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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. SI is going to report tomorrow that there are 28 players involved, going back to 2002. 15 of the players are CURRENTLY playing (this includes the suspended 6). The gear was traded for tats AND marijuana. SI will also allege that he may have broken NCAA rules when he was an assistant OSU back in the 80's.
  2. Tressel was found to have done an incomplete investigation at YSU. Basically, he said he was going to talk to all the parties involved, and didn't do a damn thing. Didn't call or talk to anyone.
  3. Am I the only one that is thinking Pryor has played his last game for OSU..and that OSU is better off? He's really not that great of a QB. When he goes pro, he's gonna end up being a WR. OSU will do fine at QB without Pryor. I'll assume you didn't think Pryor was sexy.
  4. There's no 'heat' to take for anyone. He lied to the NCAA. He KNEW about the selling of the gear and didn't tell the people he should've told. I guess I'm missing the part where someone threw him under the bus or JT is taking this on unfairly. The emails clearly show that he knew what was going on...and then he clearly told the NCAA that he knew nothing. There's no example to be made! At this point, you've opened the door to the NCAA to come in and do a witch hunt. If JT had told the truth from the jump, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Once you start covering stuff up, OSU's program becomes suspect. The NCAA can't just ignore anything they find at this point. What is the school supposed to do? Refuse to fire him after he got caught lying? That means JT is above the school and the values OSU is supposed to stand for. I don't care if it's Woody or Bo...they gotta go!!!! (Hey that rhymed) I don't wanna hear OSU fan give any excuses if UM beats them this year.
  5. And Pryor was ALL set to go to UM with Rich Rod (previously WVU).....so, what does that tell you about OSU's program?
  6. ..makes you wonder why Pryor didn't follow Rich Rod to UM now.
  7. Wait a minute...JT LIED to the NCAA. It's not the crime that got these guys in trouble...it's the cover up. Of course JT is gonna fall on the sword. He isn't bigger than OSU. Granted, this type of thing goes on all over the country, but when you get caught, you man up and tell the truth. You don't lie to the NCAA, and then come out with a half hearted press conference where you basically are lying AGAIN to the media and the fans. You can't defend that. I was a JT fan up until that presser. And you can't act like this hasn't been going on for a while.....these guys have been enabled because they are the big men on campus. Just like most Div I schools. Remember...allegedly...discounted tattoo's were going on since at least the year 2000 according to Antonio Pittman. This isn't Pryor's fault. It's bigger than him.
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=6608432&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines
  9. It's confirmed. He's gone. This is just the beginning though....the initial crime is not what did him in. It's the obvious cover up afterwords...and a total lack of remorse on the part of JT. Now...everything is fair game and they'll be digging up everything and anything. SI supposedly has the dirt.
  10. I'm open today...but it's a little late in the day to hit the good stuff. I'd probably be riding at a pace that would be best described as 'not cruising".
  11. 1st rule of public relations. Release bad news late on a Friday night or on a holiday.
  12. Be prepared for more bombs to be dropped. SI is coming out with an article tomorrow and it sounds like there's more to the story.......
  13. Yeah...BluRay > DVD. The colors alone are the biggest difference. There is no comparison. Get your TV calibrated if your rig is making BluRay and DVD look similar....shouldn't even be close.
  14. I had respect for him too...and yeah I'm UM fan #1, but it seemed like he had this smug aura of invincibility around him. I was a JT fan until I watched his press conference "non apology" and saw how he was blatantly ...even the media took him to task on it because it was so obvious. I hate to see him go like this, but obviously there's MORE coming out that we don't know about yet.
  15. He didn't report it...but then he told the NCAA that he didn't have any knowledge of any rules being broken. And then he said he didn't report it because of "confidentiality" because the info came from a lawyer, which ended up being a lie because he shared the info with someone else. Basically, he told everyone BUT the NCAA and then lied about it to cover it up.
  16. New to riding and you wanna break him in on 555? The blind corners and elevation changes are one thing...but the shitastic corner gravel in the top half is probably worse. I hope for his sake that you've prepared him for what he's gonna run into.
  17. Ok ...I'll bite. That road sucks. Have fun and be safe.
  18. I have a GPS, and you can't have it. Punishment for getting a ride together while I'm out of town.
  19. Yup. I've already got the lube ready.
  20. I'll weigh the box when I get home late tonight.
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