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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I've had Viper in my last 2 or 3 rides (not the current one though)...and I have no complaints. Like said above, the installer is the most important piece of the puzzle, and I would only let 1 person touch my cars.
  2. I hear you. It's a shitty feeling....hasn't happened to me lately, but I wouldn't want to feel like that again anytime soon.
  3. Anything valuable and in sight in a car is going to attract attention. An alarm won't change that. They may have less time to root around, but it won't stop the smash and grab. Sorry for what happened to you, but I think not leaving valuables in plain sight is better and cheaper than a car alarm. You may even know the person.
  4. InyaAzz


    Sounds like my kinda ride.
  5. InyaAzz

    COD Black Ops

    I'm passing on this one. MW2 left a bad taste in my mouth with all the glitches. No beta testing? You want me to beta test after I paid $60? No thanks. It got old with all the cheating going on. My kids are playing it...but I won't waste my time.
  6. InyaAzz


    Hmm..if I didn't have SERO with Sprint I might think about it. I need to ditch this WinMo POS. I'll probably just end up paying an extra $10/month to switch to Android with Sprint. I don't feel like subsidizing cell phones for my kids just yet.
  7. InyaAzz


    Not your concern UP. He knew going in it would be aggressive. A 14 would not be my first (or second...or third) choice for that type of ride, but I sure as heck wouldn't stop someone from riding one. If he's a good rider, or aspires to be, he won't make that mistake again. The 14 doesn't have a slipper clutch??? Or was he going from 140 to 80 in .5 seconds?
  8. I got a foot long (not a 6 inch) today at Subway in Lorain. It's probably because she thought I was black.
  9. I'm pretty sure right before or after the doggie style.... oh, wait...you mean get eaten by a zombie.
  10. That's like saying the most cars sold were made by Ford, GM, Chrysler, Toyota and Honda.
  11. Don't you have something better to do than enginerd my post?
  12. Everybody who's throwin' out these #'s for their insurance costs, need to start stating what their deductibles are. Gotta compare apples to apples. I had to ditch State Farm...went with Progressive.
  13. Affirmative Action allows me to be UP's ride bitch.
  14. Wasn't bad...we'll see how it pans out and if they blow their load in the first few episodes and then it turns into garbage like say..um..Caprica.
  15. Where were all you slackers when I was taking ECON years ago?
  16. I got pulled over in Flint, MI by a state bull over a year ago. I was cruising around 90-ish. I passed him on the right...and never even saw him. He caught up to me because...I was cruising..and never saw him until he got right behind me with his lights on. He told me, verbatim, that the only reason he bothered to stop me was because he got close enough to read my plates. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered trying to keep up. I got a slap on the wrist and a 'Keep it under 80 and you'll be OK' endorsement and was sent on my way.
  17. InyaAzz


    Yeah Jim, exactly how ARE the ribs doing?
  18. I think the majority posting in this thread know that having an ass load of HP does not necessarily mean a good bike. There are SOME folks who don't subscribe to that theory. I'll leave it at that.
  19. You know he's got an excuse for everything. His comment last night was that he was going hunting for BMW's anyways, and that all of his upgrades to reclaim the power would be done free so it doesn't bother him. Lulz
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