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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Shoot me your # via PM if you like...I'll txt ya whenever we stop and let you know where we are and where we're headed.
  2. I did 4 in the Army. It was the best of times...it was the worst of times. But I was the best damn soldier Ft. Riley ever saw. I also got waaaaay too much
  3. These are some of the best OEM tires I've ever ridden. So good, I ordered another set.
  4. I'd join ya, but I'll be riding on Sunday in 'shock town.
  5. Justin said he was hot...I don't think he wanted to get him in trouble.
  6. BUMP!!! I'll split em up. I can't believe no one wants these!
  7. I would NOT expect a stranger to risk their lives for a family member who was trying to end theirs. If it happened that way, I would thank that stranger from the bottom of my heart....but if everyone watched my dad walk out in 45 degree water in SF bay, in no obvious distress and telling everyone to get away from him, WTF do you expect ??? EDIT: Surfers apparently attempted to help this man...and he turned them away. So, at this point, is every other person on the beach supposed to "man up" and swim out to him to try and bring him back? Ninja please!!
  8. Damn you and....and...and your damn logic.
  9. Can't believe I missed this. I wanted to do this last year and didn't. Anyone from NEO going this year?
  10. That's the point I think you're missing here. He wasn't drowning. He was WALKING AWAY FROM THE BEACH.
  11. I've always liked the sweet spot of the 750...but you can rape a 600 just as easily on the track.
  12. Matt.....LOL....you're killing me. Yooo....when are we gettin' together for some adult beverages?
  13. Duuuuuuuh! It's to keep you from knowing how awesomely fast you're going!
  14. Well, I would have to agree with you that the funny part is they didn't care when he looked the other way while he was winning. I'd have to disagree about the "he cared more for them than his job" part. He just wanted to win games, and keeping the kids paid was the way to do it. He's not an evil man...and just because someone agrees that he should've been fired doesn't mean they are a hater...it just means that he got caught lying and with his hand in the cookie jar. And there are prices to be paid. Period.
  15. You're trying to call out the people who didn't help, by saying they aren't "True Men"? By saying, "They don't need no stinkin' training"???? Wow
  16. Look, we don't know that someone out there on the beach had the ability to save him. He was obviously in deep water and I've never done it myself, but I would imagine trying to pull someone out of the water while you yourself are in the water is NOT easy and next to impossible. If it were me on the beach...I'd stay on the beach. It would most assuredly be a certain death for me if I tried to help.
  17. He willingly went into the water. He was either looking for death or attention. He got both. If I see a situation where I think i can save someone's life without putting my own at too much risk..I'll do it. But, I'm not about to kill myself to try and save someone who is trying to take their own life. This wasn't a kiddie pool...this was SF bay. I for one can NOT tread water for the life of me. According to Cartman, I have 'big bones' and I sink like a rock. Unless one of my children are drowning, my ass ain't going in the water to save anyone. If you can't grab onto something I might be dangling in the water (see what I did there?)...you're on your own. I have children that depend on me and a water rescue is an unacceptable risk to me. The first responders didn't have the proper gear to get this done....and this guy wasn't exactly in distress when they got there. He's walking...and LOOKING BACK AT THEM.
  18. Ouch I have some funny pics to post ...but it would just be piling on at this point. Sucks to see him go out like this..there's a lot of blame to go around.
  19. A soldier for 4 years is no less of a soldier than someone who did 20. I'll add that in wartime, a Spec4 or below is cannon fodder...and if they can survive that, they can worship all they want. Now..have some common sense and realize you were in there for 4 years and didn't make a career out of it. Give the lifers their respect. Having said THAT...what's the difference between someone who drove a forklift for 20 years and retired, and a grunt who did 4?
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