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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Most of my friends have Iphones and it always works for them. Grrrr!
  2. Been there...done that. Still no go even with the "remember me". I has a sad now.
  3. Well maybe you can help me then b/c my iphone makes me log in again every time I go to another page on OR. It's quite frustrating. I had another Iphone user look at my settings to make sure it's not something I was doing like usual and they're on point. Any suggestions?
  4. Always recruiting! Feel so sorry for Chris's gal. Two perty women in that house with him. Boys in trouble. :nono:
  5. Dude I totally cannot give you anymore rep! They said I need to "spread" it around. Sounds like an STD! :) I'll get ya tho! THANKS! ;)

  6. So when I finally met you Thursday you were thinking about cute little pussies the whole time? LOL.
  7. why i didn't call him jeffy poo this time?
  8. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  9. I'll be there probably around noon. Kreator and Meanie are you two studs still wanting to ride over together? IF so....I'm gonna be rolling out early b/c I have a crew game to hit up tonight and it starts at 5pm AND I still have to go to campus to pick up my car b/c someone else had to drive me home after the game. BUT you know you guys can stay and party it up!
  10. Mr. Anderson....I do have one little tid bit to add to the wealth of knowledge that has already been given by others on this forum. You have been extremely vocal about not wanting to be single anymore. I don't know if you're aware of this but any woman worth her salt is going to be watching how you spend your money....meaning what type of choices you make b/c ultimately your choices are going to affect her if you two get serious. I have had SEVERAL men cross my path that were wonderful guys but I will not get "serious" with them if you will b/c of the way they choose to spend their cash. I've made the mistake of being with an exhusband who was frivolous with his money and now I still have several thousands of dollars of debt b/c I cosigned loans for him b/c I was the responsible one and had the high credit rating. He made close to 80K a year yet had to still live with his parents when I met him b/c he blew his money like water and felt he had to have this or that.....and he deserved this or that b/c he worked "hard" for his money. He was never able to grow up and be responsible. His credit rating was around 400 when I met him. Yikes! What was I thinking? Oh well we live and we learn! That is why I wrote what I did about purchasing a motorcycle when you still live with your parents and don't have money to live on your own. Are you serious? That wasn't just aimed at you b/c I know several peeps that roll like that. You might think you're going to pull in the ladies b/c you ride but what are the quality of those ladies if they don't care enough about themselves and their own future. I'm just hoping that adding this will maybe make this sink in a bit about the choices you make. You're a great guy and derserve the best but more money is not going to fix your situation if you don't change the way you think about life. ****I know Eric's not the one filing bankrupcy but many children follow in the footsteps of their parents b/c they have watched how their parents budget/spend their money. He's young and should learn these nuggets of life now so when he is a bit older he won't have the same issues.
  11. Great pics guys! Your brave to ride in the cold and rain! Stay safe.
  12. How's my Jeffy Poo? You didn't come over for your homemade chocolate cookies I made from scratch today busta! :) Miss you darling!

  13. Eric just be careful about what you're spending your money on like the cedarpoint trip. I understand needing to still have some fun but you do have your bike still and riding some twisties can be just as fun as the millenium force and much much much cheaper. Question tho....Why did you purchase a bike if you still live at your parents house and couldn't afford the rent on your own? I know so many people who have done that. If you can't afford to live on your own comfortably you have NO buisness getting a bike. Just my thoughts anyway. When I was in grad school and going through my divorce I was BROKE. I wanted a bike so badly after I sold my previous one to clear out debt but did not get another one until I had almost completed school and had a job lined up where I knew my income was going to increase to compensate for the extra cash going out. Like JRMII wrote if you don't have the money don't buy it. We all (including me) have to learn not to live above our means. If you change your mindset a bit everything else will fall into place.
  14. I saw the movie last night. Meh I can take it or leave it.
  15. Ahhh I'll be there for this one but not sure what time. It is the OSU/USC game the night b/f and it's an 8pm game so I may have to sleep half the day on Sunday. .
  16. hahaha...kevin does look like jack nickleson in the shining in this pic (with his axe). You young wipper snappers wouldn't know anything about that old movie tho.
  17. Ahhhhh Mrs Rossi how nice that sounds. LOL.

  18. Kosmo you're daughter has got to be the cutest thing EVER! I just want to kiss those cheeks of hers! You'd better watch out when she's older b/c the boyz r gonna b crazy over her!
  19. Judge Dredd why didn't you tell Princess Pratt that you were in Indi!?! It would have been nice to have seen my bud!

  20. I have no idea who i was speaking of!
  21. Ahhhhh Shea's gonna be there. Somebody's gonna have eye candy again!
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