiting is going to suffer.
  16. LOL we could post competing links all day long. All I'm saying is that just because he's from Ohio doesn't mean he's coming here...and I'm sorry, but the events in recent days makes it easier for him to say NO. I could've seen him coming back in March...but now?? Come on...who wants to walk into this shit storm? And we don't even know the full depth of it yet.
  17. I could be wrong...and I would LOVE to see him at OSU and the Big Ten...but being from Ohio doesn't mean squat, and the link you posted was a little lean with actual credible and proven facts...just rumors...right around the time OSU got into trouble. Big shock there.
  18. http://www.google.com/search?q=urban+meyer+upper+arlington&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&source=hp&q=penis+upper+arlington&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=8b5a7a9984220ba2&biw=1680&bih=901 There's penis in Upper Arlington. I saw it on Google.
  19. I would be surprised if he came to OSU while the ban hammer is being laid down, and the potential loss of scholarships (and/or bowl games) is in the air. Maybe I'm wrong...but there are better situations coming up. Texas in 2013? Ohio has great in state talent, but I think Texas wins the talent battle hands down.
  20. Exactly. You need an up and comer at this point. Someone dedicated to OSU and has something to prove. Someone who can recruit and sell the "We cleaned house" story...but be able to back it up on and off the field. UM fucked up when they hired Rich Rod...OSU can't make that same mistake. Urban Meyer is NOT that guy. You want someone in it for the long haul...someone who you have to kick out after he turns 80 years old (Paterno type).
  21. Very true. I hate to see OSU go down like this...over some BS really. BUT...OSU knew what it was getting when it hired JT in the first place. This is the real JT folks...he's a facilitator and a hypocrite..but he's a helluva coach and generally a good guy. OSU took the good with the bad, and it eventually caught up with them. I do have to take notice of OSU fan who was pretty cocky not too long ago and praised everything JT touched...and now....it's "Well, maybe UM can win a game now", or "It's all Pryor's fault".
  22. Gruden doesn't want this job. You're looking at unknown penalties and bans, plus a big drop in recruiting potential. It would be one of the worst jobs he could take. There are other college jobs coming up in that time frame that he could take and be put in a better situation than OSU. I think Gruden coming to CBus is nothing more than wishful thinking.
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