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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I love my tri compound BT016 Battalax's..but I'm going through them like astroglide. I need something that will hook up like that but not kill my pocket.
  2. The roads were damp for us too..especially where the trees hang over the road and give shade. I didn't get on it hard till after the first stop. The turtle road kill was weird. The storm stirred them up? I've never seen anything like that.
  3. ..glad you made it back Tod.....and everyone else. Did you guys see roadkill turtles?? First time I've ever seen that. I guess the storm stirred them up?? Don't know...it wasn't pretty.
  4. Made it back to Grafton exactly at 4. Not my typical ride...it's impossible to see the county road signs and read the route on the tank. I won't ever do that again. We missed the whole western loop...but all in all its was a good ride. I'll scout the unknown roads next time before inviting anyone so we have a smoother trip. Good seeing everyone again.
  5. I've got this: http://www.amazon.com/RAM-Mounting-Systems-RAM-HOL-GA21U-Plastic/dp/B002NVDJO8 and this (unopened): http://www.amazon.com/RAM-Mounting-Systems-RAM-B-149ZU-Handlebar/dp/B000XDGJQI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1307236869&sr=1-1 $20 for both.
  6. It's a RAM mount..and it would just be for the cradle....I think. I was just in the garage and I think I have the whole mounting system in there for when I had my Buell. I'll go out there and take a look in a few. We probably wont stray off the beaten path too much but I'll take your # in case I end up in Florida. I'll be bringing an atlas too....and taping the route to my tank.
  7. Thanks...I'll take you up on that. He doesn't have much seat time...but he knows to ride his own ride. I don't want to infringe on someone else's ride either. I expect that we will probably be waiting for him for a while once we get to the good stuff. That's OK with me...we all had to start somewhere. That's just an FYI for everyone else. Oh..and my GPS is junk now..so this will be interesting.
  8. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=64730
  9. As promised, here is the final route: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&view=map&ctz=240&msa=0&msid=208204218430098593046.0004a4eb7fd4b6bcd3c22&z=19 It's: 83S/19W/60S/36W/22NW/338W-401N/20W/206S/715E/206S-36W/206S/541E/541W/93N/36E/751N/97N-49N/42-46W/651W/83N (6 miles south of Millersburg) 7 hours of riding, 263 miles.
  10. No, I don't one of these bad boys. Wish I did though.
  11. Ok, I have a friend from work who is coming. He'll most likely be in the back....he's only got about 300 miles seat time. Is there anyone else who's coming who will be in the very back?
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHA Much cooler tomorrow. High of 80 up here, 84 in Coshocton.
  13. Great..my GPS died. Anyone need a GPS mount for a Nuvi 3xx series?
  14. You girls have fun out there. Be sure to tie your laces.
  15. Ouch...yeah we're not really riding anywhere near you. Sorry. Next time I'll do a route further east. I thought I put that in the first post. The usual spot, Circle K on the corner of 82/83 in Grafton. At 10am I'll be rolling out the parking lot, so get there with enough time to top off the tank. Check here for the final map in about 2-3 hours. I mangled it in Google Maps and at this point it's easier to start over. Expect to be back between 5 and 6 if we don't have any mishaps.
  16. hahahahhaahahhah!!
  17. This guy had some issues....but looking back over everything that happened, he was accused of lying about some things that it appears...well....he may have been telling the truth!!!!!
  18. The sad thing is..if he had reported the violations, they would have been suspended for what maybe 4 games? End of story. OSU still would have won those games...EASILY. It's not like he hasn't done it before...Clarret...Smith. He suspended those guys...bu then look what happened. Clarret started to talk....and now it looks like he may have been telling the truth!! I think JT had some self interest in keeping this quiet...it wasn't all "for the kids". I still like the guy, but he's gotta share his part in all the blame. Everyone is coming down on Pryor like it's all his fault. Even though Pryor seems to be an ass, this is hardly all his fault. Jt will transition to the NFL as an assistant...and then head coach one day.
  19. I'm just gonna do the whole map over, basically on the way back I'll take 751N to 39W to 83/Millersburg. I'll re-do it sometime in the next 3-4 hours. I've gotta go rewires (and find) my GPS and check the bike over.
  20. No, we're meeting in Grafton..way up north. I think what I'm gonna do..... WTF..my map just disappeared!
  21. The pic of your Buell is making me miss mine a lil bit...sniff...sniff.
  22. When I say that, it usually means "it depends on how much I have to drink the night before". Hence...the 10am start time.
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