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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Meh...I thought there would be more people showing up, but oh well.
  2. Sadly, no. I DID ask the owner of the property if they had some salad to go with the main course I was serving down there. They didn't appreciate the humor.
  3. I challenge your finger at all aspects of life!!
  4. Right now, it's looking like this: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=208204218430098593046.0004a4abdebe403aa7c23&ll=40.682721,-81.806946&spn=0.403544,0.891953&z=11 But I'm changing the 77N/250 part on the way back home through Wooster. Too much straight road for my liking.
  5. Thanks LCBS...I'm heading S on 60 through Blissfield so I should be good.
  6. Ok, I changed it up a little with your suggestions. On the way home, is there a fun, more direct route to Wooster?I've got us coming 93N, then 36E to 751N now, but taking 77 and 250 back to Wooster doesn't sound like fun. I don't remember 250, but it looks pretty straight. I'm trying to avoid another 10,000 highway to keep track of while I'm riding to make sure I don't pass something. I could always do 36 W to 83N, but I'm sick of 83. There's a million other roads sprinkled in there...I don't know how you guys keep track of them all. Do you recommend any? http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=208204218430098593046.0004a4abdebe403aa7c23&ll=40.682721,-81.806946&spn=0.403544,0.891953&z=11
  7. Allright...let me remap this and repost it. Gotta go scoop some cat liter out first. What we do for our loved ones when they're out of town.........
  8. I signed up a few years ago..then never used it. Signed up again about a week ago. They either haven't gotten around to activating it..or think I'm a total douche bag. I'd rather they find out how douchey I am rather than just assuming it.
  9. What were they watching though?? It was a guy was was wading out into the ocean. He wasn't in distress..he wasn't floundering around. He just walked out..waited for a while, and then went under. I could maybe see your point if he was actively flaying around....but that didn't happen. It's not as macabre as you make it out to be.
  10. I don't think they like my screen name. I can't get them to activate my account. Just tryin' to be consistent. Tell an admin over there that I'm a sorta OK guy.
  11. I'm looking at doing this on Sunday. It's a mix of close to NEO twisties, and getting back to NEO at a decent hour (keeping the total miles down and not going to far south). Are there any roads on here I should avoid...for whatever reasons? Thanks http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=208204218430098593046.0004a4abdebe403aa7c23&ll=40.559721,-81.761627&spn=0.808571,1.783905&z=10
  12. I hope you guys have a safe ride. Let us know how it went. The last time I rode it I was leading a group of about 8 bikes...and I got stung on my neck while taking corners. Wasn't fun.
  13. Yeah.....good times...I did a lot of partying while I was in the Army. Waaay too much. i think we used to go to Witchita too. Everything's a blur!!
  14. Sidi doesn't make gear for that though. Or do they?
  15. Oh snap..I was there until..1995 or 1996 I think. I wish I had spent more time in Manhattan, but the college crowd and military crowd doesn't mix well. I spent a lot of time clubbing in Topeka. Man, I had no idea..but the women from the surrounding states...Nebraska...etc..and the military mixed family presence....wow...some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. How I got out of there without any kids is a miracle.
  16. You people and your narrow feet.....baaah!!!
  17. Ok..is it just me or does he look exactly like you?
  18. That's not the easiest thing to just drop someone into without the 9 month 'waiting period'. Wow.The fact that you're even babysitting is a good thing though. It'' get better.....a few decades from now. Boy/Girl? Transgender?
  19. I used to run a little higher..it's a balancing act. Street temps, tire differences...they all come into play.
  20. Yikes....I hope everything works out for the best.
  21. Yeah it's looking good. I'm hoping to be back around 6, which leaves a few hours of nice weather and daylight. It should be a great day.
  22. The new ones are starting to look like this set!! The ride on Sunday will probably be the last hard ride for the rear. When I drop the pressure in my tires it just chews em up...but the grip is incredible.
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