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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Don't be hurt! I just had two extremely stressful things happen in my life this week and I just can't eat. Happens from time to time. I have lost 5 pounds and I'm drinking Tons of fluids. Don't worry I have the weight to lose.
  2. Possibly??? Pauly I'll ask someone else in the department but I'm pretty sure the first guy was correct. Maybe it's the portion I need to access? Dunno???
  3. I haven't eaten in 4 days and have no desire for food so I'm good to go!
  4. Nuttin wrong with being a freak!
  5. Lata gata! We'll still chat on FB and OR tho! Enjoy that weather.
  6. On ORB? I was told by the IT dept that I had to have windows???
  7. Where has lance gone? Did we hurt someone's feelings? Or maybe he's getting a butt chewing right now from someone? LOL
  8. I know right! I need access to my patients files while at home and apparently Ohiohealth doesn't work well with Mac. But at least all of you got to flex your IT muscles!
  9. sex, sex, sex, sex, sex....wheezle wants to have sex!!!!
  10. WEll I'm still here at least until 6pm then I have plans!
  11. After starting this thread I find out that I'm not even allowed to access work when I'm on call unless i have a windows based computer. Soooo I'm stuck! I have a friend helping me look for a good purchase tonight! Yah!
  12. you know lance there are two threads going that you've talked about sex. What is going on here?
  13. So what's going on? I leave the office to go home and the thread slows down?
  14. Dating men that don't value you enough to even purchase a drink. **tears falling** j/k....sort of:p
  15. Oh shush! No more postitive rep for you sir!
  16. A diet coke will be fine. I can't drink anymore b/c of a medication I'm on. Booo!
  17. WEll then don't piss a sista off! and it's SARA.....no H!
  18. Pinch poke owe me a coke wheez!
  19. ^^^Jeremy you're good. Nice reverse psych.
  20. Come on! You're not even going to direct our attention away from you EXCESSIVE MASTUBATORY HABITS!??!!!
  21. Or he could have opened his big mouth on accident and now attempting to back track! Maybe they trying to keep it on the DL. Lots of people on this site date and nobody knows about it. I don't think it has anything to do with being ashamed but a privacy issue. Just a thought.
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