Not to go too off topic of this post...but I cringe when someone who doesn't ride (or does ride) says that most accidents are the cause of the cager. I read the local papers online just about every day, and while I don't claim to be doing scientific research, almost EVERY SINGLE accident report involving a bike involves an idiot going too fast through a curve or losing control at some point. Yeah, there is the occasional stupid cager that didn't see the bike..but even then sometimes the bike is coming at such a high rate of speed that he/she is damn near invisible. I myself have been in a cage and on 2 and looked in a side mirror....looked away...looked back 2 seconds later just to see a bike that wasn't there 2 seconds ago getting ready to fly past me. much as cagers need to get shit for not watching out for us, I think we are our own worst enemies most of the time.