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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Thanks Rob, and Justin I think Kev is holding back on you.
  2. With or without Kevin's help?
  3. Lulz. Have fun with that. It's all a conspiracy!!
  4. I would like to have sexual relations with this bike before it goes. LBTS...GLWS
  5. First post edited with more info.
  6. We're not meeting CORE. If I were going by myself and had more meat on my rear I would probably go. Whether you ride with CORE or this group, you'll see the same range of riding skill. Is it the distance you're trying to avoid during your break in period? Everyone should be riding their own ride..and like I said before..no one gets left behind. I'll lead unless one of the Coshocton crew wants to jump in when we get there. I'll have a GPS and I'll be carrying an atlas in a tank bag.
  7. Ok, just playing around with the map, I came up with 83S/19W/60S/CO 22W/206S/715E/79S/541E/541W/93N/36E/751N/250W/83N Half of these roads I've never been on, and I'm sure the route will change before the night is over. So far, it's 265 miles....should take us around 6.5 hours if everything goes great (it never does).
  8. That's not even remotely close to an accurate analogy. I would be a hypocrite if I said in public, and after writing several books on the subject, that I obeyed ALL traffic laws and instructed other people on how to ride their bikes. Now, since this is a public forum, I'm going to say hypothetically, for the sake of this discussion, that is 100% opposite of what I do every day. Now, say I go out and break some rules and get caught. Yup...it makes me human. It makes me guilty of making a mistake, and it makes me a hypocrite. Now, lets say that in order to RIDE and OWN the bike, I sign something that says I must report all infractions that I see or know about and if I don't, my fellow ZX10 riders may have to pay fines. Now, let's say I get caught breaking the rules or I know of someone breaking the rules and I don't inform the BMV of my fellow speeders/law breakers. That makes me human, a hypocrite (because I told everyone that I was a righteous dude and I would never do something like this) AND a liar...AND it puts ALL ZX10 riders at risk (not just my fellow law breakers) because now they have to pay the price for my silence. Me getting caught in the real world and not saying anything has absolutely nothing to do with JT's situation.
  9. Wow. I should've filled the tanks up.
  10. Again...I was a big fan of JT..and still would be if he wasn't passing himself and the program off as being above everyone else. The only problems I have with this whole thing is that JT lied, and the lie and coverup is worse than the crime. He should've come clean...and he didn't. And he can't use the excuse that he didn't know better because he has suspended players before. I also have a problem with people saying he fell on the sword for his players and the school. He got shitcanned because he lied and tried to cover it up. Had he told the truth...and YES...he KNEW the TRUTH, you would be talking a couple game suspension and some fines. Story over. No more digging. If OSU had hung onto JT, they would've been dragged down with him. That meants JT was bigger than the school, and you can't have that. I don't care how many times he beats Michigan. No one person is bigger than OSU football.
  11. You know as well as I do, that this goes on across the country. What doesn't go on is players driving a bazillion different cars drawing obvious attention to themselves. So yeah, while Woody would have been introducing the kids to the money men, hey would've made sure no one was acting a fool like Pryor was. I stand by my statement.
  12. Who the fuck said JT was the anti christ? I said he is a hypocrite with a history of being a conduit for money men and looking the other way. He writes books about doing it the right way, but then tells everyone BUT the NCAA that his star player broke the rules. And then the AD puts on a JT pep rally press conference in March, hoping that everyone will just go away. But no..JT is absolutely clueless about what was going on here, back in 2002 and at YSU. Sure. JT is the only one in Columbus then that didn't know what was going on. Enjoy the homer goggles.
  13. I'm not sure I want to chance a +/- 500 mile day on my rear. We could meet CORE at 83/22, then take 83 to 78..and then... But I'm thinking I may want to run the roads outside of Coshocton again, for a future ride. This way my rear tire doesn't fall off and we can get home with time to relax and enjoy the rest of the day. I'll update this post in a few mins with a few possible routes...maybe one to meet CORE and another closer to home.
  14. Have you read the SI article? We're not talking some hack job. The guy has won a Pulitzer prize. So, you're saying that JT had absolutely NO IDEA that this was going on? Wow. Ok, I'll give you that. Well, what about Clarett? JT said he spent more time with him than anyone else...and he claimed ignorance of that to. I guess JT had no idea then either. And when Maurice gets suspended, he decides to rat on everyone and he says JT was the conduit for the money! But I guess that was just a disgruntled player. That's easy to write him off...Maurice WAS a troubled player who didn't have his head on straight. But, wait a minute....the same thing happened at YSU. Hmmmm...is there a pattern here? Naaaahhh....JT is the most upstanding coach in college football. Some of you guys are blinded and clouded by his wins. You think JT's shit don't stink. Hell...I was one of those folks. But let's be honest here...there is an obvious pattern with JT hooking up his players with these boosters. He can claim ignorance that he doesn't know what happens after the initial meeting...but really? Come on. And WHY did JT play those players when he KNEW they would be inellgible?? Don't tell me he didn't know the rules...HE HAD ALREADY SUSPENDED SMITH AND CLARETT FOR THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!! Tressel isn't the fall guy..he's part of the problem. And it's a problem that the NCAA has helped create. Yes, the NCAA is at fault too. The system is designed to breed corruption. And you can't say that these infractions are ALL minor. Some of them, yes..but others impact the rest of the team AND it impacts recruiting. Folks will come to OSU over another school because they know they're gonna get the hook up..more so than somewhere else. I've had to take athletes around on these 'school visits' (years ago). I know exactly what goes on and what gets said. As a Buckeye fan, you should be just as mad as Tressel for letting this go on. had this been Woody, he would've beat the shit out of Pryor for riding around in those cars or being late to practice, or selling that gear to get tats. PERIOD. JT let it happen, and according to SI and other coaches, he's been doing it for years.
  15. Is that TMAX 500 considered a scooter? Cause I want one.
  16. And this isn't any different from any of my rides. I WILL pass on the double yellow in the straights to get around traffic. I don't expect anyone to follow me unless it's safe ....and..I always wait at the next light/stop sign for a head count.
  17. THIS thread was not started with the intention of doing a metroparks ride. Me, personally, I plan on heading south. Please disregard the black guy on the scooter, someone left the baby gate open. As usual with any group ride I've been on or organized, no one gets left behind. The CORE ride was mentioned and depending on the route I thought it might be cool to follow them for a little bit since like I said earlier, I haven't scouted this route and won't have time before Sunday. If you'd like to ride the metroparks, don't let me stop you from discussing it, but it might be better served in a different thread to cut down on the confusion. I'm going to sit down with google maps here in about 30 minutes and see what I come up with.
  18. I'm not ashamed to admit that I drove past that trailer park in MI this past weekend. Hey..until I turned around, everything was goin' pretty good that night.
  19. I thought this was the big boy thread....who opened the baby gate?
  20. I'll map it up in the AM and see where we are. Where do u think CORE is gonna cross 83 and more importantly..what's the projected time?
  21. I don't think you'll have to worry about Pryor playing any more games for OSU. Anyone see the report about his drivers license being suspended for the past two weeks?
  22. I'm waiting to see what CORE is planning...maybe we can do a minor gang bang that day.
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