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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Ya I'm with MJ! It all depends on the weather. I'm hardly ever on my bike anymore and I need to force myself to get out of the house more. Anyone riding out from the east side if it NOT raining.
  2. seriously I don't recall a chicago thread

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  3. ^^^^ now that would be funny! MJ what are you gonna be this halloween?
  4. Any day works for me but I'll probably be double booked for some of those days. I have NO idea what I'm gonna be this year. And how could I top Sarah Palin anyway!
  5. MJ they've looked at my buck ID every time. My friend who was black had a white person's buck ID and they wouldn't let her in. It was kinda crazy! I was PISSED!!!! So your momma was vewy vewy lucky!
  6. Nick NOBODY in the stadium cares about he weather. We just dress appropriately. Last year for the michigan game I had on long johns, 2 coats, hand and foot warmer packets, etc. I was still a bit cold but I LOVE being in the stadium atmosphere for the rival games! Woot!
  7. she sent me a text message first and graciously offered but I've had season tix for the last 5 years. The student tickets are only $30 each so they'd be making $70 off each tix. No biggie but I don't want to spend that much over face value unless its one of our huge rivals. I'll be sitting at home in front of the plasma watching it in HD tomorrow instead. Good luck MJ! They are great seats tho!!!
  8. Sooo you coming to hooters with me tonight? I want to do something tonight! Been a horrible day today at work!

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  9. I may come out tonight merely for the fact that I haven't been on my bike in ages. If it rains I really don't care. It's been a HORRIBLE week for me and with my Reilly Bean being gone now I want to be out of the house as MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Soooo lets see if I can get Kreator to come along tonight. We just have to make him keep the Beam at home. LOL.
  10. $0.89 And Charles no true Buckeye fan is even gonna try to bid without knowing the seats. I have that whole stadium memorized and know exactly what I'm willing to pay for each area. And even tho this is the first big ten game.....meh.
  11. Thanks guys I do really appreciate all the input aside from the "my computer is better than your computer". LOL. Now that I've gotten some info I'm just gonna try some out, do some research, and pick what I really like. On an off note....I wasn't attempting to offend anyone with the "computer geek" comment. I'm a medical geek and not ashamed to say so. It's just what you love.
  12. Is linux an operating system? I've never heard of it.
  13. Well I told you I would be getting a nicer camera with a very large lens soon! Sucka! AND you never come over til later and I'm tired and don't want to fool with the lap top then while you play on my PS3 AND i still can't find my software the computer came with! Thank you everyone for your comments. It looks like this is a very hot topic. I'm not as "dumb" as some of you think on the computer but not as savvy as most of you that commented are.
  14. I have a toshiba now and Hate the start up process! I spend $80 a year on that norton!
  15. I have the norton 360 on mine now and still have issues. I have deleted about every program possible on it that can be and its still so darn slow. I've had it for over 4 years now. It's time to get a new one.
  16. WEll u just volunteered yourself to help me shop then Jeff! You've worked on my lap top enough to know how darn slow it is no matter what is done to it! Grrrr! And I'm trying to make an educated decision this time. I wanted some feedback by people who have personally used both products.
  17. Rationale please? I really need you guys to break this stuff down for me in layman's terms. Seriously.
  18. I need to get a new computer in the next two weeks. I am completely clueless when in comes to tech stuff like this. I know there are several knowledgeable people on this forum when it comes to computer tech stuff. Can I please have some pros/cons/personal experiences as to what your preference is. I was originaly going to purchase another PC but one of my patient's last week had her MAC lap top with her and she let me play around with it a bit. She used to have only PC's but now she is exclusively mac b/c of their "performace" as she puts it. Help please! And FYI....I usually only use my computer for internet surfing, writing papers, etc. Although I am wanting to get into some photography in the next year and will need some good compatible programming for that. I have a WII and PS3 so I don't game on my computer. I hope that helps.
  19. STOP IT STEVEN! NOBODY NEEDS TO KNOW ALL MY BUSINESS! Blah, blah, blah! You shouldn't be going tonight either. Don't you have a trip to prepare for as well?
  20. I'm out tonight guys. Sorry! I'm going to Chicago this weekend with a friend so I need to prepare. I'm sure you'll all miss my cup throwing skills.
  21. I was never "mad" Jeff...just kinda embarrassed and you hurt my feelings. You know how I get and that I have issues with moms and daugter in law relationships. There are always two sides to EVERY story. :(

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